So, it's really happening folks. Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima's latest game, is coming Xbox Game Pass for PC. Sadly, we likely won't ever see an Xbox port for this one (on console it's published by Sony), but the news of its PC Game Pass arrival is getting us real excited for Kojima's proper Xbox project.
Back in June, we got official confirmation that Kojima Productions is working with Xbox on a new game. It'll leverage the cloud in some fashion, but beyond that, we really have no idea how this project will take shape. However, given Death Stranding's standout success, we're not really worried about what 'type' of game it'll be.
In the run up to Death Stranding's initial launch, in typical Kojima fashion, we saw plenty of downright bizarre promos and trailers about the team's upcoming project. For months no-one really knew what Death Stranding actually was, even when attempts were made to try and explain it.
When it did eventually launch in 2019, as it turns out, it ended up being a 20+ hour delivery simulator about big backpacks and even bigger ladders. Yeah, there's a lot more to it than that when you really get into the weeds, but boiling it down, Death Stranding is a 'walking simulator' on steroids, with huge production values and a lengthier runtime.
We typically see some reservation whenever a game has 'cloud-based' attached to it - hell, we're all still a little bit scarred from Crackdown 3's attempts to utilise the cloud. However, given Kojima's track record at turning bizarre ideas into very good games, we have no doubt that his Xbox project will come good.
For now, we've just got to play the waiting game. June's announcement post seemed to insinuate that this one is still in its incubation phase, meaning we probably won't get to play it for a number of years. When the trailers begin rolling in closer to launch though, don't expect to understand what the hell's going on. It still might be a tad confusing after you've played it!
In the meantime though, if you have a decent enough PC, maybe giving Death Stranding a whirl will prepare you for what's next. Or maybe not? Either way, it's a very good get for the PC Game Pass library.
Will you be playing Death Stranding on Game Pass? Do let us know!
Comments 31
So the "walking simulator" is being received well for PC. Good....
One of the few ps exclusives I actually enjoyed...currently enjoying Ghost of Tsunami aswell..
I've still yet to play it on PS5, but I keep hearing good things. Bad ones, too (like the "walking simulator" or "boring game"). You may not like Kojima for his outlandish ideas or wacky plot of MGS, but there's no denying that his Xbox game will generate a lot of hype from the Xbox crowd and cries of treason from the Sony camp 😎
I reckon flight sim, and cloud gaming, has removed a lot of those reservations about the cloud. The potential is huge...but hopefully he'll keep grounded - we don't want a walking sim where you walk around a full scale globe.
I'm really hoping it's a horror game - one that's released in weekly episodes like a TV show. One that uses the cloud to incorporate current events.
Actually scrap that, I really hope it's silent hills...just for the laugh.
Tbh though,there's now rumours he may be doing a psvr2 game...now that would be something I'd love to play!
This is the main reason I feel that I don't need a PS5. All the games I want to play are either multiplat or the are coming to PC so I can just play them there.
@BBB how long did it take you to complete? I played it for around 15 hours and dropped it, it just wasn’t fun. I kept seeing people saying ‘it gets better’ etc but it never did, not in my experience. I wasn’t willing to invest anymore time.
I think it's funny that this old game that's been on PC forever already is getting more attention and hype now that it's coming to PC Game Pass than it ever did on PS4, lol.
Of all the games Kojima was involved with I only ever managed to finish two: MGS2 and Castelvania LOS. And it's definitely not due to lack of trying - there was MGS4 ,5, Snake Eater and even Pace Walker, never hold my interest long enough to finish them.
I'm curious to see what he is cooking up with his next project regardless.
@uptownsoul not mine,I'm still not a fan of his and I've played death stranding and got very bored
This is great news for everyone that will enjoy it but I didn't
The thing that gets me is the hell he is getting ,one tweet callls him a (swear word) traitor and told him to remove his tweet about it coming to pc game pass
Wow just wow
@uptownsoul No, I didn't miss it. The attention was on Kojima walking on a beam of light (I'm back!), and Norman Reedus' bare bottom in a confusing trailer that told us nothing about what the game even was. The hype was about what we DIDN'T know, not the actual game. When the actual game landed it was kind of a deflation of all that hype.
I played this and found it repetitive and boring.
@uptownsoul I agree the hype is fanboy related, but I don't think it's as much about "Xbox gamers want PS games" (and in this case, it's PC gamers, not xbox gamers, and Sony gives them PS games officially, anyway, and the game's already been on PC for a long while) as much as just a chance to strike a blow against PS, the enemy!
