You Can Now Customise Your Desktop With An Xbox Series X Theme

Are you really excited for Xbox Series X and want to plaster the beautiful machine all over your Windows 10 desktop? Now you can do exactly that, courtesy of Microsoft. The company has made a new Xbox Series X theme free to download from the Microsoft Store for Windows users.

So, what do you get? The theme includes 16 premium, 4K images of the console, its internal components and the new controller. And even if you're on a slow connection, it's only a 3.53MB download.

Customize your desktop with stunning images of the Xbox Series X, the most powerful console ever. These 16 premium, 4k images are free for Windows 10. These images are to be used as desktop wallpaper only.

It's worth noting that we've seen these images already - the vast majority were released as part of recent Xbox Series X tech spec reveal, but they're certainly pretty cool either way. We'll definitely be decking out our desktops with this theme until more images are (hopefully) revealed in the near future.

Will you be downloading this theme for your Windows 10 PC? Let us know in the comments below.

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