Cyberpunk 2077's Senior Gameplay Designer Joins Playground Games To Work On Fable
Image: Playground Games

With how many games are developed every year, it always seems as though the industry is rather small when you see developers swapping between companies. Now, the latest change sees Cyberpunk 2077's senior gameplay designer making the move to Playground Games to work on Fable as a principal game designer.

The switch-up was discovered by GameRant, which noticed former CD Projekt Red dev Paweł Kapała's LinkedIn profile confirmed the move to the Fable team. Kapala's position at Playground Games is said to be working on "designing and implementing combat in Fable", something he worked on similarly during Cyberpunk 2077's development.

His experience on the game saw him creating a mixture of melee and gunplay based combat while working to balance a variety of weapons. We've had no details about the combat in the upcoming Fable reboot, but previous instalments have worked around using different styles at the same time, as you've been able to swap between melee, ranged, and magic attacks at the tap of a single button.

Obviously, the elephant in the room is the reception of Cyberpunk 2077 and the state it launched in. While there were undeniably issues, the combat packed a ton of variety, and with Playground Games' track record of delivering polished final products, we're confident everything is in the right hands.

How do you feel about Pawel Kapala's move to working on Fable? Let us know in the comments below.

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