There was a lot riding on the Halo Infinite Technical Preview. Despite it only being a taste of what’s to come, first impressions count, and it was one the game scarpered in its gameplay reveal last year. Playing the game for the first time has to feel right, and capture the magic that many felt had been missing from Halo 4 and 5. Within the first few seconds of the first match we played, it was clear things are on the right track, as 343 Industries seems to be building a Halo game from everything the fanbase enjoys.
Of course, being a Technical Preview there were a lot of hiccups. We played it on the Xbox Series X and there were some crashes, weird frame rate drops, and questionable AI from the newly implemented bots. But what really matters for now is how Halo Infinite plays, and in that regard it absolutely knocks it out of the park.
For a start, weapons feel powerful and pack a punch. From old classics such as the Assault Rifle, to the fan favourite Sniper. The mixture of gameplay and sound design ensures each weapon feels like a force to be reckoned with. One of our particular favourites is the iconic Needler, which fires a barrage of spikes into enemies before ending in a satisfying explosion, better than ever before.
It can’t be understated just how impressive the sound design is in Halo Infinite, and each weapon demonstrates this perfectly. Even the sound of approaching enemy footsteps against the crisp crunch of grass as you venture across it is oddly satisfying. All of this is wrapped around the classic Halo announcer, who retains some classic series catchphrases such as “Killing Spree!”, as well as throwing in an odd new phrase here and there.
It’s from the gameplay standpoint that Halo Infinite really shines, perfectly balancing a mixture of old ideas with the new. While Halo 4 and 5 are considered lesser entries in the franchise, it never feels like they’re truly forgotten. Elements such as sprinting return, and the maps pack a lot of verticality - something that was commonly seen in Halo 5 especially. You can even use the environment to perform some parkour to reach higher vantage points and lay down fire from above. It really opens up more avenues of play.
As for the maps themselves, some shine better than others. Over the weekend, three different maps were added, each proving to be better than the last. Live Fire was the first and the weakest of the bunch, not offering much in terms of exploration. It featured an inside facility and some grassy areas outside, but failed to really invigorate anything new into the series. The second, Recharge, was a massive improvement, bringing the inside of a facility filled with pathways on many levels and perfect vantage points for long ranged weapons.
The best, by far, was Bazaar. A bright, open map, chock full of verticality and the best weapon selection. Rocket Launchers, Battle Rifles, and Needlers littered across the map offered a wide diversity of opportunity, along with some great gear pick ups. Grabbing the grappling hook and sailing across the map is an absolute blast - especially if you use it to grab a weapon away from an enemy before they can.
There are some improvements we’d love to see, though. The radar feels a bit hit and miss at the moment and could be put down to it being a preview, but we hope it’s more reliable in the full release. The grappling hook, while a fantastic addition, feels as though it only offers very short gaps to traverse across and could benefit from being extended. The bots also need quite a bit of fine tuning, too. While their difficulty was upped over the few days, the results often felt a bit cheap. From perfect aim, to venturing around in groups. We’d like to see them act a bit more natural, and not constantly look like an alien attempting to blend in.
We came away from Halo Infinite absolutely buzzing for the full release. While it's hard to get a full sense of what the game will be - especially when we've only fought 4vs4 against AI bots - the initial impression has left us excited for Halo for the first time in ages. While Halo 4 and 5 attempted to go in a new, faster direction, Halo Infinite maintains the spirit of the original series, also retaining some of those ideas found in newer entries.
Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be on Halo: The Master Chief Collection until Halo Infinite finally drops.
What do you think about Halo Infinite after the Technical Preview? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 22
I do like the first map, Live Fire. The second map, Recharge is the most fun for me.
They have to tune the bots, their granade skills are way to good.
@SplooshDmg I was thinking this same thing last night. I actually really enjoyed killing the bots. They opened up multiplayer with players last night when I was on and it was a 50-49 victory for my team and I went back to bots.
They've done a great job with controller layout. Everything feels very natural. Levels were great. I'm really excited for the release.
