Microsoft Announces Dates For The Final Two Xbox 360 Store Sales

Earlier this week, a bunch of Xbox 360 games suddenly went on sale ahead of the Xbox 360 store's closure this July, and now Microsoft has confirmed that another two sales will follow in the coming months.

The dates for these sales will be June 18, 2024 and July 16, 2024, with the intent to feature "as many repriced games as possible". Every discount (including from this week) will remain in place until that July 29th closure date.

"To celebrate the legacy of Xbox 360, we’re working with our amazing publishing partners to bring you as many price reductions from our online store or from the Xbox 360 Store on the console. We’ll be updating this list with more games on June 18, 2024, and on July 16, 2024, bringing you as many repriced games as possible before the end of July. These price reductions will remain in place for each game through the 360 store closing on July 29, 2024."

When July 29th has passed, it'll no longer be possible to buy games from the Xbox 360 store, meaning potentially hundreds of digital games will disappear forever. However, any backwards compatible Xbox 360 games that work on Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S will remain purchasable in the future.

So, if you've still got an Xbox 360 lying around and you're looking for a bargain or two, keep an eye on these upcoming Xbox 360 store sales! Don't forget to check out the one from this week as well, which includes over 60 games.

Excited to grab some Xbox 360 games before the store closes in July? Tell us down in the comments below.