
Topic: Unpopular / niche game opinions!

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@Banjo- Haha, yeah, words cannot express how much I dislike Halo 5. Even the art design felt off with that game, but it was part of the (thankfully short-lived) Hollywood/Videogame fad of "subvert your expectations" so I think it exists for us to hate it. lol.

And I agree with you on the Zelda games. It's strange that I can find parts of the overworld to enjoy and kind of just mess around like if it was a cozy game, but I have zero interest in trying to finish the game. I just boot it up every now and then when I don't feel like starting something new. Btw, Majora's Mask is incredibly underrated. Now that I'm older and better understand the themes it was playing with it's a shockingly nuanced game, and from Nintendo no less.

Also, I'll never forgive Skyward Sword for making me go back and redo each land for the dragon songs, but for the longest time SS Zelda and Link were my favorite pairing. That beginning part on Skyloft was just too cute. lol.

[Edited by Utena-mobile]



having played all of the COD campaigns in the last 18 months, except COD 1-3, the only one I couldn't stand was world at war, which seems to get unanimous love on the net. I hated it, and couldn't get anywhere in the campaign, it felt so badly balanced... It's no doubt partly down to my lack of skills, but I managed fine with literally every other COD (13 or 14 of them)...

[Edited by Dimey]



@Utena-mobile One of the things I wrote about Halo 4 and 5 is precisely how Hollywood they are.

Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are exactly that, cosy games, in a sense some kind of Animal Crossing open world but wilder. Not the Zelda games I love, but somewhat entertaining.

I remember nice things about Skyloft, but the last impression etched in my memory after beating the game was, I don't ever want to replay it again 😅. That made easy to skip Nintendo's greedy port on Switch.



I started Elden Ring the other day... was preparing to write a post about hating it, but 4 hours in and I'm starting to really get into it!! Just beat the tree sentinel as a level 16, starting to find my feet

[Edited by Dimey]



@Banjo- Yeah, it's been a frustratingly long time to be a Halo fan. I wish I could pretend that 5 didn't exist, but it's impossible because it changed so many things.

Haha, yeah, same with Zelda games. There were cool moments, like when you have to fight a huge mob of bokoblins to get to Demis' toes to keep him from being reborn. Or every scene with Young Impa. lol.
But outside of that initial thrill of experiencing it for the first time, it just didn't stay very fun.

Btw, since @Dimey- brought it up, my next unpopular opinion is that the Dark Souls series, from a story and lore standpoint, is better thought out than Elden Ring.



@Dimey @Utena-mobile the FromSotware book has been opened .

It is not that I dislike Elden Ring however after 70h I was bored and never finish it... The length of the first game (Dark Souls I mean as I never played Demon) is perfect and two is already a bit too much.

Also dark souls is my favourite because it allowed you to be a tank which is my style (even though I was dodging nearly everything against bosses)


haha well things have changed since Tuesday! Got about 35 hours / 50 odd levels into the game and have become sooooo bored also. Uninstalled it as I can't face another 170 odd hours of this! Life's too short, I find the open world so bland and zero side quests / plot / all the things I love about Witcher, Skyrim, Zelda, etc... it's just not for me. Difficulty wasn't a problem, at least not in the time I played it... Just boredom!

[Edited by Dimey]



I liked Elden Ring. Got about 80 hours out of it overall. I wish it wasn't JUST combat, but it's FS, so that's to be expected. Still far and away my favorite game from them.

Last boss was terrible, though. Sadly kinda ruined the end of the game for me (on top of the fact that FS games always have brief, disappointing endings).

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)


I don’t know if this is niche or not…but despite the excellent reviews, I really couldn’t get into the bigger RPG Assassins Creed games. I am currently playing Mirage and really enjoying it, and consistently look forward to next time I get to play it. I think knowing I might actually beat it (cause it isn’t 200 hours ) may also be part of it, but I just really prefer this style of AC. I hope they continue to make more of this type, perhaps in between the bigger RPG games they could release a shorter ‘classic’ style for people like me!

