PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan has today issued a quite scathing response to Xbox's Phil Spencer via GamesIndustry.biz, telling the outlet that Microsoft's offer to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation was "inadequate on many levels".
Ryan has confirmed that Call of Duty will remain on PlayStation for three years after the current agreement between Activision and Sony has completed, but he says that's not good enough, and that it undermines a key principle at Sony:
"Microsoft has only offered for Call of Duty to remain on PlayStation for three years after the current agreement between Activision and Sony ends. After almost 20 years of Call of Duty on PlayStation, their proposal was inadequate on many levels and failed to take account of the impact on our gamers.
We want to guarantee PlayStation gamers continue to have the highest quality Call of Duty experience, and Microsoft’s proposal undermines this principle."
Before this quote, Ryan noted that he didn't want to discuss the terms of the deal as he understood it to be a "private business discussion, but said he "[felt] the need to set the record straight because Phil Spencer brought this into the public forum". Ouch!
If you're wondering, the PlayStation CEO was referring to a comment Xbox boss Phil Spencer made last week, where he enthused that Microsoft's Call of Duty deal with PlayStation "goes well beyond typical gaming industry agreements."
What do you make of all this?! Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 153
Fight fight fight!
No sympathy with a guy who constantly blocks stuff from Xbox
Poor Sony not being able to get their way for once. Boo hoo, Cry more.
And then after 3 years you have to negotiate a new deal. That's how it works. No deal ever says "for perpetuity".
Pretty sure Spiderman has existed for longer than Call of Duty and Xbox won't be getting that anytime soon!
Considering Sony has had years of exclusive modes making Xbox the unattractive option for Call of Duty for quite some time, Jim Ryan can go do one.
I see phil forgot to mention the "three years" in his post, Microsoft have made multiple statements so far saying they want to keep call of duty on playstation and even bring it to nintendo, yet this proposed deal says otherwise.
Sounds to me they are making white lies to get the deal done and now makes sense why the deal is taking longer and why the UK regulators are concerned.
3 years more than Sony would offer if it was the other way around...and we all know it
@UltimateOtaku91 What are Microsoft supposed to say that would please you?
"We promise to put Call of Duty on PlayStation until the end of time itself?!"
How can Microsoft commit to developing future installments for Sony consoles when we don't even know if in 3 years we're already on the dawn of another gen.
@UltimateOtaku91 They are hardly going to offer a lifetime contract...things have to be renegotiated all the time, that's why contracts are for so many years
@pip_muzz nothing really as I don't care much for call of duty, haven't played it since Ghosts. I just want them to be honest and say we want call of duty to be fully exclusive, to its fans and to the regulators
I thought COD didn’t matter and it was just for casuals? PlayStation will be alright without it? I’ve read all these things.
Sony and big Jim sure are flapping it over the possibility of losing the franchise on PlayStation.
So much drama around the ownership of this FPS series that I feel like most of the people arguing over don’t even play. They just care how it affects their favorite corporation.
They're both playing the game. But honestly Phil Spencer, who I usually like for his honesty, is stretching the truth with a lot of what he is saying with an aim to getting this deal through e.g. suggesting there will be less exclusives in future while also buying up whole publishers and making them exclusive and only offering 3 more years on COD. Words don't match actions.
So I guess that is on PlayStation for:
It’s seems a bit of fuss but I have said before I know a good few PlayStation gamers that are just COD and also FIFA gamers.
PlayStation will be fine for a few years I think it is after that they are very concerned.
Sony his double standard and the fans is even more..... Says the guy who bought street fighter 5 and final fantasy that have relation with Nintendo for ages and with xbox for years...... I really want phil to punch this guy in the teeths hope this deal continue
I love Playstation, but yeah, Jim Ryan doesn't get to bitch and moan about this.
Additionally, 3 years is the formal offer as of now, but Microsoft loves money and COD games are basically ATMs for Activision, I don't think MS' board will allow for the game to be released on Xbox exclusively.
