
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - On Indefinite Hiatus

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@Balta666 I don't use external storage so all on the internal. The last couple of games I've played using QR (Hellblade & Hot wheels Unleashed) worked fine as far as I can remember so it might be unrelated to it - I just never feel 100% confident using it. Fine here as the game constantly saves so I don't really lose much if it crashes.



Finished the main campaign with approx. 16hrs play time and 67% completion.

Overall I really enjoyed it, although I didn't like the final stage as much as the rest of the game and it probably drops it from a 9/10 game to an 8/10 for me. The whole army of Deathless One's thing came out of nowhere and felt like it was from a Lord of the Rings game or something. I was pretty dumb that these supposedly immortal soldiers could be taken down with a few hits to the face with a climbing axe! The final fight with Konstantin was stupid too - the first time I tried it I just ran at him and started pummeling him with melee attacks...and it did nothing. I must've hit him about 50 times before I realised I was supposed to take the stealthy approach...and hit him only twice...and then to end the big climactic battle with....a simple QTE 🤦‍♂️

I actually prefer the puzzle and exploration elements more than the combat - except for maybe the stealth bits - so I'll likely go back and complete the optional tombs and the maybe some of the missions, although I'll probably not bother with the collectibles. Odd that a game called Tomb Raider makes the actual raiding tombs bit optional!

@Balta666 is the DLC worth getting? I'm not too bothered about extra game modes - I've read there's an endurance mode DLC, but I wouldn't mind playing a bit more if there's story-based DLC

Edit: Just noticed the Season Pass (which looks like it contains all the DLC) gets a fairly steep discount every so often so might pick it up next time its in a sale.

[Edited by dmcc0]



@dmcc0 the Baba Yaga dlc has an extra area with new characters, a dungeon and enemies. It is fairly short (about 1 hour give or take) but enjoyable. Blood Ties dlc on the other hand you are in the mansion solving some light puzzles and is more story focused.

I bought the 20th anniversary edition for 6€ the other day and includes all story dlc.



@Balta666 Yeah, I just checked Deku Deals and it does regularly go to about £5 here in the UK, although it looks like it's just gone back to £25, where as the season pass has been under £2, but not as regular. Might pick up the Anniversary edition next time it goes on sale - I'm not far off my latest £5 reward to so maybe I'll keep it for that. It's crazy that you can buy a game + DLC on sale for less than the regular cost of the DLC



Hi everyone!

The month is almost over so I humbly ask for your votes for the next game. Cheers.

American McGee's Alice -
Conker's Bad Fur Day - 1 (Ptl)
Contrast -
Evil West - 2 (Nbn, Dgy)
Forza horizon 5 -
Gears of War 2 -
Genesis Noir -
Ghost wire: Tokyo -
Halo 2 -
Inkulinati -
Inside -
Jusant - 1 (Nbn)
Lies of Pi -
Planet of Lana -
Remnant 2 -
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 - 1 (Rsp)
Steamworld build -
The Evil Within 2 -
The Quarry - 1 (Nbn)
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition -
Unravel -
We Happy Few -
Wo Long: Fallen Destiny -

@Tothington91 @MAC26 @vidjagames @Justifier @Tjuz @nessisonett @crippyd @Krzzystuff @sib @LeanerFasterStronger @cracked_seal @Mr-Fuggles777 @Mundaney @KilloWertz @antifyre @Magabro @themightyant @ZeD @K1LLEGAL @Balta666 @Bmartin001 @R1spam @lookupmore @Lavalera @frabbit @FraserG @WCB @TooBarFoo @SeriousSatan @xMightyMatt14x @BaldBelper78 @TuckNorris85 @Grail_Quest @Jsb5150 @Mamabear @liljazzy2 @Dydreamr @XFinest_KnightX @Elufachi @Amical @Supermutant @revluke @Akropolon @olskoolSEGA @HarmanSmith @Dr_Devious04 @EliteSlayer @GamingFan4Lyf @Pepa27 @MaxC @NintendoByNature @ralphdibny @Captain_Chozo @HelloCraig @BlackMayge @kyleforrester87 @RDDMarston @Utena-mobile @oliverp @OldManLopan @jedinite @Bnasty0303 @AgentCooper @Angelus74 @Pastellioli @DoomGuy_117 @Ricky-Spanish @Yousef-

[Edited by Balta666]



@Balta666 I’ll vote for Conker’s Bad Fur Day again!

Also, I’m so bummed I couldn’t finish Rise of the Tomb Raider for this month, though I’m not surprised I didn’t. I got too busy unfortunately…

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, movies, drawing, Chip ‘n’ Dale, squirrels, and sleeping.

“Roses are red, violets are blue, he’s the first member of the DK crew!” - YouTube commenter, circa 2019

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Balta666 Hey buddy, thanks for the tag. I haven’t managed to start Rise yet so I’ll abstain this month as I would like to play and finish it before something else, unless the community votes something cool 😂. I’ve reverted back to my old username too (previously Bundersvessel) so if you wouldn’t mind changing the tag list that would be grand.

[Edited by PeaceSalad]

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@Balta666 Thank you

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, movies, drawing, Chip ‘n’ Dale, squirrels, and sleeping.

“Roses are red, violets are blue, he’s the first member of the DK crew!” - YouTube commenter, circa 2019

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Balta666 I'll vote hellblade 2

I know it's a new game but we did play the first for this club so....

Plus it's quite short apparently so not a huge time commitment!

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


Finished up the optional tombs on Rise of the Tomb Raider over the weekend. There definitely should've been more of this in the actual game rather than making it optional. It felt more like the what the original Tomb Raider games would be like if they were made on modern systems (or at least what I remember of them).

I think I'm done with the game now though (until/unless the DLC goes on sale) - story complete, optional tombs complete and I've done a few of the missions too, but they've been mostly just fetch quests so I don't think I'll do any more.



@ralphdibny good choice for sure. Personally I am not voting for it as I actually finished the game this weekend but happy to share my thoughts regarding it!

[Edited by Balta666]



@dmcc0 that is a very common comment to the way they decided to incorporate the classic tomb raider experience. It does not bother me as they are very easy to find with the audio clue and for sure are my favourite part of the game.



@Balta666 Yeah, I'd agree with it being my favourite part of the game. From what I've read Shadow seems to be more focused on tombs and a bit different from 2013 and Rise, so should be more up my street even though it didn't review quite as well as them. I've added 2013 to the wish list too as it's been years since I played it (on a Steam with an pretty ancient PC) and would prefer to have them all in one place.

BTW the Achievement for completing all the optional tombs still tracks even if you complete them after finishing the main story - I guess it still counts as a single playthrough.



@balta666 here's my votes, I'm already more than halfway thru hellblade 2, so no hellblade 2 vote from my end 🫠

the quarry
evil west


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