Activision has revealed that a new two-person, fast-paced 'Zombies Onslaught' mode is coming to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, but unfortunately it won't be on Xbox for an entire year.
This is due to the mode being a PlayStation timed exclusive, set to launch on November 13th for PS4 and eventually PS5, but blocked from releasing on the Xbox platform until November 1st, 2021.
When it eventually hits Xbox next year, Zombies Onslaught will provide a "chaotic and totally unique 2-player co-op Zombies experience with a dedicated rewards system blending the maps of Multiplayer together with the undead masses of Call of Duty’s signature Zombies mode."
This is just one small part of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies though, so you'll still be able to enjoy the main four-person co-op Zombies mode on Xbox this November, which features a brand-new narrative and cast of characters.
Are you bothered by this? Give us your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 57
This whole timed exclusivity thing is so horrible, especially when it’s deliberately done in such a way that they know by the time it goes to the competition, it’ll be pretty useless as the next game will be available to play which will have the same year long exclusive tactics.
Once again, Sony wastes their $ on idiotic timed exclusive content deals. Let ‘em have it.
Sony buys timed exclusive deals.
Microsoft buys Bethesda.
🎤. Drop.
"XYZ game is out. Campaign will be specific platform exclusive for 1 year."
That would be sh1t
I think il take xbox buying bethesda over PlayStations call of duty zombie mode and avengers spiderman dlc haha.. Blowing money of exclusive content on multiplat games
Microsoft has a “timed exclusive” deal.....
Elder Scrolls. Starfield. Fallout. Wolfenstein. Doom. Rage. Prey. Dishonored. Evil Within. Etc.
Length of “timed exclusivity” = forever.
I love how the Ponies cry about how Microsoft bought Bethesda, but Sony does ?!$& like this & it’s ok? Or the Destiny deal? Or Final Fantasy? Or Street Fighter? Or the Spider-Man thing in Avengers? 🙄
Let them have there zombies, we have Bethesda.. 😎😎😎
MS spend money, I get free games with game pass.
Sony spend money, sony customers get 'nothing' only rival console get stuff later.
I for sure prefer the MS way of spending money
@Murray Every time MS buys a studio, it feels like they are buying my games for me. As far as the CoD times exclusivity, all’s fair, I suppose. I don’t play CoD, so it definitely isn’t an issue for me.
Things go in roundabouts MS used to have CoD exclusivity right? Anyway it doesn’t bother me let all the little CoD chavs go enjoy it on PlayStation.
I think think there is a drastic difference between game exclusivity and content. However, I don’t blame Sony; they are doing what they feel they need to for their consumers. I blame Activision for still selling a game full price after it’s been devalued on the other platforms. When Sony or MS pay smaller studios for game exclusivity it helps that game like Fall Guys or Cuphead. Activision does need more money nor help. COD will sell without needing to front load any kind of sales.
@Medic_Alert Unfortunately I think it is. I think the big publishers don’t want to full “timed” exclusive for the games anymore; but have no problem with the piecemeal solution. Which personally, minus Spiderman I cant see anyone buying a console for a “mode”. I’d much rather they do shorter full exclusivity like two month early than Less Content Same Price kind of thing.
Glad I cancelled my pre-order
@KelticDevil I honestly believe that the CoD exclusive with Sony is another bit of Fallout from Don Mattrick. If you remember during the 360 era MS had the exclusivity rights to CoD. The deal expired and due to the Xbox One's horrible launch do to Mattrick ***** everything up Activision went with the better selling console. I have a feeling that if Mattrick didn't ***** up, Activision would have stayed with MS. I don't think Sony is at fault with this one.
Well this deals are *****. If you want a exclusive deal with Sony then do it but forfeit the Xbox sales entirely.
Giving users an inferior version of a game it’s really *****, and hope players start voting with their wallets and give Activision the finger
Time for Microsoft to buy another studio instead wasting their billions on a timed deal for an extra mode.
I do not agree with exclusive content being locked. Zombies mode is like a third part of cod games. Plus the game has cross play if I am not mistaken.
This is why console sales matter tho. It is easier for them to make these deals when you are the market leader. It is why MS has to hurry up and put out system sellers similar to what sony has.
Especially when sony has 9 ps studios tagged games for the first year and possibly counting vs Halo... infinite.
