Microsoft just published its latest quarterly earnings report up to the end of September 2022, and it provides an interesting look at all things Xbox. The report revealed that Xbox gaming revenue was up 4% year-on-year, while gaming hardware revenues were up 13%. Interestingly, CEO Satya Nadella also dropped a nugget of info on Xbox Series S specifically that tells us a bit more about its overall user base.
Nadella says that "nearly half of the Xbox Series S buyers are new to our ecosystem", suggesting that Xbox's cut-price console is helping introduce people to gaming on Xbox. We're not surprised; it's current-gen gaming at less than $300!
Another interesting note tucked in here revolves around Xbox Cloud Gaming - another way to get users in the door with little to no upfront cost. Microsoft says that 20 million players have now streamed games using Xbox Cloud Gaming, up from 10 million earlier in the year.
The results are looking good for Xbox then, especially with bringing new players into the ecosystem. Regardless of some of the controversies surrounding Xbox Series S performance recently, it's clear the console has been a positive move for Microsoft and team Xbox.
Is the Xbox Series S your first ever Xbox system? Come tell us down below!
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[source theverge.com]
Comments 27
The S is a great entry point for those new to xbox or for those who want an xbox as a secondary console for its exclusives but don't want to pay too much, the risk paid off for Microsoft.
I bought mine just for gamepass but I've slowly started to buy games for it as well such as fifa 23 and dying light 2, eyeing up chernobylite next.
Here's one of them! I probably wouldn't have entered this generation if it wasn't for the Series S.
I’d believe it. I’ve sold a few myself simply by explaining the console, it’s features, and Gamepass to more casual players. It helps too that you can buy one at the store.
@BBB don't blame you a lot of ppl have left ps behind , most because of thier bs money grabbing , and a hell of a lot of ppl because of gamepass ,even when sony have a way to give thier customers free sub services like ms do with Thier rewards they money grab instead of thinking long game and keeping ppl on Thier services
@Martsmall And don't forget the paid PS5 upgrades and the few that were free were because of backlash. Microsoft's more friendly approach and multiple platforms are winning new players and also some that skipped Xbox One are coming back to Xbox this generation.
Does not surprise me in the slightest due to the price and GP. I am also new to Xbox ecosystem (although I started on PC game pass and then bought a series X)
It's a terrific secondary console and a perfect product for someone like myself who will always be a PS player but enjoys a handful of exclusives. And with many multiplayer games going crossplay, makes it much easier to play games like Destiny/Rocket league etc with both my kids together. Really happy they took the risk with it!
@Banjo- totally agree, although Microsoft have made some really stupid mistakes in the past ,this gen they are really more consumer friendly to the consumers wallet , which ps seem to be going the opposite way
It’s not my first Xbox had a 360 but not for long , I am à long Nintendo fan and decided to buy a series s when Nintendo decided to go with the oled instead of a full switch updated system. And it’s a really nice machine.
While I did own a Xbox as a kid I mainly used my gamecube and I’ve always been a Nintendo and playstation gamer. The series X is my first xbox I bought new instead of used that I also actively use alongside my current gen playstation and Nintendo consoles.
Makes a lot of sense. It's a great little machine at a brilliant price.
I bought one a few weeks ago because target had them for $250 and it came with a 2nd controller. I wanted it because my series x is at my desk. I'm impressed with it so far.
How do they track this? Is it new Xbox live accounts being used on series S?
@RetroMan71 Geometry Wars 1&2 were my favorites on 360. To this day i wish they would remaster it and bring it out in 4K 12O, I didn’t care for 3 as much. But it’s good to see people even mention this series.
That's me. Been around since Atari 2600, out after PS2. old wii -> switch with kids. Never was an xbox guy but couldn't find a PS5 when the itch hit. In hindsight with GP that I've yet to shell out cash for, it's a no-brainer. Quickly replaced the switch in amount of use it gets.
The supply issues for both XSX and PS5 likely have add a big incentive since any “next-gen-only” game will be playable on the machine.
Despite its specs, it is also a superior way to play cross-gen games than playing them on PS4 Pro or XBoneX. I can see many that just want to play multi-play games simply going for a Series S.
Nearly half Series S owners having a very underwhelming Xbox experience as their first Xbox experience.
Ok. Got it
I'm new to xbox, and the SS is my first xbx console. I've always been a PS guy but Microsoft won me on this gen thanks to the affordable current gen console and games as cheap as Steam.
I was a PS boy and never got an XBox, bought the series S for gamepass, I used it for two months and bought a Series X, it made that impression on me, Now my PS5 is gathering dust and the series X became my main console. Oh… and that original Series S? I gifted it to my best friend son, and he loves it.
Ive always had xboxes, not missed a gen, so i went straight for a series x. But having a series S is a good option for people who want to dip their feet in the water, so this news doesnt suprise me.
Unlike other people here though, i buy consoles for games, the politics is utterly irrelevent to me, so i play more on PS because they make superior games imo. But each to their own, we all have our tastes! Maybe next year we'll see the titles from microsoft to turn that around, im certainly hoping so, but in the meantime the series x is a gp machine I have to save money on third party titles - and play old forza titles of course!
I hope the S continues to be a great gateway to the current gen.. in uncertain times a cheaper option is definitely desirable.
What sold me on the S is the compact size and performance boost compared to the chunky original Xbone that it ended up replacing on my shelf.
That's me. I'm a Nintendo fanboy through and through but got a series S when Nintendo announced their OLED model wouldn't have advanced specs.
There was a sale where I could get a Series S and 4 months of game pass for $245, and I'm loving it! The Xbox ecosystem is amazing
To be honest I ended up going for a series X, but the price of the Series S is probably one of the things that made me look more into what MS was proposing for this generation. A good console at a very good price I think it's good to drop entry barriers like this
I only bought two series s consoles because I couldn't find a PS5. Once I did it kinda just sits there unless I feel like playing the games I have on it. Currently Bloodstained, Tunic, Hollow Knight and Death's Door. Run those games perfectly.
Xbox series S is my first Xbox ever . I bought my Xbox series S last Christmas and it's my favourite console .
@RetroMan71 nothing wrong with Retro gaming, wish i had a little more gaming time to play more of my old school favorites. But i am a Overwatch 2 nerd at the moment trying to level up. You brought a smile to my face when you mentioned geometry wars, i always played that game during the 360 and it’s still a 360 all time favorite of mine.
I've moved to PC this gen, partly because of Sony's money grabbing antics and partly due to Xbox acquiring Bethesda, so long term will have more games I'm interested in and of course they're all on PC.
I have dabbled with Xbox in the past with the original but didn't really come back until the One X
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