
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - Evil West (Jun)

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@LtSarge honestly, I haven't even booted the game yet and the increased difficulty + mandatory objectives were already giving me massive anxiety before playing.

I thought initially more objectives sounded great but I think I'm Gona play on Agent now because I have been putting myself off even starting it. Then IF I fancy it after, I might give special agent a try and see how far I get with it. If that's the intended way to play it then I'll give it a go but I fear I may just say "that's good enough" after one playthrough!

See ya!


@ralphdibny The more I play, the more I think you should definitely play on Agent. I started mission 4 yesterday and I had to restart the second level so many times (on Agent difficulty!) because I kept failing the objectives. Even with dumber enemies and more health, you can still mess up easily with the objectives.



@ralphdibny Hello! am I doing this right? I just need to tag you and then talk about the game? lol.

I just started and I'm trying to beat the game on Special Agent but I'm stuck in Chicago. The game is really interesting, like how it feels. I don't know about anyone else, but I barely ever play shooting games, but Perfect Dark feels very floaty to me and kind of arcade-y. It's not too bad, the auto aim makes it super easy, but then there's always one guy who can do all these crazy rolls and hide behind cover and can take half my health away in one burst. So I don't know if the game is easy or crazy hard. There's a lot more I could say, but I'll just leave it at that for now.

Good luck to everyone who is playing!



@Utena-mobile Hiya, more or less lol. You don't have to tag me when you write your thoughts on the game

Just tag me when you vote for next month's game (click my signature for the list to vote from) or you can suggest a game that's not on that list.

We tend to choose games that are on game pass that are also under 20 hours long. These aren't firm rules but it's unlikely something that doesn't fit that criteria will get voted for and chosen. The only firm rule we have is no repeats and you can see a list of games we've played already in Post #1 of this thread.

Do you want to be added to the tag list for this thread? You'll get a notification every month when I update the thread and sometimes I use it if there is a tie in the voting and I need some more votes.

Anyway, welcome to the club 😀

See ya!


I passed the Chicago levels too!! The first mission I had no idea the taxi was going to hit the drone and then crash and I was in the alley next to it and died instantly by being squished. lol.
And then in the next level I was doing pretty well, but for some reason even though the alarms are clearly marked "Alarms" I still pushed one because I didn't realize what they were. lol.

On to the next levels!



@ralphdibny Hi friend, I think I’ll hit pause on my involvement for the foreseeable, I haven’t even downloaded Perfect Dark and can’t imagine I will. I’ve got a few things I want to try and box off before Starfield in September. I dare say I’ll be back in the autumn 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


So I just finished Perfect Dark. I honestly had a good time with it once I switched to Agent difficulty. The levels became more straightforward, although some were still annoying to navigate. That's one of the issues with the game, sometimes you'll do a lot of wandering around just to find where to go next. Maybe I'm spoiled by modern games' waypoints but it was genuinely hard to know where to go in some cases.

Other than that, it was a really fun game. I like the objective-based missions and on Agent difficulty, the objectives weren't that hard to figure out. The shooting became a lot of fun once you turned on aim assist.

The story started out interesting but over time it became less serious and therefore less captivating to follow. I mean, aliens that speak as Yoda that also act as the narrative's comic relief really brings down the overall coolness of the game. Rare's sense of humor (as seen in games like Banjo-Kazooie, Conker etc.) doesn't really fit in a game like Perfect Dark, which is supposed to be a spiritual successor to James Bond.

Just like @Balta666 mentioned, the final boss was rather annoying. I honestly couldn't figure out how to bring it down and whenever you die, you had to restart the entire level. It's still crazy to me that there are no checkpoints in this game.

Overall though, I enjoyed my time with the game. Switching difficulty definitely helped a lot and it also made the game shorter by reducing the amount of objectives. It says on HowLongToBeat that it takes 8.5 hours to beat the story, but I'd say it took me 5 hours when factoring in that I started out on Special Agent. If you play on Agent from the start, it might take as little as 3 hours to finish the game. So it definitely doesn't overstay its welcome.

After finishing the game, I went to Wikipedia to read about it. Here are some interesting tidbits that I found related to the game:

  • The game takes place in 2023, which makes it very fitting that we're playing it now!
  • The protagonist's name Joanna Dark was inspired by the French hero Joan of Arc (french: Jeanne d'Arc), which is really cool!
  • Rare was interested in making another video game adaptation of another James Bond movie, Tomorrow Never Dies, but they were outbid by EA.

I was also shocked to find out that the game has a 97/100 on Metacritic. That's insane! The game is honestly more of a 7 or 8 out of 10 for me.

Edited on by LtSarge



I have have finally beat the final boss. It took me a few tries as it is a little puzzly but the last time when I already knew what to do I manage to best it really quick (I feel it was under a minute).
I absolutely adore this game. It is my favourite single player campaign by a country mile and I feel the objectives nature of it is much better than a straight line of story focused narrativeof today's (I do like CoD 4's campaign though).
Also is way easier than Goldeneye's which is welcome.


@LtSarge do you reckon you'll do another playthrough on Medium?

Also well done to both you and @Balta666 for finishing the game 👏

Haven't started it yet myself, having a bit of a crisis and I also keep ending up playing TotK because it's just like an easy choice to pass the time

See ya!


@ralphdibny I think I'm Gona a chuck in a vote for Ori 2 as well

Reason being that I'm thinking of refreshing the vote list next month and I think that's one of the only games that's been on there for a few years still that I really Wana play

See ya!


@AgentCooper no worries mate, hope you are well. Are you just announcing a sabbatical or did you Wana be taken off the tag list until you return? Just checking, to be sure!

See ya!


@ralphdibny Most likely not. It'll probably be a different experience but I just don't feel like playing more of the game. I'd rather use that time to play Perfect Dark Zero, which I'll probably won't play anytime soon.

Ori 2 actually sounds quite nice right about now. It was a hot minute since we played the first game on Game Club and it's also been quite some time since I played a Metroidvania. Not to mention that I have another week off from work in the beginning of August, so I might participate in Game Club again.

Regardless, I'll throw in a vote for Ori 2 as well.

Edited on by LtSarge



@ralphdibny Yeah just a sabbatical mate, I’ll keep my eye on the thread throughout still 👍 I’m doing well thank you, hoping things are going ok for you too.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


@LtSarge fair play, makes sense. I'm not really one to replay games myself unless they are really special and there's been a good amount of time between playthroughs

@Balta666 cheers, yours and Sarge's votes added. Well it's still early in the month and more votes may come in! I'm Gona refresh a fair amount of the list just to give people some ideas but I'll keep a few things on there that have been added recentishly

@AgentCooper cheers!

See ya!

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