Does seem a bit on the boring side. At least they could show us the grappling hook and stuff on this test. Also, vs bots only and 1 map, why bother?
Man i'm so pumped for this game, GOTY baby..
Looking forward to seeing this reclaim its throne.
I'm sorry guys, I don't see it.
Looking at gameplay and weapon breakdowns, this game seems like nothing other than a toned down Halo 5. I think it will get some big numbers at launch due to the F2P, campaign, and drought of games later this year, but beyond that, I don't think it will be a staple game for many.
The headshot bonuses on autos and faster TTK than precision weapons means I don't see this game having a competitive audience. And I think the casual audience will find some other generic feeling shooter to flock to.
@John117 he's one of those disputatious "unbias" commentators = not worth massaging his deluded ego
Make sure you all fill out those surveys! I just did mine
@John117 more similar how?
I feel like headshot bonuses on autos is at least one area where the game is clear cut more in line with Halo 5, since it's the only one to feature that mechanic.
@Doctorwhoooourgh Thanks for the personal attack.
People can have their opinions. And there's nothing wrong with friendly debate or exchange.
Did we "argue" or something?
@Richnj Oh look, we got another one of those "but muh opinion" people. You clearly wrote a provocative comment stating an unpopular opinion using vague expressions like "toned down Halo 5" instead of explaining what you mean. If you write something like that, then of course you're going to get people riled up. Have some common sense.
Next time, play the game first before writing your opinion about it. That will strengthen your arguments rather than saying "I've seen gameplay footage and it doesn't look good". Second, don't say stuff like "toned down Halo 5" among other things if you don't want to provoke people and instead provide some well-written arguments. Only then will people take you seriously and give you a decent discussion. The only thing you did now was anger people and you think you did nothing wrong? Wow, how naive can you get.
It felt like the right blend of Halo 3 and 5. I miss the thrusters a little from 5 but otherwise a great game.
@Richnj You always seem to be arguing with people, hence why I called you disputatious. Nothing personal about an observational fact. I know this guy, always at the same bus stop, always moaning about the news. At some point you think, dude, just don't watch the news. If anyone tries to engage in conversation it'll always break out into some heated debate. I've watched strangers take the bait time and time again. He's a lovely bloke, very friendly and hard working and would offer you his last fiver if you needed it, but man, doesn't he moan about the news a lot.
I preferred the first Map over the second bazaar felt like a map from call of duty
I'd die and then see 2 more teammates fall victim to Bots. Man, those Bots were vicious. But I liked when they were concentrated on a teammate they fell easily to melee. I got that 'ninja' challenge done a couple times like that.
@Doctorwhoooourgh I've had some very heavy arguments, I'll totally admit that, but I assure you that I am not taking any of it personally, and I am not doing it to attack people. Once I leave that, I leave it all.
I don't feel like I get in to arguments for the sake of having an argument. Are there any particular arguments you can think of you've seen me in that I could reflect on in hindsight?
@LtSarge Quite frankly, I've been arguing mechanics and their effects on unreleased games now for over ten years. If I had the inclination to dig back over 6 and 9 years to find forum posts where I tried to predict the good and bad of Halo 4 and 5 mechanics before we went hands on, I would.
I genuinely enjoy discussing game mechanics.
I used "toned down Halo 5" because many of the mechanics from Halo 5 remain. You've got the obvious stuff like clamber and sprint, and I specifically mentioned headshot auto bonuses.
I've previously talked about assassinations, and sprint, and clamber, and I've even said I expect Infinite to be 343i's highest rated game. So my issue becomes, either constantly repeat myself as to not upset someone (but still upset someone) or give a more succinct summation.
It shouldn't upset anyone. I'm not personally insulting people. I'm giving my opinion and others should be able to give theirs. That's the point of a forum. When I said people can give their opinion" I didn't mean "Hey, don't attack my opinion" I honestly meant that everybody's opinion is welcome, even if it contradicts mine. If somebody is getting upset over a random person's opinion on a video game, that is very much a them problem.