Microsoft need to stop being the nice guy and step up. Start making exclusive deals and see how he likes it then.
Look at Jim Ryan crying, Sony paid million to make make games from 3rd Party developers to be exclusive to their platform. Games like Kena, Sifu, FF7 Remake, FF7 Remake Part 2, FF16, Stray, Rollerdrome, Forspoken, Project Eve, Little Devils Inside and probably hundreds of other Unannounced titles. Most of these games will be permanent Exclusives like FF7 Remake. So when Microsoft does this its bad but when Sony does it its good?
Microsoft: "We have offered a generous deal to keep Call Of Duty published on Playstation, despite [Sony] publishing their second party titles exclusive on their system."
Sony: "We want to extend that deal to perpetuity, exclusive maps, exclusive modes and a guarantee that it won't be on XBOX Live for at least six months after launch... and Playstation Plus can have it at launch."
Microsoft: "It will belong to us within a year..."
Sony: "Not if you don't give us that deal it won't..."
@Dezzy70 the deal runs up on the next call of duty after MW2, they want two year release cycles so the deal should run up in 2024, then Microsofts proposed three more years, so 2028 would be the year it would be xbox exclusive, if they went down that route. Which I would expect by then that the new gen would be starting.
But becuase playstation have refused this deal then Microsoft could make it exclusive as soon as sonys current deal runs up.
I honestly think playstation should of took their offer and then negotiated a new deal later on.
if I was Phil I would have pulled COD after this year 2022 and all other Xbox studio games almost.
I know it’s sounds mean but if Xbox want to be top dog one day they need to be ruthless
Thank you for updating me so that is ages away.
Goes to show how one game can cause so much fuss and potential pain for Sony, even if it is ages down the line.
This is absolutely hilarious on so many levels. Willing to block anything from other consoles but cries like a bitch when someone actually buys the whole company. I hope the CMA does decide to go to court so that all the bad practices from the innocent industry leader go public. But they don't want to deal with the costs. Jim is clearly looking for a written statement that COD will be on PlayStation, can't actually blame him. But he's showing everyone he's a little bitch.
@Krzzystuff not even a little bitch. At this point he is just a huge bitch
@UltimateOtaku91 Sony hasn't refused the deal, they signed it. As is stated in the article `Jim Ryan has confirmed cod will remain on Ps for 3 more years after the current deal runs out`. And in no way it is being said that after the 3 years it will be exclusive in a normal business situation they will negotiate a new contract by then. And in no way is keeping call of duty off of ps anything ms would want, but because you can't know how the gaming landscape is in 5 years time those kind of contracts never will be for more than a few years.
@Chaudy lol now everytime I see Jim's picture I'll be thinking of Duce Bigalow Male Jigaloo..."that's a huge bitch!"
Piss off jimmy boy. You can’t have it your way all the time. Bitch!
Dear Sony,
You had to make deals with Activision on a regular basis for Call of Duty (and other games I am sure). If the acquisition goes through, you will have to make deals with Microsoft on a regular basis for Call of Duty (and other games I am sure).
Same business practice, different company. The only real difference is that you will probably lose out on some privileges.
Sony is going to lose a big casual gamer market and that's why they're loosing their mind. Even they profit immensely from store purchases and everything which is going to see a steep decline. Yet Nintendo is managing just fine without a single COD in years. It's really getting frustrating at this point.
At this point, do everything you can to ease Sony's fears about COD exclusivity. Then when the Activision deal goes through, pull the rug out and f**k 'em, the whiny gits. If the shoe were on the other foot, they'd be singing a different tune.
I think Xbox should call their friend the Rock.
So he can turn the new dual sense edge controller side ways and stick it up Jim’s candy arse.
Can you smell what Phil is cooking
Really hope this makes Phil realise he can be buddy buddy with the Nintendo CEO and like individual developers and games from Sony, but they're his rivals and he needs to act like it.
I bought the XSX on Phil's promises and this holiday season he's giving me nothing first party but telling me how much he's looking forward to God of War.
