
Topic: Last Game You Got?

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Think the first time I heard him was in Uncharted - and I've played 4 of them now so for me he's sort of typecast as Nathan Drake. Although I did enjoy his take on Deadpool too - that was a lot of fun.

He was amazing in the Last of Us. I bet most people didn't realize it was him voicing David.

Also his performance in Spec Ops - The Line was phenomenal.

Your right - I never picked up on that!

He did an episode of Haven a while back too - that was really weird being able to actually SEE him while he talked!


Xbox Gamertag: stylon


Lucadian Chronicles and Xeodrifter.

Very much looking forward to starting Xeodrifter

"Eat light, you stupid machine!" - Lex, Bioforge

Xbox Gamertag: tylertreese | Twitter:


My last purchase was Lego: Batman 3.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


I picked up the Crew at the weekend, its pretty good so far.......

"Justin Bieber looks like a lesbian i'd like to ****..." - Megakillscreen,out of frickin' nowhere!

Xbox Gamertag: Red620Ti


inFamous: Second Son and Resogun. I'm a tad disappointed with inFamous thus far, but Resogun is super fun. It's easily a game that I can see myself revisiting for years to come.

Reviews Editor, Pure Xbox
Reviewer, Nintendo Life

Xbox Gamertag: holchasaur | Twitter:


inFamous: Second Son and Resogun. I'm a tad disappointed with inFamous thus far, but Resogun is super fun. It's easily a game that I can see myself revisiting for years to come.

Out of curiosity what did you find wrong with Infamous?  I thought it was one of the PS4 best games.  Also yes Resogun is a great game.  I can't wait for the DLC to come out here soon.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


I also liked inFamous: Second Son a lot, but I would have been slightly letdown had I played it after Sunset Overdrive, which was an awesome mix of Ratchet & Clank, Crackdown, inFamous and Jet Set. Think that's factoring into a bit @DRL?

[Edited by Gamer83]



inFamous: Second Son and Resogun. I'm a tad disappointed with inFamous thus far, but Resogun is super fun. It's easily a game that I can see myself revisiting for years to come.

Out of curiosity what did you find wrong with Infamous?  I thought it was one of the PS4 best games.  Also yes Resogun is a great game.  I can't wait for the DLC to come out here soon.

It's the lack of polish more than anything else. The way the Delsin constantly trips up and stumbles on things in the environment; the citizens move in a very unrealistic and distracting manner; and the open-world falls a bit flat interaction-wise. Outside of that, and it's probably because I've spent a ton of time with Sunset Overdrive, I'm occasionally finding it to be a slog to get around town. Heading from one side of the city to the other, I often find myself wishing I could hop in a car and drive to where I need to be.

Don't get me wrong here, though; I've been having a very good time with Second Son. I think what bothers me the most is that I see these elements that could've been smoothed out with a few more months of development, and that bums me out. I think the game had the potential to be something more than what it ended up being. It's definitely a good to very good game, but I think it could've been truly great.

And, yes, Resogun is fantastic. I'll be buying any DLC that's released for it, I do know that.

Reviews Editor, Pure Xbox
Reviewer, Nintendo Life

Xbox Gamertag: holchasaur | Twitter:


inFamous: Second Son and Resogun. I'm a tad disappointed with inFamous thus far, but Resogun is super fun. It's easily a game that I can see myself revisiting for years to come.

Out of curiosity what did you find wrong with Infamous?  I thought it was one of the PS4 best games.  Also yes Resogun is a great game.  I can't wait for the DLC to come out here soon.

It's the lack of polish more than anything else. The way the Delsin constantly trips up and stumbles on things in the environment; the citizens move in a very unrealistic and distracting manner; and the open-world falls a bit flat interaction-wise. Outside of that, and it's probably because I've spent a ton of time with Sunset Overdrive, I'm occasionally finding it to be a slog to get around town. Heading from one side of the city to the other, I often find myself wishing I could hop in a car and drive to where I need to be.

Don't get me wrong here, though; I've been having a very good time with Second Son. I think what bothers me the most is that I see these elements that could've been smoothed out with a few more months of development, and that bums me out. I think the game had the potential to be something more than what it ended up being. It's definitely a good to very good game, but I think it could've been truly great.

And, yes, Resogun is fantastic. I'll be buying any DLC that's released for it, I do know that.

Yeah I understand where you are coming from.  I have never played Sunset Overdrive (Don't have an Xbox One yet and don't see myself getting one anytime soon due to money being tight right now) but after playing GTA V on PS4 and then looking at Second Son I am a bit :/.  I am however looking forward to getting First Light free next month and checking that out.  Also anyway I can add you to my friendslist on PSN @DRL.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Out of curiosity what did you find wrong with Infamous?  I thought it was one of the PS4 best games.  Also yes Resogun is a great game.  I can't wait for the DLC to come out here soon.