@Richnj You just admitted that you were lazy and didn't want to write your entire thoughts in order to avoid being repetitive. If you've already written your thoughts in the past, then don't write them again in a vaguely manner that upsets people. Right now you're just being extremely oblivious and unaware of your own actions.
And for the record, you asked @Doctorwhoooourgh which past arguments you could reflect on, I can tell you one and that's the argument we had regarding remasters/remakes in that Dead Space remake article. I kept telling you that you were just being extremely nitpicky, yet you didn't listen to me and decided to start an argument just for the sake of having an argument. It literally didn't contribute to anything but you still kept pestering me about it.
For the love of god man, stop being so self-absorbed and start taking other people's thoughts into consideration!
@LtSarge I wasn't writing my thoughts again, I was writing something I hadn't said before, just without an essays worth of context and explanation. The time it would take to write something like that out, especially for a subject that had been going on for so long, would make it not worth the effort.
I went back and looked at the Dead Space thing, and I still don't see what's so bad there. You said stuff that was factually incorrect and compared Motive to 343i and Coalition, I felt there were differences between what each company did that were worth pointing, you wiki linked something to prove something and I wiki linked back and fully explained my argument, which you are telling me off for doing there but are telling me off for not doing here. So, mixed messages, yay.
And I don't consider two extra replies to try to further understand and explain to be pestering.
@Richnj Great, so you just confirmed to me that you lack any social skills whatsoever and will go to any length to annoy people just to prove them wrong when in actuality, it literally doesn't matter one way or the other. You just feel a need to correct people on insignificant things. The discussion wasn't pushed forward when you corrected me. You didn't contribute with any additional useful information. You just wanted the satisfaction of correcting someone regardless if it makes them upset or not.
Let me tell you something, because you obviously don't seem to understand people. Just because you can say something doesn't mean that you should. If I wrote something wrong, and it doesn't matter in the overall discussion, then you don't say anything in order to avoid ruining the mood. The goal in a healthy discussion is to keep the discussion moving forward without getting hung up on pointless details. That's what you don't seem to understand. So when you start correcting me about Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary and Gears of War Ultimate Edition not being remakes, but remasters, then you're missing the point with my comment that, as a new studio, it's obviously good to work on revitalising older games before you tackle sequels. It didn't matter if my examples were wrong, what mattered was the point of my overall comment. In other words, if you had an ounce of common sense in your head, you would've realised my point and just moved on without stirring up a heated debate about something completely irrelevant and pointless. But as I've already realised now, you lack any social skills whatsoever and have no understanding on how to respond to different situations.
This will be my last post addressed to you because like others have mentioned, people like you don't seem to change nor do you seem to be willing to listen to reason. I'm the third person today to put you on the ignore list. If that doesn't signal anything to you, then you truly lack self-awareness.
I enjoyed my time with the preview, but I can't help but feel that the matches felt more like a CoD game than Halo. I'm loving the return of the shield regenration sound, the controls & shooting are tight & the new weapons are cool, but I think it does need some tweaking. I've plugged a lot of hours into Halo 5 multiplayer, so it's possible I'm just a little resistant to change. I will miss the likes of the spartan charge & ground pound, but the new abilities like the grapple hook are very welcome.
I'm still eagerly awaiting this title for sure. I'm really interested to see what the community give in terms of feedback & what they go on to create in Forge, as some of the best content in Multiplayer often comes from the awesome fans ^_^
@John117 My bad, I was just basing my knowledge on a stream I saw and I guess the hook wasn't available at the start or something. And it was only 1 map? I don't know, but my mistake
Absolutely. My time with it on the Series X and the PC (not so much the PC cause it just had no optimization under the hood understandably) was just fantastic. Even if it was against bots, I just didn't want to put it down. It just really felt like it had that magic that caught me all those years ago when i was a teen.
@John117 oh ok, I was watching MoistCr1tikal playing, he was also saying they didn't give the hook and only 1 map, I wasn't aware that they added more maps, harder difficulties etc. Again, my bad, was talking from false information I guess
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