Digging into Starfield you'll find that it's absolutely jampacked full of very cool spacesuits for you to find and acquire, all of which give you various boosts and protections to enjoy.
Straight out the gate, as expected, you'll need to work your way through lower level gear to get to the really good stuff. Or! You could just head to The Lodge, one of the very first locations you'll visit in the game, in order to pilfer one of its best suit offerings almost right away. Let's take a look at how to get your hands on the Mark 1 Spacesuit.
Starfield: How To Get One Of The Game's Best Spacesuits Early
As soon as you arrive at The Lodge, head downstairs and have a look around in the basement area. Down here you'll find workbenches, a cooking station and some fairly decent guns to add to your collection early on.
Head to the right down here and you'll spot a room with a spotlit painting hanging above a covered sofa. Move into this room and look to the corner to find a cabinet containing the suit we're after.
Now, to get this the regular way, you'll need to be ranked up in your digi-picking skills enough to open an expert lock. Of course, if you've just started the game this won't be the case. So instead what you want to do is carefully place your cursor over the joint of the door at the right front of the case, as shown in our picture below to get the option to open the mannequin itself.
And as easily as that, the Mark 1 suit is yours. We're a good 35-40 hours into the game right now and this is still the best suit we've come across, so it's absolutely worth stealing. Oh, and Bethesda could very well patch this quite quickly, so don't take too long about it!
Comments 8
Is it better than the Mantis suit? The Mantis quest was incredible, and is available very early if you’re paying attention to the stuff you loot.
@8bit4Life Yep! It's even better than that one.
Still working. Looking at one naked mannequin out of a sweet space suit!
Thanks for the tip @PJOReilly and for all the other tips. I’ll definitely be taking advantage of nabbing the spacesuit before it most likely gets patched.
Quick question, is it worth looting everything in sight to then sell for quick credits? I’m very early in the game, just past the character creation screen.
@MaccaMUFC I usually don't do that because of the weight. I rather complete side quests and loot only the most valuable itens to sell later.
@Foxx_64740 I’ve limited myself to only taking everything that isn’t nailed down that sell for 50 credits or more. Fire extinguisher sells for 105? Don’t mind if I do, hope they don’t have a fire anytime soon! I’m already loving this game. I’m working my way to The Lodge to nab me that suit.
Edit: Here’s a tip, don’t bother looting everything like I did as vendors only have a limited amount of credits to buy the things you sell, also the stuff you do sell is way way less than its value. That fire extinguisher that’s valued at 105 credits? Vendors were offering me 13 measly credits. I’ve cleaned out both vendors in New Atlantis for just over 20K credits and I’m still over encumbered with tons of junk to sell. So stupid of me but lesson learned.
Nice. It took me a bit to find the right angle 👍
@MaccaMUFC that's a life saver tip. I'm early on the game (the first mission I think where I have to take out the captain), and there are thousands of pieces in it's base. Lost, almost an hour looting before proceeding to the captain, and this made me really bored of the game and shut it down.
It's really stupid of the devs side to get 1000 pieces of crap in just a place..
If I wouldn't read your message I would uninstall the game..
Lastly, how we can check which items are valuable?
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