The tail end of last month was filled with Call of Duty, mainly due to Modern Warfare 2's impressive arrival in a year filled with AAA game delays. No matter your stance on the series, it still captures millions with each title, thanks in no small part to a rigorous release schedule that usually manages to deliver fun and frantic first-person shooting. As hard as it is to remember, there was a time when Call of Duty wasn't the biggest thing in entertainment, and in the FPS world, other franchises managed to keep up. That all changed with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which launched 15 years ago today on Xbox 360.
This anniversary is a weird one to tackle; it simultaneously feels like CoD4 launched just a few years ago, but also like the mega popular era of CoD has been around forever? Either way, the first Modern Warfare was such a landmark title that it deserves to be remembered all these years later, even if the 2016 remaster has refreshed things a little bit since.
2007 was a big year in gaming and a massive year for Xbox 360. Looking back, we can't quite believe what we got back then, just two years after the console launched. BioShock, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Forza Motorsport 2, PGR4, and Crackdown were all 2007 Xbox exclusives, not to mention the pile of critically acclaimed cross-platform games that also dropped that year. It's high praise, then, that Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare still rose up that list to be one of the most memorable games of '07.

Series creator Infinity Ward took a bold step in moving Call of Duty to the modern era; a risky move for a series that up to that point had always been set in World War 2. In fact, a lot of 'realistic' shooters back then stuck to historical theatres of war, and CoD4 really moved the needle forward in that respect. The modern time period allowed the team to create a more involved combat sandbox that worked hand-in-hand with Call of Duty's super fast-paced gameplay, and the rest, as they say, is history.
The game's campaign took players on a globe-trotting journey that introduced some of the series' most iconic characters, characters the franchise still deploys to this day. The Modern Warfare name is very much alive and well — it just delivered the series' best opening weekend ever — and MW2 characters like Soap and the legendary Captain Price were first introduced in Call of Duty 4. We all remember sliding down the chopper rope with Price at the very beginning of Modern Warfare, along with the still iconic 'All Ghillied Up' mission that remains one of the franchise's most memorable levels.

However, the vast majority of our CoD4 memories lie with the game's multiplayer component. Xbox Live friends lists back then were just full of people playing this game online (with the odd Halo 3 player sprinkled in there) and for good reason. Infinity Ward RPG-ified the game's online progression system, and at the time, it could often feel straight up addictive. Character levels, weapon unlocks, player 'Prestige', gun attachments, camouflage patterns; they all combined to create a multiplayer mode you just wanted to keep revisiting. Not to mention the game's revolutionary create-a-class system that made you feel really connected to your online loadouts.
All of this combined with industry-leading first-person shooting mechanics (at a smooth 60FPS on console no less) created something that still holds up to this very day. In fact, the series — and many other first-person shooters — still lend heavily from CoD4 in big ways; the game's fingerprints are all over the modern shooter landscape. Call of Duty 4 online was simply revolutionary, and you can't say that about many video games of the modern era.

The game also felt like it brought entire swathes of the Xbox Live community together. As we've previously mentioned, our friends lists back then were just full of Call of Duty 4 players, and it's rare you get that kind of community synergy with games these days. Every now and then a big hit dominates the conversation, like when battle royale games began to take over, but it feels less special in the era of modern social media and Twitch streaming. Xbox Live really was one of the early 'social media' platforms, and Call of Duty 4 was one of the big catalysts for Xbox Live's success.
Anyway, this game is now somehow 15 years old, so happy birthday to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. You had a bigger impact that any of us could have possibly imagined!
What are your fondest COD4 memories? Or did you miss out on this one? Sound off in the comments below.
Comments 15
Removed - unconstructive
@Tasuki 2019 is generous
@Tasuki not doing well in the new one?
@Boucho11 What new one??
Modern Warfare (2007) to Black Ops 2 (2012) was for me the golden age for COD. There’s been good ones released since then in my opinion but nothing will ever come close to those brought out during that period.
I can think of few games which have had as big an impact on the industry as COD4. What a game.
Agreed. Lots of hours playing BO2 with my mates!
I enjoy BO3 for the zombies which remind me of WAW and BO1. But I miss the old multiplayer of MW and BO1.
Why doesn’t MW REMASTERED have lan support. The world hates me.
Rollseyes at the people hating on cod...so original....no big cod fan but people clearly have rose tinted glasses on....go and play the older cods and then try the new one...the new one is infinitely better....it's actually shocking trying to play some of the older ones because you just naturally assume nothings really changed ..but they feel so dated
I’m loving MW2 and I’m definitely not a pro. No game is absolutely perfect these days but being fun and playable still counts for something. I really enjoyed the campaign and I’m having a great time with my buddies on the multiplayer. I played COD all the way back to the original. COD4 was definitely a great and memorable game, but MW2 is really good as well so far.
I don’t really bother with Call of Duty normally (and never touch the online modes) but my wife bought me a PS5 copy the other day.
The campaign is amazing. Playing through on Veteran and it’s a great balance of difficulty and fun. Really, really impressed by it.
Lol the new one is amazing i played all call of duty games, Vanguard was indeed kinda mehh..
But this game is truly next level, the campagn is the best i have ever seen in a call of duty game. The multiplayer also a lot of fun, the sound effects of explosions etc are amazing.
Watch some YouTube videos dont let me or anyone else make that decision for you. 👍
I bought the new cod on my steam deck and I must say I am really enjoying it so far, the campaign and multiplayer. Its the first time I bought a cod since black ops 2... And I have to say its pretty decent as all the running round like a nob bobbing up and down doesn't really seem to work in this one which I am glad about.
I've never played the online part of a CoD game, but the Modern Warfare (Modern Warfare 1, but not THAT Modern Warfare 1, CoD4: Modern Warfare, but not the OTHER CoD 4: Modern Warfare) campaign really pushed the boat out when it came to presentation, and is a really enjoyable experience.
Whenever all this stuff lands on Game Pass, my plan is to sit down and play through all these game campaigns in release order, hopefully back to back.
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