Update: Rockstar Games has also now responded to the Grand Theft Auto 6 leak, confirming its legitimacy but also suggesting that it won't cause any long-term impact to the game's development:
Original story: There was a ton of drama yesterday when it was (seemingly) revealed that 90 videos of early GTA 6 footage had made their way onto the internet, and various people in the games industry have been reacting to the leak ever since.
One of those people is Xbox's Sarah Bond, who serves as a Corporate Vice President at Microsoft, and she had some sympathetic words to share for Rockstar Games in the midst of the "disheartening" situation:
"My thoughts are with the team at Rockstar Games. It can be disheartening to have a project you've worked hard on to delight fans revealed and critiqued before it’s ready. I know they’re creating something special and can’t wait to experience GTA 6 when it's officially unveiled."
Another very notable response over the weekend was from Naughty Dog co-founder Neil Druckmann, who suffered a similar leak with The Last Of Us Part 2 back in 2020. Here's what he had to say:
"To my fellow devs out there affected by the latest leak, know that while it feels overwhelming right now, it’ll pass. One day we’ll be playing your game, appreciating your craft, and the leaks will be relegated to a footnote on a Wikipedia page. Keep pushing. Keep making art."
Rockstar Games has not yet publicly commented on the GTA 6 leak at the time of writing, and perhaps will choose to remain quiet for the time being. It's been speculated that it could cause a significant delay for the game's release, as well as affect the way Rockstar Games chooses to handle certain aspects of development moving forward.
One thing's for sure - there are going to be some somber moods at Rockstar and Take-Two this week...
[source twitter.com]
Comments 6
Great to see fellow devs close ranks. Leaks like this are lose-lose, we don't get that initial wow moment, and instead see a poor facsimile of what we will get. Devs who have worked on a project for years have their moment ruined. It is disheartening all round.
Of course these two have both had things leaked recently (Series S and TLOU2) so can speak with some authority on the matter. Sadly it's yet another reason for talented devs to leave the industry.
To echo what they said: Keep pushing, keep making art, can't wait to see what the R* devs have in store, when they are ready to show it.
Think you have to take a leak like this, as what it is.
I had a quick look, went ok, obviously not final build, no big spoilers.
Goodbye leaked footage.
See you game, god knows when.
What a leak helps me appreciate is the amount of development and effort that goes into a massive AAA game like this. Seeing coding, development stuff on the screen, amazing.
Yup, those NDAs sure don't seem enough to discourage disgruntled employees from trying their best to ruin a team effort. In this case, however, Rockstar isn't losing any sleep. GTA6 will set further sales records whenever it launches and regardless of how much those leaks manage to spoil. I still have yet to play GTA IV...
@Notoriousmakavel Stealth GoldenEye 007 comment.
I remember when Half Life 2 (beta) was leaked in 2003 by hackers. I did download and try it. If anything it made me appreciate the final game more. When I play it it brings all that back.
Don't mind leaks, source code leaks? Not so much!
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