It makes sense. Nobody would buy it on the series x. Then the next year, when it is out, a new cod is out lol. Yeah, this is horrible, even tho it is a killer move. Microsoft stole Bethesda games and this is how they respond.
I guess play has no limits.
@StylesT I would too, but one cod game sells more than 5 out of 7 Bethesda studios combined this gen, annually.
@Murray Those are not free games...
how does sony do anything for their customer, when they just deny xbox user to get content?
@Medic_Alert Activision likes money so yeah :/
@Murray okay well when they do these deals it’s noy about what we can keep off Xbox. It’s about what bonus can you give “our customers”. Ergo it’s just Sony trying to bring “perks” for playing the game on Sony. The issue is the way it’s done; it devalues the other versions of the game rather than adding value to Sony version. Like the early Betas a great way of adding value without devaluing the other versions. Things like modes are more of an annoyance.
@Revengercm it’s not all of the Zombies mode it’s a two player co-op. It’s my understanding that regular Zombie mode works on everything.
Then it will sell well on xbox then.
@Medic_Alert this was Sony's moneybags plan that everyone was talking about. Instead of making new and more games they are spending their limited funds on timed exclusives. I doubt COD will be willing to do this in a year or two once the Xbox ecosystem is a lot larger with xcloud. I won't be buying COD if i don't have all the features so that's a lost sale. Wonder if the ones crying foul on zenimax games being exclusive are saying this is just as unjust and slimey...kinda doubt it
@Murray the core of Sony faboy culture is "only on PlayStation" so it's exactly what they want. Now majority of ps owners aren't the toxic kind just like Xbox aren't all the toxic ones either but the whole PlayStation exclusive thing is pretty massive for Sony
Scum move by Sony again.
However, it must be pointed out that it's not the actual regular Zombie mode that's exclusive, but just this 'Zombies Onslaught' mode.
Shows a difference in strategy's though for Sony compared to MS.
Because Sony have limited studios, they spend money on timed exclusives to plug the gaps between first party game releases.
@ArmyofOne I think at this point it's only delusional ps fanboys who think the games will be going to PlayStation
@ArmyofOne pretty sure ESO will stay multiplat and any new games similar to it (MMO types) will as well but single player games like ES VI will be exclusive. For MMO's it's just better when there are more people playing it, for single player you will need to be a part of the ecosystem.
@Medic_Alert the Yakuza deal is stupid messy. It’s intended to be a launch title, but rather than blocked all the PS versions out; it’s just PS5. Which seems like a bad thing; but if you take into account the save file issue, PS players either play at 1080p30fps or wait until March for 2k60 frames!?! I mean it’s a JRPG and Yakuza neither do you need high resolution or high frame rates. The whole thing is superfluous.
@ArmyofOne I’ve mentioned this elsewhere but I think part of the decision is out of Phil’s hands. The head of MS is involved and it’s hard to say what he’ll do. I do think it’s very “case by case” but to the extend of what that means at this moment seems complicated. Also people need to remember the deal doesn’t finalize until next year, so any games released between then and now have the potential to go to both because of existing deals.
I have purchased every call of duty with the exception of MW3 when they ousted West and Zampella. I am going to skip this one. Holding content back a month is annoying. Holding it back a year for a specific console for no reason other than Sony gave them extra $$ is bull. I don’t even play zombies that much, but the it’s the principle of the matter. That COD $$ will go to cyberpunk for me.
@ArmyofOne hey no one outside of the MS and zenimax boardrooms knows so it's all speculation. In a year or two we will know, doesn't effect me in the end as I'll have them in gamepass so I'm content
After MS’s Bethesda purchase, deals like this look a bit pathetic. Imo Sony would be better off buying studios like they did with insomniac.
That way their effects would last indefinitely rather than just for a year.
@endlessleep "XYZ game is out. Campaign will be specific platform exclusive for 1 year." That would be sh1t
CrossFire X campaign will be exclusive to Xbox 😉
@Revengercm sorry but Sony does not have 9 system seller games at all. Actually no game is a system seller. All their games will be on ps4 just like Xbox will be. As far as that goes most people do not buy a console for just one game.
As for this deal it matters nothing. This mode will still be on pc so Microsoft doesn't lose anything.
