
Topic: Pure Xbox Forum Post Formatting Tips!

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With our new forum software in place, I thought I'd repost this list of formatting tips that was posted over at Nintendo Life by user WiiLoveIt, and then modified by me.

You'll need to replace round brackets "(" and ")" with square ones "[" and "]" in the following examples.

To make text bold
Example: Text

To make text italic
Note: The following symbol is an underscore _
Example: Text

To underline text
Example: Text

To add a URL (web address) to a piece of text without pasting the URL itself
Example: Text

To add a bullet point to an article

  • Text

To add a strikethrough effect
Example: Text

To create a line break
The lines between each of these sections are an example.

To add an image

To add a YouTube video
(youtube:VIDEO ID)
Note: the video ID is the part after the equals sign in any YouTube link. For example, in, the video ID is CSvFpBOe8eY

Basic smileys
: )
: |
: (
; )
: ' (
: D
: P
: O (note: capital letter O, not the number)
: *
: $
B - )

Hope this helps!

[Edited by SuperKMx]

Ken Barnes,
Freelance Writer, Full-Time Idiot.

Xbox Gamertag: SuperKMx | Twitter:


Thanks Ken! Finally, I've learned the funny little glasses smiley dude... finally! And all these other tips are great as well.


J.R.R G!en!



Why the backward step with the forum software/interface? It really is bare-bones stuff now... I know we can learn to use those codes but really, in this day and age, to have to do so seems madness. Why can't we have a toolbar with formatting commands on like most forums offer and a bank of smileys to click on - all we get now is a text box


Xbox Gamertag: stylon


stylon wrote:

Why the backward step with the forum software/interface? It really is bare-bones stuff now... I know we can learn to use those codes but really, in this day and age, to have to do so seems madness. Why can't we have a toolbar with formatting commands on like most forums offer and a bank of smileys to click on - all we get now is a text box

I can see where you're coming from, but beyond smileys (which are represented by relatively standard inputs), in my experience, a massive percentage of forum users will never use any sort of formatting, which is why (I'm totally guessing) a toolbar was never implemented into the custom software that now powers this board. We've moved to this board to pull the three sites into alignment, as the largest site was running the custom software, while the Push Square and Pure Xbox forums were running on a modified (and old) version of FluxBB.

By moving to the custom version, it allows us to make future changes more easily, and add improvements as and where we can. The downside is that we lose a couple of features at the outset.

I'll pitch the toolbar idea and see what happens, for sure. They've had best part of 2 million posts over at Nintendo Life, so I'm sure somebody else must have brought it up!

Ken Barnes,
Freelance Writer, Full-Time Idiot.

Xbox Gamertag: SuperKMx | Twitter:


stylon wrote:

Why the backward step with the forum software/interface? It really is bare-bones stuff now... I know we can learn to use those codes but really, in this day and age, to have to do so seems madness. Why can't we have a toolbar with formatting commands on like most forums offer and a bank of smileys to click on - all we get now is a text box

Raised it with our tech guys, and they're going to take a look at implementing a toolbar. It's on the list. I can't give an ETA, but it's definitely on the table.

Ken Barnes,
Freelance Writer, Full-Time Idiot.

Xbox Gamertag: SuperKMx | Twitter:

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