Great, but I didn't get a PS5 I got your console and I want to make use of it!
Stop playing nice, start being more the Xbox of the 360 era and fight fire with fire - Sony tried to wipe Xbox off the map last generation, signing exclusivity deals on games, modes and characters despite absolute market dominance.
Don't forget that and don't play so bloody nice!
Everything Sony are doing now to expand revenue into other spaces, including film, PC and mobile, is in preparation for the blow of losing CoD. I could see them gathering the best talent from their incredible studios and creating a serious CoD contender and be happy with that going forward. If CoD suddenly loses a sizeable portion of its players, which exclusivity would doubtless do immediately and in the long run, its dominance of the market may dissolve, or lessen to an extent that allows a healthier competitive scene - surely a win for gamers?
@Lavalera so they signed it?, so why is he still moaning then, he called the deal inadequate so i thought they refused it and are instead complaining to the CMA.
Tbh if playstation are that worried about it then they will eventually allow gamepass on playstation, even if its just a streaming only option.
But like you say Microsoft don't want to lose that money, plus they have said they want it on nintendo consoles as well, when the deal first got announced.
I have both systems and I hate exclusives on both sides. But Sony has done a lot more of this even without owning the company. Don’t bother to try to make even a reasonable comment on this story on Push Square. You’ll be eaten alive.
If the tables were turned PlayStation wouldn't even offer that long.
So he was ok with taking Spider-Man, and is ok with MS taking;
Elder Scrolls
Evil Within
Crash Bandicoot
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
and god knows what else,
But not COD?, that's curious line to draw. If the "failed to take account of the impact on our gamers" is the reason, and not the obscene amount of money COD makes on PS consoles, why is it limited to COD?
Jesus, what a crybaby.
@Lavalera actually looking at what Jim actually said and what the article says on pushsquare, it actually doesn't say sony signed the deal. All he says is Microsoft proposed/offered the deal and that its inadequate.
Jealousy shines in the heads of Sony PlayStation
I hate that...
You are so spot on I applaud you.
Xbox need fight, grit and pure determination
They need to shut up about any other console games that isn’t Xbox and start promoting Xbox and it’s games coming from Jan to June 2023.
Now get on with Phil and stop being so nice.
What next the CEO of Ford telling everyone to buy a Vauxhall.
Very good point if Jim is in it for PlayStation gamers he should be concerned about every game and not just the money making COD.
Well spotted there.
If Jim is in it for all gamers, he wouldn’t be paying buttloads of money to SE to keep Final Fantasy games off Xbox. Shouldn’t all gamers be able to play those too?
Jim : but I wanted Microsoft to spend 80 billion and keep the cod purchased with exclusive content on my system forever please stop them 😭
"We want to guarantee PlayStation gamers continue to have the highest quality Call of Duty experience, and Microsoft’s proposal undermines this principle."
Why the EFF would Microsoft be obligated to make Call of Duty the "highest quality experience" on an opposing console? This is such a moronic comment...
After blocking games on Xbox for years Jim is crying over one game!!!
So, Sony signs the contract extension to keep CoD multiplatform, while they continue to pay to block other games from going multiplatform, and are now trying to spin it like Microsoft is being mean and robbing gamers by not offering a longer extension than the one you just signed?!?
@SplooshDmg Nailed it!
When does the current deal expire? Frankly I'd be surprised if consoles as we know them even exist after 2030 or so, and a three-year grace period to negotiate a new deal seems generous to me.
"After almost 20 years of Call of Duty on PlayStation, their proposal was inadequate on many levels and failed to take account of the impact on our gamers."
Phil should mention a little known company that Sony just bought who may have had a long 20+ year history of games on Xbox. Y'know BUNGIE!!!
Needs to set the record straight? Sony have done the same thing for decades and seems happy to pay to keep Final Fantasy away from Xbox. I have little sympathy for a company who are happy to rip off their customers by charging more for their games just because they can, oh and £70 remasters.