@Dirty0814 I did not say they had 9. I just said they had 9 tagged ps studio. I bought a 2ds just for pokemon, but I agree. 1 game is not enough, but 4 or 5 exclusive games, might be worth getting a console. I am thinking of buying an xbox because of 4 or 5 games.
Demon souls is not on ps4. Everyone will buy miles on the ps5.
D. All stars could be a hit, you never know. Same as godfall.
You have 2 system sellers with 2 potential ones.
Then you have gran turismo that always sells over 5m, god of war, horizon fw, ratchet will be a system seller for the kids and then you have Returnal, which I believe housemarque will be a studio to look out for after this game.
Xbox just has Halo. Xbox is getting their beatdown in the first year. So much that Bethesda will not change anything when ps5 is 3 to 1 at the end of 2021.
Screw pc. Xbox should be the first class citizen platform.
@graysoncharles I rather support the dev directly. A good example of buying games instead of renting them, is right now, with bc, which that is all series has for the first 2 years. Rdr2 was removed from gamepass, but since people bought it, they still can play it on their series x.
I get gamepass is good for people that cannot afford many games, but I feel I support devs I do not want to support instead of just straight buying the game I want.
But yet they'll charge people full price for missing features, I find practices like this disgusting even of its only a small mode. Nobody really gains from this sort of nonsense
@Revengercm actually you are supporting the devs with Gamepass. Many Indies devs/publishers have gone on record to point out that MS is basically front loading the console sales for them. One dev mentioned nearly fainting at the money offered. There is an interview on Nintendolife from the Publisher No More Robots, which basically points out thanks to MS and Gamepass money it paid for the console version. In fact, the sales were very poor on the PlayStation. Look I get Gamepass isn’t for you, but don’t act condescending and do your research first. Might make you look less like a jerk.
@mousieone That is not what I meant. I do not want to support those devs you are talking about. I do not care about their games.I do not play indies. I just want to support iD, for example, for doom 3. I do not agree I should support 90 percent of the devs that have their game on gamepass.
Sorry if you misunderstood me. What I want to say, I want all my money spent to go to iD so they can make a better sequel, and not to a bunch of indies and AAA publishers I do not support.
I also think since single player games can be beaten in a day, people will not buy them after playing them for free on gamepass. Microsoft will not find worth making those type of games and will rely on games as a service like they are doing with forza, halo, and I would not be surprised if next gears is called Gears World or something like that.
Almost nobody thinks like me, that after beating a game, One should support the dev. If single player games gain a boost in sales with gamepass, it is because they were for sale for retail price for months or years, but with day 1 releases, it changes a lot Bethesda is almost an all single player publisher too.
I personally think these tactics are in poor taste, a whole mode that has been developed and then cut out of other platforms as an incentive to play on inferior or less desirable hardware just makes me not want to invest in that game full stop.
With cross-platform online play, this becomes an even greater issue with friends not being able to play certain modes together as a result.
I feel this can be done tastefully, such as a beat-em-up character being added based around a platformed owned IP, or level theme added, e.g. Diablo 3 last of us enemies added to random dungeons. Spider-Man was obviously a sore point due to the fact this is not a Sony Grown IP.
That all said, I have to buy a COD game in over 4-5 years I think, so makes little odds to me.
@Revengercm umm
1) ID is owned by MS or will be; probably not a good choice for an example.
2) Clearly you’ve never looked at people’s playtime for single player life sim games....
3) did you miss the part where MS pays for the sales for Gamepass ergo the “dev” isn’t losing the money you think that they are
4) Again I suppose people playing single player game’s aren’t going to purchase after on game (although there is some data that says they do) but again MS gives them money for the games.
Like I get Gamepass isn’t for you but don’t think the devs aren’t being supported.
1. You are not getting my point at all. I rather give 70 dollars for doom 3, and Microsoft give bonuses or a bigger budget to that studio next game , instead of me paying all 23 studios equally through gamepass. I do not believe all of xbox studios are worth equally. I think 10 of the 23 will make something I may like.
2. Idk what you meant with that.
3. Go to point 1
4. MS has yet to released a self published 30 hour single player only game with no mtx so you can prove your point. I hope I am wrong.