It's the lack of polish more than anything else. The way the Delsin constantly trips up and stumbles on things in the environment; the citizens move in a very unrealistic and distracting manner; and the open-world falls a bit flat interaction-wise. Outside of that, and it's probably because I've spent a ton of time with Sunset Overdrive, I'm occasionally finding it to be a slog to get around town. Heading from one side of the city to the other, I often find myself wishing I could hop in a car and drive to where I need to be.

Don't get me wrong here, though; I've been having a very good time with Second Son. I think what bothers me the most is that I see these elements that could've been smoothed out with a few more months of development, and that bums me out. I think the game had the potential to be something more than what it ended up being. It's definitely a good to very good game, but I think it could've been truly great.

And, yes, Resogun is fantastic. I'll be buying any DLC that's released for it, I do know that.

Yeah I understand where you are coming from.  I have never played Sunset Overdrive (Don't have an Xbox One yet and don't see myself getting one anytime soon due to money being tight right now) but after playing GTA V on PS4 and then looking at Second Son I am a bit :/.  I am however looking forward to getting First Light free next month and checking that out.  Also anyway I can add you to my friendslist on PSN @DRL.

Yeah, give me an add. My username is "thiswokendream". I really, really wish I could change that silly name to something else, but Sony doesn't seem to be too keen on the idea. Oh well, it's where you can find me for now.

Reviews Editor, Pure Xbox
Reviewer, Nintendo Life

Xbox Gamertag: holchasaur | Twitter:


@DRL what power-up do you have? Things get a lot better mobility wise from smoke.

"Eat light, you stupid machine!" - Lex, Bioforge

Xbox Gamertag: tylertreese | Twitter:


@DRL what power-up do you have? Things get a lot better mobility wise from smoke.

I acquired Neon not too long ago. Outside of the slow-motion shooting, I don't like it that much. I've kinda been putting off story missions to focus on knocking down the DUP presence in the city, so I've been slow to make progress. I think the last mission I did was the one where you have to check the docks for drugs marked with dolphin logos.

Reviews Editor, Pure Xbox
Reviewer, Nintendo Life

Xbox Gamertag: holchasaur | Twitter:


Oh see Neon really opened up the game for me. You move so fast. Next one you get is probably the one I used most for traversal though.

"Eat light, you stupid machine!" - Lex, Bioforge

Xbox Gamertag: tylertreese | Twitter:


Just bought myself Black Flag on the One for £7.40 for digital. When I get the time, I'll fire it up. I've heard it's a very good game.


Xbox Gamertag: Crippy D


Just bought myself Black Flag on the One for £7.40 for digital. When I get the time, I'll fire it up. I've heard it's a very good game.

That's a steal. I really enjoyed Black Flag. So much so that I bought it on 360 and finished it, then went and picked it up on Xbox One on launch day. Genuinely enjoyable stuff.

Ken Barnes,
Freelance Writer, Full-Time Idiot.

Xbox Gamertag: SuperKMx | Twitter:


Just bought myself Black Flag on the One for £7.40 for digital. When I get the time, I'll fire it up. I've heard it's a very good game.

That's a steal. I really enjoyed Black Flag. So much so that I bought it on 360 and finished it, then went and picked it up on Xbox One on launch day. Genuinely enjoyable stuff.

can get unity for around £16 digital too.


Xbox Gamertag: TOMBOY25


Fairune (3DS)
Hazumi (3DS)
and some DLC for Zen Pinball 2 on the Wii U.

"Eat light, you stupid machine!" - Lex, Bioforge

Xbox Gamertag: tylertreese | Twitter:


Just picked up RBI Baseball 14 for the PS4 for 10 bucks.  Been sitting on this one for awhile and I know it got some bad reviews but I just had to try it out for myself, and at 10 bucks heck why not.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Just picked up RBI Baseball 14 for the PS4 for 10 bucks.  Been sitting on this one for awhile and I know it got some bad reviews but I just had to try it out for myself, and at 10 bucks heck why not.

You brave soul. Let us know how it is, won't you?

Reviews Editor, Pure Xbox
Reviewer, Nintendo Life

Xbox Gamertag: holchasaur | Twitter:


Just picked up RBI Baseball 14 for the PS4 for 10 bucks.  Been sitting on this one for awhile and I know it got some bad reviews but I just had to try it out for myself, and at 10 bucks heck why not.

You brave soul. Let us know how it is, won't you?

Lol didn't you guys review it over here?

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

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