Starfield's Next Update Adds A Major New Feature For PC Players 2

Bethesda has today unveiled the next update for Starfield on PC (available now for those who opt into the Steam Beta version), and it includes the long-awaited rollout of AMD FSR 3 for those with video cards that support it!

If your PC can take advantage of this, it means you should benefit from improved framerates in Starfield moving forward. Here's how Bethesda has described FSR 3 as part of a new blog post:

"This new feature allows for a combination of upscaling as well as advanced frame generation, boosting your framerate for better performance. While AMD’s FSR 3 works for a wide range of video cards, you will want to verify that your system supports it so that you get the best experience. It is also recommended to use FSR 3 with VSync ON and with a VRR monitor for the best experience."

"For those participating, you can enable FSR 3 by heading to Display Settings and accessing the Upscaling options. From there you will be able to cycle through the option best suited for your experience."

Starfield's Next Update Adds A Major New Feature For PC Players 3

Elsewhere, there are a few other PC-specific improvements and fixes in this latest Starfield update. As mentioned, it's only live to Steam Beta users right now, but it should be going live to everyone else in the near future.

Here are the patch notes for Starfield update 1.9.67 on PC:


  • Added support for AMD FidelityFXTM Super Resolution 3 (FSR 3). (PC)
  • Added support for Intel Xe Super Sampling (XeSS). (PC)
  • Fixed an issue that could make the clouds appear to vibrate when using DLSS performance mode. (PC)
  • Fixed minor visual artifact that could occur when aiming with a weapon or task swapping.


  • Changed how FormIDs are freed when loading saves. This should improve stability for saves that have visited many locations.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when making changes to the ship that required all items to be moved to the cargo bay in the Ship Builder menu.


  • Reverted a change that caused the data menu to open when taking screenshots with F12 (PC)
  • Fixed an issue causing the resolution scale to reset to 1.0 when switching from Fullscreen to Windowed mode when using DLSS. (PC)

Will you be taking advantage of AMD FSR 3 in Starfield? Let us know down in the comments below.