1) I don’t think you get how it works. Whether a Doom 3 gets made or not would actually have more to do with how it performs on Gamepass as that’s MS main service. The money goes to the same place whether you buy Doom or play it with Gamepass. Period makes no difference as it’s a MS title. Bad example as I said.
2) okay so my friend has over 500 hours in Animal Crossing. Life Sim Games, puzzle games etc can have just as many hours of people playing as Doom. I have hundreds of hours in pokemon even before online “trading”
3) umm you should re read my point
4) um Tell Me Why, and both Ori games are both Single Player o.O That’s just recent some examples BTW.
1. How does playing the game translate on how many people would have bought the game for 70 dollars? Because Battletoads just got 1 million unique players and that would've never happened if it was just for sale.
2. That is not most people. Most people beat it and the game is deleted, hence they would not buy the game after playing it on gamepass.
4. Oh common. Those games budgets are not even half of what rdr2, c2077 or tlou 2 used.
1) I’m really confused by your statements. Look MS doesn’t care about sales they care about Gamepass subs, and whether you buy or play Doom on GP doesn’t matter. They will greenlight a new game based on all the factors. Like if no one bought the game, but it’s wildly popular on Gamepass; it will still get a Doom 3. That’s why it’s a bad example. MS cares more about Gamepass subs with their first party stuffs
2) it is most Life Sim games actually, I assure you most people spend hours in them. Look there are lots of different type of Single player experiences and many of them have replay value. Like Rhythym games, life sims, RPGs like Skyrim(re Skyrim Grandma).
4) moving the goalpost, I see. First you claim MS doesn’t have single player, now it’s a budget. Okay so the upcoming Hellblade 2?
1. Oh. They care about sales, lol. Trust me.
1.5 So you are telling me, if DOOM 3 got 100k more subs for just one month instead of selling 3 million copies in the first month, all for 70 dollars, MS would not care?
2. Neither of the single player games the new xbox studios and Bethesda studios are making are sims. They are first person and third person sony template games.
4. Never said they do not have single player games. Just ones that do not make sense to add on gamepass because of money. Idk about hellblade 2. Has not come out. First one was an 8 hour game that made their money back with less than 1 million.
Ok. Lets say MS brings out a banger like hellblade 2 is out to be, but it did not sell well and it did not increase gamepass numbers because everyone who wanted gamepass, already had it. What happens to hellblade 3 if they did not make their money back?
What if MS makes hellblade 3 an ok game, but got money from because everyone who wanted gamepass, have more reasons than hellblade 3 to have it?
Ask netflix how its going money wise.
1) sighs not as much as Gamepass subs. Your figures exist in a bubbles Most people buy two games a year for two different companies maybe three. That’s 70 a year vs 120 not including Ultimate. With Ultimate it’s 180.
2) and how do you know that? Rate hasn’t even decided what the gameplay of Everwild is going to be. And what if the games they are sponsoring, hmm?
4) actually your exact words were
“MS has yet to released a self published 30 hour single player only game with no mtx”
So you did actually say they didn’t have any single player games. Once I pointed out they did m, you moved the goal post and started talking about budgets. Hmmm.
Netflix is doomed was a narrative by analysts last year before Covid. When Disney and other companies were pulling their content and Netflix had “generate” their own content. MS is basically doing that now, beforehand.
1. They care more about sales. They are not saying that because they are not winning in that department.
2. Stop bringing those low budget games.
4. I did not move it. I just did not mean those type of games. When I say xbox need good single player games I mean the uncharted, tomb raider, resident evil, final fantasy, assassin creed and not life is strange, ori, cuphead etc...
Netflix makes 2b per year.
1) sure you know all about everything hmm. I guarantee you Gamepass subs all PC, Android, and Console are worth more in the long run. But you the economics master and know better than a Trillion dollar company.
2) How do you even know the budget? It looks like Breath if Wild; was that low “budget”. Not that I think Budget means anything about game quality. WWE2k19 had a huge budget, was it with it? Anthem?
BTW that still one speaks to your interests. You are one person; there are millions of gamers each with their own wants and needs. You can’t even speak for a majority at all.
4) what you meant and what you said and two different things. Should I mind read you? Do you know what I’m thinking right now? No? Here I’ll tell you, You are jerk plain and simple. And you need to look a little outside your bubble. A little fresh air might do you some good. I don’t know if will fix your condescending attitude but it certainly can’t hurt.