[Edited by BowsersBuddy]



@BowsersBuddy I can understand that. I did really enjoy AC Origins as I've been to Egypt 6 or 7 times with my job, so seeing the recreations of Alexandria, etc, climbing the great pyramids, was great! Took me about 36 hours to finish the main story and a bunch of side quests, but even then, was starting to wear out it's welcome. There were lots of areas in the map I didn't visit, but thankfully you can finish the main story reasonably quickly...

Looking at the achievements, only 1 in 6 people bother to finish the story...

[Edited by Dimey]



Also, random, and I don’t exactly know if having this opinion is exactly niche, but I actually didn’t think B-K: Nuts and Bolts was bad. I am not going to deny that it has flaws and there are certain aspects of it I don’t like (such as the new art direction, not to mention the intro and the ending) but I think the humor was there and I commend the developers for trying something new, even if it wasn’t exactly perfect.

I feel that if the game wasn’t released nearly a decade after the second and treated itself as a spinoff rather than a continuation of the story then it wouldn’t be as hated as it already is.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

Currently playing: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Rare Replay, Conker: Live and Reloaded and Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!
Current obsession: Conker’s Bad Fur Day
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


Bethesda have never made a good game before.

Rare solely get by on nostalgia when their games are actually pretty terrible on replay.

Original Xbox is still the best one.

Breath of the Wild is an excellent evolution for the series and they should stick to that gameplay style going forward.

Nintendo is the only console maker that has genuinely good first party games this generation.

The Last of Us: Part 1 is a good game and the hate for the first game is just angry internet dwellers.

Persona is the worst popular JRPG series currently releasing.

Phil Spencer is just as bad as Don Mattrick and Jim Ryan.



ShadowofTwilight wrote:

Bethesda have never made a good game before.
Rare solely get by on nostalgia when their games are actually pretty terrible on replay.
Original Xbox is still the best one.

haha... there's unpopular, and then there's spoiling for rumble!!!



@Pastellioli I actually had no idea it wasn’t a well liked game! I remember really enjoying the demo, and the full game reviewed quite well - I only used IGN at the time and think it got an 8 from them, anyway.

I ended up getting the game for my nephew and he loved it, so I always just assumed it was a decent/well liked game!



@Dimey yeah it’s fair enough, I think they are obviously really good games as they are enjoyed by lots of people, but at the same time just aren’t for me.

Interesting you say about people not finishing it, as that possibly suggests they are too big for a lot of people, but then I think the achievement for metro exodus indicated that not many finished that game either (at least not on Xbox). That’s a pretty short game in comparison, and it is quite doable on the easier settings. I’m very much a casual gamer and only finish games that I really enjoy, so maybe lots of gamers are similar to me in that regard!



@BowsersBuddy It did actually get pretty decent to mixed reviews (usually within the 6-7 and maybe 8 range) but I think it was longtime B-K fans that disliked it, mostly for changing the gameplay from platforming to construction building with minimal platforming elements, as well as the game’s infamous self-deprecating intro that some could have perceived as being tone-deaf and trashing previous entries. After the release of Tears of the Kingdom and its similar construction mechanics, I have seen a resurgence of praise for Nuts and Bolts, and some do view it as being unfairly treated and underrated.

In my opinion, that line of dialogue in Tooie’s ending that mentions Banjo-Threeie could have contributed to the negativity held toward Nuts and Bolts. The ending made it appear as if it was going to receive a follow-up in the same vein as the previous games. However, the developers said it was added in there as a joke, so it seems they weren’t ever intending on giving it a sequel. They even wanted to stop creating more games in the B-K series after Tooie if I recall!

[Edited by Pastellioli]

Currently playing: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Rare Replay, Conker: Live and Reloaded and Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!
Current obsession: Conker’s Bad Fur Day
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


Dimey wrote:

ShadowofTwilight wrote:

Bethesda have never made a good game before.
Rare solely get by on nostalgia when their games are actually pretty terrible on replay.
Original Xbox is still the best one.

haha... there's unpopular, and then there's spoiling for rumble!!!

I fully stand by all three.



ShadowofTwilight wrote:

Breath of the Wild is an excellent evolution for the series and they should stick to that gameplay style going forward.

Don't think that one is unpopular.
In fact, every single time I ask for a "traditional" Zelda (pretty sure it started as open world, but whatever) I get absolutely destroyed in the comments...


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