Call of Duty MW3

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 launched just a few weeks ago, and already Sledgehammer Games and co. are planning to bolster the experience with some exciting new content. In fact, a "major free update" is on the horizon, and it's launching as part of Season 1 in "early December".

Multiplayer will be adding three all-new 6v6 maps, with the first two going live day one of this update. They include "Meat", "Greece" and "Rio" - arriving at a later date.

In addition to this, Call of Duty: Warzone Season 1 will be adding some "fresh" new modes including Gunfight for 2v2, which includes a new map "Training Facility". On top of this is the continuation of the Modern Warfare Zombies story - where players enter new Dark Aether Rifts.

And last but not least, Warzone adds the all-new Urzikstan map - an urban landscape incorporating 11 major points of interest. Warzone will also receive an update to include new movement mechanics like slide cancelling, Tac-Stance and more. Horizontal ziplines and a driveable train are coming, too.

On a related note, the Call of Duty team has also deployed a small patch addressing several bug fixes and changes. You can see the full list of patch notes on the official game website. This update follows a bigger one earlier this week.

Excited about this Season 1 content? Tell us in the comments.
