Capcom has revealed a new slither of information about the upcoming Resident Evil 4 remake today, with the news that it'll also be coming to PS4 in addition to PS5, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S... but there's no sign of Xbox One.
As of right now, there's no word on why the Xbox One version is being overlooked, but we may find out more during a Resident Evil Showcase which is scheduled for next month - it doesn't have an exact date just yet, however.
Resident Evil 4 is currently scheduled for a March 24, 2023 release on Xbox Series X and Series S.
"Resident Evil 4 preserves the essence of the original game, while introducing modernized gameplay, a reimagined storyline, and vividly detailed graphics to make this the latest survival horror game where life and death, terror and catharsis intersect."
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Comments 24
Something tells me Capcom isn't in the mood to release games on Xbox
Sometimes I think that XBox's biggest mistake with Xbox One X last gen was not allowing developers to make One X exclusive games. The fact that to this date, any XBox One game needs to support the launch VCR model means that targeting the platform can sometimes be a pain, given how underpowered the launch unit was.
They should had taken a page from Nintendo, the way they allowed developers to make [new] Nintendo 3DS games exclusives, for those that wanted to really go ambitious with their games.
I could see right now the VCR model lack of power being why Capcom decides to shy away from announcing a XBox One version.
@Tharsman I doubt the base model is severely underpowered compared to a PS4, the only major difference I've seen RAM type; could also be that the Xbox One never did well in Japan anyway
@ArcadeGamer1929 Everything I have read notes that the One was actually quite weak. To the point they even added a bit more power to the One S.
If I recall correctly, Battlefield 4 ran at 720p on XBox One while it ran 900p on PS4. That's 64% the on-screen pixels, pointing at a significant disparity in performance for the VCR model.
Mind you, back then Microsoft was locking away some horsepower from developers for exclusive Kinect functionality, something they eventually stopped doing, so who knows if things would had been closer had they not been so stubborn about the Kinect mandate.
@Tharsman Alright fair, I still believe it can be done with a lot of compromise, but I guess Capcom's decided it's not worth the effort, I've been thinking about buying a PC because of this
@ArcadeGamer1929 Anything can be done with time an effort, even a native Switch port, but that means extra time and a lot of additional QA. Given last gen XBO was not exactly extremely popular, I can see how they would decide to just not go through with XBO support.
@Tharsman Most of those early gen differences were down to the required Kinect support, which is one of the reasons it was dropped, and doing so allowed some games to boost performance.
The most likely explanation here is purely that the PS5 and both xbox gens don't have 100m+ units, making the PS4 still a very attractive market to cater to.
This news does mean that I'll probably get the PS4 version in the first instance, and play the PS5 and XBox versions years from now on a re-play (like how I plan to play the Calisto game).
Xbox One had actually a bit more CPU power than PS4 but a weaker GPU and a lot of resources were reserved for Kinect and the multimedia OS. Anyway, I'd like to leave the last generation behind. I know that PS4 was super popular and I have a noisy unit at home, but if we ignore Xbox One, let's leave PS4 behind as well and make current-gen games. Capcom is one of the developers that consistently makes the best-looking games each generation.
@Banjo- Agreed
@ArcadeGamer1929 Hopefully, we will have that soon.
It kinda makes sense, there's still currently more active ps4 users than active xbox one and series users combined, why would they spend more funds on an xbox one version if there's going to be hardly anyone buying it. And I believe this isn't the first game to do so in leaving the xbox one version behind.
But I still believe they should atleast make a digital version for xbox one users.
The base Xbox one is probably too weak to run it at an acceptable quality & they can't release it for one X & not one
@Would_you_kindly It really isn't too weak tho. They just have to optimize it. It's not like PS4 is "night and day" stronger than XB1. It's a bit stronger is all. Same thing with PS5 and Series X. Series X is marginally stronger than PS5. Not leagues stronger.
Somebody said on another thread that Sony paid for no Xbox One version. It wouldn't be surprising.
@Banjo- Wouldn't be surprising, but also, wouldn't make any sense. The Xbox One isn't exactly a threat.
Now, the idea of Sony paying for no Game Pass release is something I'd bet money on.
Cool, but I'm all about 240p20 Switch port.
@Richnj Yes, that's exactly what they did with VIII.
RE4 VR is where it's at.
Sadly if you want to use proper VR, that's only available on the old version AFAIK.
@Banjo- I honestly doubt Sony would pay for that. There is no point for them. No one is buying Xbox Ones anymore, they not being made, it’s just existing units in circulation.
I don’t shy away from ever thinking Sony would pay for ways to cripple Xbox, but I really doubt they would care about Xbox one specifically.
Besides, SF5 went so horribly for them, that I doubt Capcom will be signing onto any console exclusivity any time soon. Add to that, with PSVR, Sony already got an extra hook for the PS version that Xbox simply can’t have.
@Banjo- no they didn't it was part of the contract in the marketing deal they had , they didn't specifically pay just for it not to be on gamepass lol
@Tharsman I doubt that particular thing as well.
@Would_you_kindly Well, it's exactly the same.
@Banjo- it's not it's common sense that they wouldn't want it part of game pass when they're marketing it it's like Amazon marketing a movie that goes straight to netflix
@Would_you_kindly It's just one of the many, many, many examples of Sony paying for keeping games away from Xbox and/or Game Pass.
IM ENDING IT NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, capcom your getting this fist...
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