Forza Horizon 5 feels like the worst kept secret at this point. Multiple sources have allegedly confirmed its existence, that it's going to be set in Mexico, and that it could be arriving later this year. A new set of reportedly uncovered Hot Wheels toys add fuel to the fire for this rumour, further hinting that the game is on its way.
According to reputable Hot Wheels site T-Hunted, a new series of Hot Wheels toys are expected to release this September, showcasing a variety of cars, which we can only expect will be found in the game. Among the selection is the '19 Mercedes-Benz A-Class, Corvette C7.R and Porche 911 - the former of which has never been added to Forza Horizon 4.
More interestingly is the background for each toy, which has the cars residing against a desert background. With an environment that is looking suspiciously like Mexico, it's sounding more and more likely these Hot Wheels toys are a tie-in to the upcoming rumoured title.
Previously, Hot Wheels toys that have released alongside the launch of a Forza Horizon game have dropped the same time as the game's release. So we may be seeing Forza Horizon 5 as early as September - if the rumours are true. No doubt all will be revealed in a few weeks when Xbox hosts its E3 showcase.
Do you think Forza Horizon 5 is coming? Let us know in the comments below.
[source instagram.com, via instagram.com]
Comments 25
I think this adds more weight to the rumours and the desert background goes along with the Mexico setting rumours.
Roll on E3!
They've got the studios now to deliver on that now.
Just won't be until 2022 onwards most likely unless they have a surprise at E3.
No harm in sequels if they are good.
Main PS5 games for Sony this year are sequels as well with Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart and Horizon Forbidden West and going into 2022 with GT7 and God of War Ragnarok.
They have the studios now, but they will definitely not deliver now, it will be in the second half of the gen, where we will see the benefit of the new studios.
They just bought them too late to have the games ready for the first 1-2 years of the new gen, or to prevent exclusive deals from their competition.
@The_New_Butler the hard part is mainstream gaming media hasn’t given MS a fair shake on that. They’ve tried investing in new series even back to the early XBOne days (Sunset Overdrive, Ryse, Quantum Break, Recore, Titanfall 1, Ori, State of Decay, Super Luckys Tale, Sea of Thieves) some of which weren’t great but some of which were criminally under appreciated. Long term they were never given credit for their efforts because their top tier stuff wasn’t on the same level as Sony’s.
Perfect example would be like Ryse or even Sunset Overdrive compared to something like Days Gone. In focusing on the attention that was given, Days Gone was built up for years and constantly discussed as an up and coming great game. Though many enjoyed it it ultimately didn’t pan out amazingly. Compare that to the attention given to Sunset Overdrive. It garnered okay attention until its release, was an awesome game, but long term was nearly forgotten in the conversation (or at the very least under appreciated). In fact it wasn’t important again until recently with the rumors Sony might make a sequel. It felt like every time MS tried to invest in something new, even the ones that panned out great as fun games were minimalized and everyone kept pushing the Halo/Gears/Forza narrative, ignoring those others. Whereas Sony’s investments that ultimately rated at about the same level seemed to carry more weight and attention for whatever reason... to the point where Sony got the reputation that even if it didn’t work they were “trying new things” and MS wasn’t.
Basically, it’s not all on MS for that perception. To me I always felt like it was just that the age group that dominates gaming media (30s/early 40s) just seemed overwhelmingly like they naturally leaned Sony and the attention they gave showed it. The narrative leading up to Sony releases was always excitement regardless of how the game was (see Days Gone, Destruction All Stars, Bugsnax, original release No Mans Sky) and the narrative leading up to Xbox games was always skepticism , even if the games turned out solid to great (see Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Sea of Thieves which was bland at first but always fun).
This still continues today. The narrative for Fable is skepticism because it’s a new team, but then Sony announces some unknown studio is working on a new exclusive game a few weeks ago and all over people are like “See everyone! Another great game on the way!” We don’t even know how either will turn out but the narrative is already written for these games at least until release.
Nice. Finally a proper big exclusive on the Xbox. Been quite the wait for us but horizon is always worth it. The best exclusive of all IMHO.
To take full advantage of the new hardware takes time, if Forza Horizon 5 is released this year i think people shouldn't be expected to be blown away by the visuals. Don't get me wrong, i love the games and i'll be happy if it is.
You would have thought Motorsport would have been next in line, but I guess it makes sense to take your time with it, releasing it closer to PS's GT next year.
I would be happy with at FH5. Fresh start in a new area.