All Jim is upset about is losing a cut of those microtransactions, he couldn't care less about the impact on their players, which let's face it just amounts to getting another console
"Microsoft has only offered for Call of Duty to remain on PlayStation for three years after the current agreement between Activision and Sony ends."
Sounds pretty generous of MS, they have no obligation to please people who bought a PS console and vice versa. Jim Ryan, of course, is pretending he doesn't know how competition works and his company wouldn't block COD from Xbox if given the chance.
Sony has done this type of shady business since forever and now when someone else does it to them, they wanna cry and play the victim. We’ll too F-ING BAD!! I am sick and tired of Sony getting away with crap and then crying like a bitch when something doesn’t go their way.
I’m sorry but Microsoft is the only one putting out Xbox Studios games on PlayStation 4 and 5, and Nintendo Switch.
I really hate Sony for their questionable practices, and then saying this when we know Xbox wouldn’t have CoD if they were the ones buying Activision. Hypocrite much.
@Dezzy70 actually I was wrong, just checked and Sony's current deal is for the next three call of duty games, so with the two years between each new game, plus the three years microaoft are offering, you're looking at 2030 for a possible call of duty being exclusive to xbox. That's 8 years sony have to find an alternative or put gamepass onto playstation, or make a new deal with Microsoft
Can’t add much more here as others have expressed it well. Three year deals are standard, not “perpetual” deals. The “highest quality” thing is garbage. Effectively it’s okay for him to buy special DLC and timed exclusive modes to make the game highest quality on PS. But MS paying to turn that tide and bring the highest quality (including all DLC) version to Xbox is “not for the gamers”. A buyout which, in this case, guarantees non-exclusivity, is only making him mad because he wouldn’t be able to (cheaply) buy off Activision for extra and timed DLC. He’s whining.
Just put gamepass on PlayStation. Or take the eight years you’ll have, use that new multiplayer shooter company you’re building, innovate, and make a competitor. Or just renegotiate.
He’s not afraid is losing COD. He’s afraid of losing the paid for advantages of COD.
Please don’t cry PlayStation please don’t cry Jim you are all too Jealousy from Microsoft and Xbox but you don’t know we love Microsoft and Xbox not just for money only just for Respect from Microsoft for fans and costumer... so don’t worry about future gamers and gaming Jim
@UltimateOtaku91 even if they didn't sign it (let's leave in the middle who is right one is a pro Xbox the other is a pro ps site), the chances are almost next to 0 that no deal would be signed after those 3 years are ended. Most ps fans are loyal and won't move over to Xbox if cod would ever be exclusive. So from a business standpoint making cod makes no sense since the game is such a cash cow. More than 3 years makes no sense since we don't know what the gaming landscape will look like in 10 years from now
Well if that is the case I can’t see what all the fuss is about really, especially with the gaming landscape changing so much nowadays.
You say most PlayStation owners are loyal.
But when this deal first come out.
I asked three COD hardcore PlayStation gamers.
What you gonna do if COD goes Xbox exclusive?
All three in a second, said buy an Xbox.
@UltimateOtaku91 3years…plus 2 outstanding years left on their marketing contracts where their principles is to have exclusive modes and content for their platform. So a 5 year contracted guarantee isn’t exactly terrible…worse case will probably be 6 years from now xbox gamers get dropped a bone and have a few exclusive timed modes. If cod proves to still be making money on PlayStation in 6 years time I can’t see Xbox pulling it from the console…it will gain gamepass subs in that time regardless
Let’s all hope this goes to court so we can see the skeletons in both companies closets. Because you know Sony doesn’t want that any more so than Xbox does
@Dezzy70 of course there would be playstation gamers who would buy an xbox as an additional console, but many won't buy an xbox instead of a playstation. Playstation won't lose many console sales over this but on the other hand xbox will definitely sell more consoles.
There's going to be a lot more people in the future that own both consoles, which is a good thing
@Kaloudz pretty sure I read they want to move to two year release windows, starting with their next game which is skipping 2023, and sledgehammers call of duty releases in 2026.
