Redfall had an incredibly rough start on Xbox Series X|S and PC, but Arkane Austin has steadily improved the experience with all sorts of major game updates and patches over the past few months.
With this in mind, the latest one has now arrived in the form of a hotfix and it comes with some adjustments and bug fixes. Here are the full patch notes, courtesy of Bethesda's official support account on social media:
Redfall Update (24th January 2024)
A hotfix was deployed for @playredfall to address the following:
- Fixed instances where gear or level progress is lost on session disconnect in co-op
- World difficulty maintains closer consistency with player level
- Petrification of vampires is more consistent in co-op
This hotfix also addresses: - Amelia’s Memorial Eulogy dialog will trigger in New Game+
The last major update for Redfall was back in November 2023, adding improvements, fixes and even a brand-new weapon. You can see what else has changed in the game in our previous coverage here on Pure Xbox. 60FPS support has also been patched in!