@SegataSanshiro that’s fair. I agree with the idea of being positive. I was just mainly saying the bad perception lingering hasn’t only been on MS. But also I feel their efforts don’t give them as much recovery credit as the others in the eyes of those who make the narrative.
But surely these toys are to coincide with the “Hot Wheels unleashed” video game out in September, which is nothing to do with FH5?
Sony is overrated, Microsoft is underrated. Too often, there is too much positivity around PlayStation games for no reason and too much negativity around Xbox games for no reason. There is a false narrative, "Xbox has no exclusives and no variety". Last generation, I got more variety and more enjoyment on Xbox One (X) than on PS4. That was before Microsoft acquired over 20 studios.
@xMightyMatt14x You are 100% right.
Will make my Gaming year if I get a new Forza Horizon.
Always ready for some more Forza Horizon!!!!
It will have to be a very very good Forza Horizon after number 4 with the seasons and being in the UK, for me living in the UK that was the icing on the cake.
However FH has delivered time and time again and is the best racer out there by a mile for me.
They have had 3 years since the last one 2018 so plenty of time, as normally they have been every 2 years.
Additionally sales of FH have increased each time, were I think FM last two entires have declined in sales.
FH is pretty unique and cornered the market and the only place to get that experience is on Xbox and it would do Microsoft good to focus on that.
Can see what you're getting at, but why would Hot Wheels release Forza Horizon branded toys for their own game?
Surely they'd be branded as 'Unleashed' if that was the case?
Either way, we'll find out in 3 weeks or so.
Your are absolutely right, it will probably take the whole of this new generation and some amazing AAA games for the perception to turn around.
At the moment in the UK and even more so in Europe Sony has massive momentum and it’s not stopping anytime soon, they have the FIFA and COD adverts, their exclusives they keep churning out and a controller that gets talked about a bit.
Sales approximately last week in Europe 62k to 23k, I know there is shortages but it’s the same for both and currently series s consoles sit on the shelf’s in the UK and Europe not selling that well,
For a new 6 month old console.
Unfortunately for Microsoft that’s is a massive battle to turn it around, I hope they do, not just for them, but it keeps Sony and Nintendo on full alert.
@BlueOcean Couldn't agree with you more. I went PS4 instead of XBOX last gen and felt very disappointed. Most of the games I played where on both platforms. Game pass made it easy to get back into the ecosystem I missed out on and I quickly realized the gaming I love Microsoft does really well.
FH5 this year would be incredible. Mexico would be amazing to explore.
@blinx01 my mistake...even though I read the article I didn’t see the pictures below of the FH branded toys! My bad 🤦🏻
Woah a new forza game!
@Halucigens Yep and after getting an Xbox One X, better hardware and controller, it was easy to say bye-bye to the strident noise of PS4. Now with so many studios and still better hardware (than PS5), things can only get better on Xbox. Some people prefer Sony's exclusives but I think that Microsoft's are better. Series X is the obvious choice this generation because I don't have so much time to play anyway.
Furza Horizon means Fart(a) Horizon in German.
I was the same.
I went Xbox, xbox360, PS4 and now series x.
PS4 was fine, but I didn't realty get into their exclusives.
However, I'm glad I skipped that Xbox gen, as I now have Forza horizon 4, gears 5 etc to catch up on before the proper current gen stuff comes out.
Looks like new game is Mexico... Which will please my Mexican wife.
Italy would be a great future destination... Beautiful coast, historic cities, pretty rural villages, mountains... Has it all.
As much as I have enjoyed the FH games, and I mean immensely, they are superb, I have yet to complete one!
I find myself driving around, listening to the music and smashing the boards.... then the next game comes out and I do that all over again.
It looks like it will be my fifth time of doing this in Mexico.
Forza Horizon 4 was very close to a ‘platform’ sort of game where constant updates and passes can be released and the lack of numbers on the packaging might indicate that maybe this is the plan for number 5: Microsoft will release ‘Forza Horizon’ which will become something akin to the racing version of Sea of Thieves. They could even add on the maps from the older games including a rebuild and remaster of Colorado from 2012.
I still have to play 4.
We have played out FH4, yet this morning preparing for work, there was my son still at it. Forza Horizon has always been his go-to game. The recent addition of Snowrunner to GP has his attention, but he can't fail to still bring up FH4.
We are the perfect FH customer too. We buy the DLCs and car packs. When at the store and he sees FH Hot Wheels (because this co-branding isn't new to FH), he buys those with his money.
He's currently saving for his own Lambo, but at age 11, he has a long way to go.
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