Got to be one of the most pathetic statements I have ever read from a gaming company
This is the dumbest Twitter/Playground fight ever.
That’s is true, if we all have any money left by then and can afford it 😂
God, Jim Ryan is a piece of crap
Guy is a loser 🖕🏻
We know full well if Sony acquired Activision, COD would never be on Xbox. What's funny is Microsoft are being generous by offering 3 more years of COD on PlayStation and Jim is still complaining about it.
The real reason Jim Ryan is trying to squash this acquisition is not because he thinks Microsoft will stop putting COD on Playstation. The real reason is that he simply doesn't want COD on Game Pass as he knows that many many people will flock to Xbox to play it for a small monthly fee instead of forking out £60-£70 to play it on Playstation. Playstation has been exposed already for paying developers to keep their games off Game Pass so it's obvious that this is in fact the real reason. Jim 'Lying' Ryan up to his usual *****.
@LoquaciousB Which devs/publishers have they been proven to pay to keep games off gamepass they don’t currently have a marketing deal with though? I’ve not found any… is it not reasonable that if you’ve a marketing deal with say capcom for RE8 not to allow it on gamepass whilst that marketing deal is still in contract? What sense would it make to pay to promote something that’s also on the competitors subscription day 1? That’s not shady, that’s common sense.
Does this mean he turned the offer down?
Does this mean he accepted the offer but decided to still trash talk it?
Right now the deal sounds to me like 5 years of CoD on PlayStation. That is enough time for the generation to be over. Also enough time for Sony to actually create their own CoD competitor. Everyone claims no one can make games the way Sony can, 5 years is plenty to get to it.
I'm sure PushSquare must be on fire right now... almost scared to go take a peek.
All in all this is bad for us, the gamers. I don't own a playstation but it's crap that playstation owners now won't get access to this franchise. I get that exclusives are important but when you just buy an already existing 3rd party franchise and just take it from a platform, that's a bit crap for the consumer.
@UltimateOtaku91 I see phil forgot to mention the "three years" in his post, Microsoft have made multiple statements so far saying they want to keep call of duty on playstation and even bring it to nintendo, yet this proposed deal says otherwise.
Funny thing is, and I called this. Phil's statement to me read like "more than two years, but not perpetual." I think I called it would last roughly the whole PS5 generation (5 years from now, that's a total of 7 years of PS5)
So I think anyone that was not trying to be overly positive nor overly negative would had jumped at the conclusion that it was 3 bonus years.
One of Phil's statements also made it clear that the current direction was based on current market state, and who knows how the market will look next generation or 10 years from now.
I kept saying that reading every statement so far, no one should expect CoD to remain forever on PlayStation. 5 years are a hell of a long transition window.
This thing become really sad.
We talking about Sony here, the same team that have exclusive Cod content every year, spider man was multiplatform title before they bought they rights and paid for exclusive, the same team that doing year 1 exclusive deals and not to mention Final Fantasy.
They don't care about the players, they care about this big nice 30% cuts from selling the game in in-game shop.
There a reason why only Sony have something against the deal.
And micro giving 3 years it's more than sony would give.
In the next gen I think Micro will make all the game exclusive for windows/xbox and other platform could get those games with cloud gamepass... If they agree and sony not going to agree.
Dude crying that without the franchise they won't survive and Nintendo over there selling more than Xbox and PS combined without CoD lol
@Tharsman I hadn't considered checking that site out until now.
Now, to lurk...
Awww, cry us a river, Ryan. He's a terrible, out of touch CEO that should've been fired ages ago. Focus on improving the problems within Sony first and foremost, with software and studios.
What a cry baby lol
@StylesT did you forget they've just acquired bungie & aren't making destiny exclusive & yeah you can say well it was one of the terms that bungie stay independent in the deal but who's to say in your hypothetical situation where Sony could afford to buy Activision blizzard they wouldn't also want to remain independent
@Gamingforlife street fighter V is pretty much the same situation as dead rising 3 that's never coming to playstation why would street fighter V go to Xbox
I was thinking to myself: Wouldn't it be even worse if the deal fails? Because Activision surely would be bought by a chinese company or Amazon, and microsoft would have 70 bi to spend, buying exclusiveness of games, just like Sony already does, sparking an "exclusive wars" that Sony would not win.
