With how many games are developed every year, it always seems as though the industry is rather small when you see developers swapping between companies. Now, the latest change sees Cyberpunk 2077's senior gameplay designer making the move to Playground Games to work on Fable as a principal game designer.
The switch-up was discovered by GameRant, which noticed former CD Projekt Red dev Paweł Kapała's LinkedIn profile confirmed the move to the Fable team. Kapala's position at Playground Games is said to be working on "designing and implementing combat in Fable", something he worked on similarly during Cyberpunk 2077's development.
His experience on the game saw him creating a mixture of melee and gunplay based combat while working to balance a variety of weapons. We've had no details about the combat in the upcoming Fable reboot, but previous instalments have worked around using different styles at the same time, as you've been able to swap between melee, ranged, and magic attacks at the tap of a single button.
Obviously, the elephant in the room is the reception of Cyberpunk 2077 and the state it launched in. While there were undeniably issues, the combat packed a ton of variety, and with Playground Games' track record of delivering polished final products, we're confident everything is in the right hands.
How do you feel about Pawel Kapala's move to working on Fable? Let us know in the comments below.
[source gamerant.com, via linkedin.com]
Comments 15
I await the jokes that will be made of this.
Oh carp. We're bucked.
Think we can safely say the single button combat system will be tossed out
I just hope we don't go the way of 'damage sponge' enemies.
If anything, I think the gunplay was one of the highlights in Cyberpunk 2077. It was mostly AI and other stuff that was the main problem.
Sure, but did they also design The Witcher?
Cuz I'd be okay with that.
Edit: No
In faith I have in Playground games, not many studios I can say that about of late.
Makes sense that he wanted to leave after that disaster.
Might want to leave that one off the resume.
@uptownsoul I don't see this as bad news personally. Considering he was a "senior" gameplay designer, it wouldn't surprise me if he worked on Witcher 3 as well and that's one of the best games from last generation. Not to mention that the issue regarding Cyberpunk 2077 was with the poor management, not the actual developers.
Although granted, while I haven't played Witcher 3, I have heard that the game didn't have great combat and that's apparently what he worked on previously. But that's assuming that he did work on Witcher 3.
I think this is great news. CDPR team is really talented and I won’t blame the devs over mismanagement issue they had. Also, Cyberpunk was a great game to me, I’ve done everything I could in the game, all achievements, gigs, ncpd and everything else. Welcome to Playground!
I didn't really like the combat I'm CP2077 so this is concerning.
I just recently finished Fable 1-3 and really enjoyed them. Completely forgot how good they were. Do recommend
Thankfully Fable will be on Gamepass. Sure wouldn't get it day one if I had to pay for it with someone from CDProjektRed.
I don't think the combat was the problem in Cyberpunk. Plus, when a person completely changes engines, tools, environment and people you work with, the quality of your work may truly show, literally, in a different light.
This makes me think one thing:
This game isn't coming out for a LONG time.
I wish companies would stop revealing games that have barely been started. I'm old enough to remember when a game would be announced a few months before it was released, not a few months before they start making it lol...
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