Fallout 4's next-gen upgrade has been subsequently patched up this week in the form of 'Update 2', and outlet Digital Foundry has taken another look at the title to see how it's performing since this second update.

To sum things up, DF says that ultimately the biggest issues have now been fixed, even if some smaller problems remain. Prior to Update 2 the game's performance options didn't even work properly - but they're now functioning as they should.

"We've tested the game on PS5, Series X and Series S to see what's changed with the new update, and there is plenty to praise here - though some problems still remain. Crucially, Bethesda has at least provided a working graphics mode selector on Xbox Series X and S - a clearly labelled switch between 'visuals' mode and 'performance' mode that replaces the broken on/off performance toggle we saw before."

This patch has also added new 30, 40 and 60FPS frame rate options on Xbox Series X and S - and any of these can be used alongside either prioritising 'Visuals' or 'Performance' in-game. There are now loads of options, and despite engine-related hitching issues still cropping up, all of the modes seem pretty solid.

"Despite having so many modes and options available - 36 permutations in all across the three consoles, by my count - Fallout 4's performance is fairly straightforward to summarise. Regardless of your console, a locked 60fps is normally possible even on the most demanding visuals mode, but hitching issues remain."

For more details on all of this, it's probably worth watching Digital Foundry's video up above - there's a lot to tackle here and the video version does a good job at laying it all out.

As expected with DF, this analysis focuses purely on game performance, but there does seem to be one other major issue affecting players at the moment. The game's VATS targeting system still isn't working properly after the next-gen upgrade - which fans noted following Monday's patch.

What do you reckon then, does it look worth a play now? Drop your thoughts down below.

[source eurogamer.net]