@IronMan30 good luck. The comment section is more of a real time chat right now.
The way people are reacting over at push square is hilarious. It’s like there’s no way a new deal can’t be made every few years.
Dance moves Jim Ryan at it again..
Hey Jim, Nintendo called, they want to know what this CoD is you keep banging on about?
@SplooshDmg ok that got me chuckling lol.
@Widey85 yep, no sympathy at all!
Get them to sign up to producing Horizon 1 and 2 for Xbox, fair swap
Not for the gamer, ever
if i was MS rright now i would call Nintendo up and say hey would you like CoD on the switch with exclusive content , then never make one for the playstation again....but then again im the Burn the damn bridge type of person
@Microbius most if not all of comments over there got deleted lol. Those chaps can’t handle the truth.
@Lavalera "And in no way is keeping call of duty off of ps anything ms would want"
You don't pay 70 billion dollars though just to keep it on PlayStation, if that's the case they may as well not bought Activision because COD was on Xbox anyway. We all know that in the end COD will become on Xbox only no matter how long it takes, that is the long term goal and why Microsoft payed 70 billion dollars.
@UltimateOtaku91 Yeah that's exactly what you want them to do because that would spook the regulators into intervening.
Honestly Otaku, I dont even know why you're hanging out here on Xbox boards 24/7 - its beyond weird and more than a little sad that you're here capping Playstation like they're your fave sports team. When do you have the time to even play your ps5?
@UltimateOtaku91 There's no way in a million years Sony would want Game Pass on PlayStation.
@awp69 I don't think it's just the case that Sony pay a lot of money to SE to keep Final Fantasy away from Xbox. SE themselves dislike Microsoft and Xbox hence why they don't put there major games on Xbox. SE have a very good relationship with Sony.
@Dezzy70 There loyal to COD then, not PlayStation.
@Snake_V5 they would if they get desperate enough, if Microsoft keep buying big studios taking more games away from playstation, they would be backed into a corner
Thing that gets me about 70% of COD console gamers play on Playstation. You’d think it’d make absolute sense to keep COD on Playstation from a business point of view. Microsoft would lose a lot of potential income. No Playstation fan boys are gonna switch from PS to Xbox because of COD, most will just buy a Series S if they’re big COD fans. And Phil Spencer said he didn’t wanna take games away from gamers.
@UltimateOtaku91 see that has me concerned. I absolutely LOVE Xbox but I also enjoy PlayStation as well. That being said Xbox has truly been killing it with gamepass & forward thinking in regards to getting more games to more devices which is a breath of fresh air TBH. When it comes to Call of Duty I am afraid that if Xbox makes in exclusive it will hurt the COD community & cost them way more money than to keep the IP all to themselves.
I would like to see COD stay available on all consoles but have exclusive perks for Xbox. It would be AWESOME to have ALL the past games on gamepass so that Xbox players can play any COD they want at anytime on any device. One of my favorite things about my Series X is that I can access every Xbox 360 game I ever bought digitally and to my surprise when I booted up my series X for the first time I had the option to download Black Ops 2 (which I did and omg it's so awesome lol Tranzit Zombies is so underrated).
It makes more sense financially to keep COD on PlayStation for years to come but they can also use the IP to push gamepass subscriptions (with gamepass you can play EVERY COD ever made on any device via Xcloud). I just truly believe that it's not good for the gaming community to keep a game that's been available on every console since the beginning. Either way I'm fine as I play on BOTH consoles but mainly my Xbox series X thanks to gamepass & it's incredible backwards compatibility (there's some amazing games on Xbox 360 that I'd completely forgotten about). My series X is my first Xbox console since 2015 when I gave my Xbox one to my little brother & just kept my PS4 then PS4 pro to myself. I am now spending more time on Xbox, I bought my wife a Series S which she absolutely loves and says is leaps and bounds better than her PS4 pro. (Series S is actually a BEAST to be honest) happy gaming y'all ✌️
I think everyone is getting this twisted.
