Did You Know? Starfield's 'New Game+' Features Some Crazy Potential Scenarios

As you're probably well aware, Starfield features a "New Game Plus" mode that allows you to restart the experience after you're finished - while also getting to keep your current XP level along with your unlocked skills and powers.

However, there are also some absolutely crazy scenarios that you can run into across multiple playthroughs. If you haven't heard about these and don't want to be spoiled, we suggest looking away for the rest of the article!

Here's your warning - spoilers will follow.

Alright, so as mentioned, when you dip into the New Game Plus mode, there's a chance you could come across all kinds of different scenarios. From what we can tell, these show up by chance and there are least ten of them to find, with examples including all Constellation members being dead, and a parallel universe where the cast is made up of kids.

It's also possible to run into yourself (or multiple versions of yourself) in these New Game Plus variants.

There's been a lot of talk over the past few months about how you can force these situations to crop up, but we haven't come across anything specific - it appears to be mostly random and only happens on rare occasions.

Despite the rarity, there are so many great scenarios to find (there's one where Sarah has turned into a plant!), so we're interested to know if you've ever come across one during your New Game Plus playthrough. If so, which was it?

Let us know down in the comments below... maybe add a screenshot as well if you have one!

Give us your experiences with Starfield's New Game Plus mode in the comments down below.