
Topic: Welcome Back To Pure Xbox! / Introduce Yourself

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Hello guys, managed to find a welcome page, long term gamer, almost 40 and have been gaming since I was little.

Good to be here on the Xbox side of things at the moment, long term Xbox fan, been a fan through the thick and thin, highs and lows ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’š

Will list my consoles here so you guys get a good picture of me.

NES, SNES, Sega Megadrive 2, N64, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Wii, Xbox OG, Xbox 360 (Several) Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Switch OLED

I enjoy Online gaming, mainly Multi Player games, Shooters, Racers and Fighters.
Xbox 360 and Halo got me into Online play, I love playing against and with other humans.

Recently got back into BF 2042, it's a much better game now, also SF6 is a very good fighter and works well Online.

Excited for MK1

Anyway, blabbering over, it's good to be on PX, seems a very well designed site with some lovely people.

Ep 13

[Edited by Ep_13]

Episode 13
Swimming in the Sauce ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŽฎ

Xbox Gamertag: Episode 13


@Ep_13 Welcome, friend! Glad to have you around. Thatโ€™s an impressive list of consoles. Iโ€™ve been trying to find an online game to get stuck into for a while, looking for the right fit, would BF2042 come recommended then?

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@AgentCooper Hello there,

It's now on game pass BF2042, it's very good now, good content and flow.
I'm a long term BF fan, love the franchise, BF1 and BF5 are beautiful, great atmospheric war games with awesome gun Play.

I'd say BF2042 is more modern of course like BF4, it's a strong game now, worth a try in Game Pass
I have the Battle Pass as I earned it from the last one I had, so basically free, so that is good.

I also paid about ยฃ45 I think for BF 2042 on release, as I wanted to support the game, wasn't a great launch but I stuck with it ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŽฎโœ…๐Ÿ‘

Episode 13
Swimming in the Sauce ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŽฎ

Xbox Gamertag: Episode 13


@Banjo- cheers ๐Ÿฅ‚

Episode 13
Swimming in the Sauce ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŽฎ

Xbox Gamertag: Episode 13


@Ep_13 Thanks, appreciate your thoughts. Iโ€™ll have to dip my toes and see how the water is. Itโ€™s on GP so no excuse really ๐Ÿ‘

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@AgentCooper I play 9pm to about 11pm most nights. Just trying SF6 again now ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘

Episode 13
Swimming in the Sauce ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŽฎ

Xbox Gamertag: Episode 13


Just posting here as a short introduction. I love video games. I don't have a Series S/X yet, but I'm interested in many of the games already out for the console, or that have yet to come out. So at one point I'll probably have saved up enough money to buy one!

In the past I used to visit all other kinds of sites to stay up to date with the latest news of different platforms. But lately I've been noticing that I'm just not enjoying the content of so many of the multiplatform news sites out there. I get my PlayStation news at Push, my Nintendo news from YouTube channels, and I'd rather read PureXbox for Xbox news, than to find some other big media outlet, that ultimately disappoints me.

I'm a longtime lurker here already, since... when was the restart again? I like smaller communities more than extremely big ones, and I always thought that PureXbox staff also does a good job of being excited about upcoming Xbox games, while retaining their journalistic integrity.

Also, I've had multiple Xbox consoles in the past. They weren't always my favored consoles, but I do have somewhat of a history with Xbox. I probably won't be super active here, for the reason I don't have a Series yet, but I figured it'd be decent to introduce myself!



@Kidfried Welcome! I have read your comments over PS and is nice to have you over here too . The more, the merrier.

I, too, prefer smaller communities (and as of now, my Xbox Series X is my main console, so I come here more often than to other sites) and I have always found the staff over here pretty close to the readers. And it is not an issue to not have an Xbox console, most games are multiplatform anyway.

So, again, welcome!


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith


I come and go all the time, depending on my real life. Annoying Xbox haters aside that pretend to be neutral and mature, this website is welcoming and particularly useful for updates regarding Game Pass and deals.

Normally, third-party games stay on Game Pass for one year. I was surprised to see Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch staying longer than one year because it's a Japanese RPG but I played it as soon as I could, anyway, and will play the sequel before March when it will have been on Game Pass for one year.

This means that I have to leave some Microsoft's games for later on because they don't leave Game Pass. I also have a list with must-play titles which is not huge. Basically, a list of third-party games not available on Game Pass (Project Zero, Resident Evil, Sonic...) and a couple of Nintendo games. You'll find tons of games to play on Xbox, @Kidfried. The best thing about Xbox is backwards compatibility, Game Pass and the good deals on third and also first-party games but, whenever I play a Switch game, I can't help missing the Xbox hardware. That reminds me how great Quick Resume and fast loading times are, too. Series S|X is wonderful.


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