CoD is an institution on it's own. It's ubiquitous with both Xbox and Sony. It's the shooter equivalent of FIFA being pulled on one of the 2 platforms. It's why the monopolies commissions are involved, MS want market annihilation.
And honestly that's not good. I know (and actually secretly enjoy) the console wars ongoing since forever. But this could be the end to all that if everyone leaves Sony. It will just be a choice of XBox or Nintendo and we could see a Don Mattrick situation all over again, with no Sony that's a bad conundrum.
That said if CoD stops being released on PS then every horrible casual gamer will be in team green. That's not good either.
The only option is for Sony to design a killer FPS of their own. And I don't think they have it in them as all of their multiplayer games are garbage.
@Master_Cthulhu70 you make some good points, I mean what would of happened to Minecraft if Microsoft kept it exclusive, it wouldn't have over 100 millions players il tell you that. I think Microsofts main reason for buying Activision was to boost gamepass with call of duty, they needed a game that the casuals love and would subscribe to gamepass in a heartbeat to play it, and to me there's only two games that would that, and thats call of duty and fifa. But even then if call of duty becomes exclusive I don't think more than 50% of the usual playstation players would get an xbox just for that and I know you can play on mobile via stream but I can't think of any worse way to play call of duty than on a small screen with potential lag and awkward controller support which over Bluetooth will cause more lag/delay. So any big call of duty fan is going to want to play it on a console on their TV, so then they have a choice to either forget call of duty or buy an xbox as well as a playstation which most won't be able to afford, so yeah it's a big gamble to make it exclusive.
But all of them coming to gamepass makes it very attractive on its own though, I'm not much for call of duty multiplayer myself but I would be very tempted to play all the single player campaigns.
This is why I buy multiple consoles. I know some don't like exclusives but I'm on the opposite side, I think it makes for better competition, although I don't love seeing giant publishers like Bethesda and Activision get bought up. It is what it is at this point. I know not everybody is fortunate enough to be in a position to buy multiple consoles, but this is also why I say it's best, if you don't have the money, to wait a year or two into a new generation and see who is bringing the most games you want.
I really don’t think MS is trying to take away the series from PlayStation. It’s just my interpretation of the situation, I know many on here feel differently, but I’d rather MS acquire Activision Blizzard than somebody like Google or Amazon. As somebody who doesn’t play COD, I see these two companies arguing over the series as pointless. I understand the series is huge and brings in tons of cash, but I’m done with the finger pointing. They need to start acting like adults again. I know they mentioned they predicted the deal to close sometime next year, I don’t think it will but I’m hoping the deal ends sooner. It’s time to move on.
Spider-Man, Wolverine (yes I know MS passed on Marvel and yes I hate it), the f**king Adam West Arkham Knight skin and SFV. Boo friggin hoo Sony.
Give me a break, Sony has been obsessed with exclusivity. Funny how it's suddenly different when someone makes something they desperately want exclusive.
I am concerned about the acquisition in terms of Sony long term health. This isn't competition, it's not like MS came up with games to rival God of War or last of us. They are buying a key product for the system. It's more like they are rival pizza places and MS just bought the pepperoni supplier. Yeah, you can sell pizzas without pepperoni, but it's always been a big seller for them, and the place down the street already covers a bunch of niche flavors. I hope it all turns out ok. In the short term, I have gamepass and I like crash Bandicoot and Diablo, so win for me. But I don't want to see any of the big 3 fail, I think the competition is good. If Sony fails and MS has no competition (I don't think of N as direct competition, but I suppose they really are), then prices could go up and quality down. So I don't hate Sony for being worried, or MS for wanting the deal. But I worry.