It's not like a platform that didn't already have access to the game for years is getting access to it other than those streaming-only casuals
@uptownsoul I remember a thread where people were annoyed that there was specific removal or blocking or something going on surrounding GoW, though I still think it's a similar fanboy kind of thing of striking a blow against Sony, more than actually WANTING to play the game specifically. I'm sure some do, but I imagine most that actually wanted to play it played it on a PS or eventually played on PC. Or streamed it on Now. So mostly just internet war cries in both cases....
The only reason it's getting an article is because it's a ps exclusive on a Xbox/pc service...it's the first game to do that isn't it
Similar to how the baseball game got hype at the time
Nothing to do with Xbox gamers wanting the games lol
Still think headlines should be changed. Its not coming to xbox gamepass but PC gamepass.
@uptownsoul @SplooshDmg Yeah a bit of both, but let's be real, most of the people beating the fanboy drums own both consoles and played these games years ago
@SplooshDmg But it's the highest quality pixels anyone's ever seen in quake 2!
@uptownsoul don't forget it's also a Kojima game. And it's not like the hype isn't well deserved.
Death Stranding is a game I've always been curious to try but couldn't because I don't own a Sony hardware, and just accepted it wasn't meant to be. Now it's coming to PC Game Pass and I still won't be able to play it because my PC is not good for gaming. I hope they somehow find a way to add it to Cloud Gaming. That would be the only way I could viably play the game.
@deadmaker IDK if it's on Game Pass Cloud, but even without Sony hardware, couldn't you just subscribe to PS Plus Premium for a month and steam it on their cloud service on your PC?
PS fanboys may make you believe only Microsoft offers streaming, but Sony does too.... (At least for ps1,2,3,4 games.... Not ps5 games.)
@NEStalgia fairly certain they don't offer streaming in brazil (yet)
@Cherip-the-Ripper oh, that's one of the "plus deluxe" zones? That's a shame.
I do wish it would have been the "Directors Cut" version of the game. But I personally do not have my new gaming rig anywys for the time being.
But when I get a new 3090, and already have Game Pass Ultimate thanks to MS Rewards Points. I will give this game a spin.
I clearly remember the launch of this game, and just how hyped everyone was for it. Then it comes out.... and lets just say, it did not hit the ground running but more so hit the ground like a sopping wet towel haha.
I watched multiple people play it and their receptions were all like "uhhh what the hell, Where is the game?" and "This cut scene has been 20 minutes and shows no sign of stopping" LOL That is how Kojima games are though... He loves creating these super long cut scenes, he will be making full length movies for the cinema before his career is over 100%.
The main game play mechanic of walking while trying to maintain these packages that throw you off balance... that really does seem like it could be a very short lived experience as far as the fun factor. BUTT I could also see the narrative and the community aspect of building things that will show up in other peoples games and visa versa, being a pretty cool and hopefully motivating and compelling thing... I am looking forward to someday seeing how it works with me (but I am not super excited to where I am working hard to get to play the game or anything either)
Another great job for the Game Pass team and whoever got this deal to go through. This and MLB The Show has got to PISS OFF SONY execs like no other lol! PlayStation curated content being utilized in Xbox Game Pass in anyway, even if it is just in the PC library, is the last place they want to see content they spent large chunks of investment money in being at.
Its pretty sad that an old release ps4 game, thats already been on pc for ages, appears to be getting mindshare from an xbox site?
Its not coming to xbox and never will, why 'PC game comes to PC game service' is exiting anyone here is beyond me. Shows how dead xbox is atm fir this to even be an article....
I enjoy the game myself, but I couldn't unreservedly recommend it, as its slow and a grind. But if it grabs you, its a unique experience, so its worth trying if you have pc gp... .
This has been the perfect PR for PC games on Game Pass ...
The mailman sim.
@NEStalgia People were pretty excited for Death Stranding. Its PS4 release was absolutely a bigger deal than this PC GP port. Maybe not for you, personally, but in general for sure.
Besides, I think most of the attention the game is getting right now is amusement over how Sony seems unable to keep games they were involved with developing off of Game Pass.
@Ralizah oh I definitely agree on the reason for the attention right now. It was kind of tongue in cheek that it's getting more hype than when it released originally.
I have a Xbox series x for main usage and a PS5 for platform exclusives I also have a switch but just for Zelda and Mario. I love my PS5 and have so many games on it but, and this is going to be controversial I use my xbox more with gamepass it simply is streets ahead of PlayStation and of course switch. All 3 system are special in there own way and xbox being my number 1. Oh yes and it’s very very quiet.
@Rafie I'm shocked Geoff Keighley didn't beg Microsoft to wait until next month so that he could bring Kojima out during The Game Awards and shadow drop it then!!
@Fenbops I feel you!
What a boring / repetitive game.. let's play a Uber eats simulator... But I the country side... i'll probably never touch a Kojima production anymore, because of this game (I pre order it day one on playstation... What a mistake !!!)
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