1. Gamers cap at 200-300m. Much less consoles were sold in total compared to last gen. People have multiple ones too. MS is betting on mobile gamers. Lets see if they bet well. Billion and trillion dollar companies can make errors too and can be pointed out by one individual. Lift yourself up man. Have confidence that single individuals can be right about something and a company can be wrong. Happens ALL THE TIME.
2. Well. If you spend half a billion and produce what was produced in July H.Infinite showing, I would guess that also happened with crackdown 3 and sea of thieves which took years. You may be right.
4. I am such a bad person for talking negatively about some video games. Anyways. It is now clear what I meant.
@Revengercm I didn’t say you were a “bad person“. I said you had a “condescending attitude”. Which to go further- you seem to care little for any game that does not appeal to you without respecting the fan base.
I never said “bad person”. Nor would I; I don’t know people’s personal characters.
Look try to be more respectful even if you don’t care for something or do not understand how something makes sense.
@mousieone That is a very jumpy conclusion. We have not talked about how bad Anthem is.
Jokes aside
I honestly do not care. It is just video games and if you get offended by someone else calling your game bad or unsuccessful, they should get out more.
I understand it. Now I could say you are being disrespectful to me, but Idc, because these are just video games.
I am usually positive about many video games. Even the ones that do no appeal to me, I respect. Just not the latest and greatest from xbox. I cannot sugarcoat it. Nothing positive to say.
Well forza horizon elevated the series. That is something good.
Gears still looks worth getting.
Other than that. Nope. Nothing.
People make fun of me for watching The Walking Dead, but I am not bothered by it. I enjoy it. I know it has gone downhill and it does not make me feel any worse by watching it.
@Revengercm My issue isn’t the “games”. It’s how you present your interests as if it’s some how worth more than others. I don’t care about what game it is, but I would never assume a games worth based solely on my own discretion. You talk about budgets as if they equal games worth and quality. Madden sells every year regardless of quality and budget. And also, you make a lot assumptions about games that clearly you haven’t played. For instance Ori, there are a number of PS fans that lament that’s the one Xbox game that they want to play.
It’s not about disrespectful over a game; you don’t know even know what games I play the most. It’s about you automatically assuming worth based on your own tastes.
And honestly, it’s one thing to tease someone light hearted about something. It’s another to act like only your opinion matters. Again not about the games or lack there of.
What can I tell you? Gaming is a very selfish hobby. I am in it for me. This is an optional hobby. Not a necessity.
I do not do that either. I do not care about animal crossing, but I know it is a well received game and people love it. Ori should def come to ps4, but not for me, but for others. I never said ps should not try to get that game on the platform because I am not interested in it.
My opinion only matters to me and is the only one that should I care for, but like I said, I understand games I do not enjoy, others do. You just said madden is trash every year. So are you right about that madden?
You just made me think of something.
My gaming opinion is worth more than those that play those annual gaming franchises and do not know anything about gaming.
@Revengercm Actually I didn’t write that Madden was “trash”. Please try and find that? Oh you can’t because that’s not what I wrote in the slightest. What I wrote was that it will sale regardless of quality or budget. In simplest of terms, Madden will sale, if it’s good or bad it will still sell. If it’s low budget or high budget still will sell. The implication is that it doesn’t matter what kind of game it is, people will still buy it. It’s not the only example, there plenty of games like that. My point is that there are some factors like budget that aren’t indicative of a game’s true value.
People are dummies for buying madden every year because there is no quality control there. That is the signal I am getting from you.
Does it hurt anyone for saying a game is trash? It is just a video game. I think your opinion matters more to me than those that buy annual franchises.
Even if you think all opinions are equally good, I bet you played more games and played a lot of genres and keep up with news more than these casual players. So for me your opinion matters more.
Just like you would listen to a doctor instead of a bach student. One has more experience so you listen to them. Or Michael Jordan over your friend next door about basketball
@Tharsman sorry but isn't the whole game xbox exclusive in the first place?
@endlessleep nope, CrossFire is going to come to PlayStation, but the campaign is being financed, I think, by MS so it'd XBox eclusive.
I am not sure at this time it CrossFire X (specifically with the X) is the name of the campaign only.
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