
Topic: Nintendo Switch Discussion

Posts 301 to 309 of 309


@Banjo- couldn’t agree more about mario kart 8 , & am honestly shocked someone else thinks that way about it since people fanboy for nintendo so hard . it’s a downgrade compared to mkwii besides the graphics , and it feels more nerfed and restricted and the wildness of mario kart is toned down in 8; the roster isn’t as good & the original tracks don’t have as good as shortcuts or tracks that aren’t dynamic enough with courses that feel mostly …linear ? also the ITEMS granted could be overbearing in wii , but they were so fun ! and the biggest offender of it all - NO BIKES!! As for odyssey, i give it credit for being experimental and something different so im all for it , IF it works, but it’s overrated, like most switch games such as metroid dread, we wanted another prime , not this weak 2D cop-out. I’m sorry you feel that way about Zelda’s output lately , even though i’m not big on the series i know how it feels to want better for a franchise that’s content with being praised for mediocre releases.

as for nintendo’s next machine , well …they’re back on their high-horse and they were testing the waters with how much they could get away with and just how blind their fanboys are - so it may just be a literal steamdeck-lite with another dock and only BC with the switch. their console days are over , it’ll be another handheld with improved joycons. and no new mario kart as a launch title either , but hey - Super Smash bros Ultimate Deluxe is coming maybe !



Been playing Another Code: Recollection & just finished the first game.

Controls are kinda tanky & unrefined, but with all the backtracking through a mansion completing puzzles & solving a murder mystery or two, it kinda felt like a PG Fatal Frame (minus the ghost exorcising, adding some VN bits), so I enjoyed it.

On to the second part.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Just watched the credits roll in Another Code Recollection. I think I liked the first part (of the two included) a bit more as it felt more isolated & mysterious.

The first part has a very small cast, while the second's balloons comparatively and has a LOT more talky bits. Also, the first one largely takes place in a mysterious mansion while the second sees you exploring a generally cheery lakeside resort, just with a few dilapidated places closed to the public. Also, while the first's puzzles are unique across the board, the second one feels like they got a bit complacent as it feels like 50% of it's puzzles are just a lock hacking mini game where you have to pull off a random series of button presses/gyro gestures in the correct order, even though it does have a few really good ones thrown in (plus a gyro dependant "ball in a maze" puzzle that may call to mind a certain BotW shrine, lol). Neither part ever gets particularly hard though, as they're generally easygoing experiences, and it's worth playing both to fully experience the story.

Also, for those wondering, non-story related spoiler, you do unlock Ashley's original design/outfit from the first game once you complete both parts.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@nomither6 I still play all Mario Kart games every now and then and my opinion is always the same about Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe). It's the most boring entry with vehicles basically glued to the tracks, pointless submerged segments, straight gliding and, as you said, linear circuits and homogeneous gameplay during the whole race. 200cc doesn't make it better because it basically requires players to brake. I have been playing Mario Kart Wii in 4K recently and boy, doesn't it get better. It's not as wild as Double Dash regarding physics but it's a lot of fun, in spite of the higher rate of destructive items.

So finally it seems that Nintendo is releasing Switch's successor this year, according to manufacturers' leaks, so not long till seeing what it is...



@Banjo- im anticipating what nintendos next move or console is . it’s way more exciting than all the boring corporate suit jargon news and xbox multiplat rumors

also am glad you’re enjoying mkwii , absolutely love that game to death and played it a ton back in the day , especially online . the game was so damn fun it’s impossible for me to hate it , they watered MK8 down so much it just don’t hit the same you know ? you pretty much hit the nail on the head , though i personally love the destructive items and how chaotic mkwii is. the game pissed me off a lot , but it was bittersweet, it added life to the game imo .

unfortunately i don’t have double dash , it flew under my radar back in the day , and any new listing prices for a copy are expensive . though i did play it before , i just never had a copy of my own so my memory is fuzzy about it



@nomither6 I have all the Mario Kart games physically, but I admit that some of them are played unofficially now. I didn't love Mario Kart Wii at launch, but playing it in 4K has made me appreciate it more. Because I got the bundle with the game and Wii Wheel, I insisted on using the Wii Wheel always. It was decent but between shaking the wheel to do airborne tricks and the up to three blue shells per lap, it was exhausting (but I loved Wii Sports!). Double Dash is my favourite Mario Kart game, Super Mario Kart is second. I really would love you to play it somehow. It has similar controls and physics to Mario Kart Wii but it's wilder, a bit more realistic in a sense. For example, riding down Donkey Kong Mountain feels much better. I'm sure you'll love this game.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@Banjo- should i emulate it or play it on gamecube or wii instead?

i have an hdmi converter for my wii, and the gamecube is pretty much built into the wii , so its between either emulation or spending a lot of money to play it on the wii - which way do you recommend ?

edit - kudos to you for using the wii wheel , i use the wiimote so we pretty much play the same ! also how did you get mkwii in 4k ? ?

[Edited by nomither6]



@nomither6 Thanks, ha ha.

Until recently, I played MKWii on my Wii U. The problem is that the resolution of Wii games is too low to look good on modern TVs. Interestingly, Gamecube is built into Wii and Gamecube and Wii are built into Wii U, so Wii U has native compatibility with Gamecube, but it has to be unlocked and Wii U doesn't read GC dics, so you need the dumped games. However, I also have a Wii so I'm able to dump my GC discs using a homebrew app and then play GC on Wii U, which is similar to what you'd do using an HDMI converter for Wii.

How 4K? Well, Series S|X (X in my case) in developer mode is able to run the Dolphin standalone app and in the settings menu you just choose the resolution. If you can set your Series S|X to developer mode I'd do that. Download the Developer Xbox mode app on the store and create a developer account. You can switch between retail and developer mode as much as you want.

This is a link from Microsoft website, so it's safe to post it here:



I'm, very cautiously, keeping an eye on the new Endless Ocean.

I always wanted to try the ones on Wii, but the fact that this seems to be multiplayer centric & procedurally generated to a degree (it said the sea changes with each dive) are turnoffs.

Hope it has some sort of single player goals.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)

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