Also, re exclusives, it is a weird time. You have Sony with some timed exclusives but also starting to put first party stuff on PC, and MLB went to game pass 2 years in a row on day 1. Right? Exclusive landscape is hard for me to understand right now.
This statement is loaded. “3 years after the current agreement” - when does the current agreement end? What are the details of the two agreements? Is the current agreement regarding exclusive content/skins/modes/demos/tests or is it a blanket agreement for keeping the game on the console?
As far as I can tell, the agreement is X+3 regarding keeping extra/exclusive content on the console. Sony needs to take the loss and move on, they have their fair share of exclusives and studios that they’ve acquired over the years.
Sony's totally playing up how bad this deal is for them. They'll be fine. COD does crazy numbers, but shooters aren't the only thing people play by a long shot. For all we know, this merger could end up hurting COD more than Sony because there's going to be a multiplatform shooter power vacuum. Maybe this is Battlefield's time to shine.
Whatever xbox can do what they want since they will own it. Playstation gotta create something new maybe an exclusive shooter from bungie. Whatever it is ill need something new once it goes away on PS
I hope once this deal goes through Microsoft steps in and forces this deal with Sony and CoD to just end, no more three years, no more CoD on PS. Then Sony would understand how dirty they have been playing for a while, Spiderman, Final Fantasy VII, etc.
Jim you sound like a little spoiled brat who can't have his way so you start crying online to get salt support from gamers
What did the head of Crystal Dynamics once said? “If Xbox players want to play with Spider-Man, get a PlayStation”?
Cry me a river, Jim Ryan.
I could careless what Phil and Jim said. At the end of the day it’s what the regulators decided. I’ll wait for that.
They blocked Spider-Man from Xbox after it being on their for many years, KOTOR came first on original Xbox, Destiny having exclusive quests in the past, oh and then having exclusive stuff in Call of Duty today, and now I hear the game Hogwarts is getting a PlayStation exclusive quest, they are such hypocrites complaining about something like this. We seriously gonna go back to what Xbox does is bad and what SONY does is good? Microsoft may have been shady in the past but things have changed now, the least Microsoft can do is not abandon the PlayStation fans of COD.
So sick of a company that has done everything they can to keep content off of other platforms for years complain about this. PlayStation is the second biggest enemy of software accessibility in this industry behind Nintendo. Nintendo at least doesn’t then devalue and neuter content that makes it onto other platforms. Empty words as usual from Ryan.
Maybe, just maybe, if sony didn't foolishly port all of their exclusive to pc they can still survive without some 3rd party games, like nintendo for example.
There are gamers that want to play god of war, horizon, uncharted, and others playstation 1st party games more compared to call of duty, but after sony port all of their games, gamers can just buy xbox for gamepass and play sony games on pc.
@Royalblues that was always gonna be the case. It’s just not the narrative the other side subscribe to.
As others have said, it really reads like "they didn't promise to keep giving us exclusive stuff, keep it off Game Pass and leave PlayStation as the best place to play CoD".
Jim Ryan must be deluded if he thinks MS would agree to that - and they'd fight and win in court against any regulator that tried to stipulate they should.
He's just playing games for the fans and for dumb regulators like our CMA, who as usual have taken the monopoly-holder's side in any argument (Sony last generation had a stranglehold on the UK casual console market).
Who cares. Sony will have their exclusives. Crying over call of duty is childish, since most players of that game act like children anyway. Move on, it isn't the end of the world.
Sounds to me like he's set his studios a challenge.
4 years to come up with a COD challenger.
Good. Phil is a liar, call him out on it. If the authorities are to make a valid decision on fair competition then they need the facts and phil has been very reluctant to supply them. It now transpires he does wish to make cod single platform in three years. This is exactly what worried the authorities in the first place, as its a copybook play from microsofts worst practices of the past: buy the market leader then give it away as they can afford to, and it stops anyone else having access to the market. Not such a concern for smaller titles, but cod is one of the top 5 brands on the planet along with apple etc, recognised by even non gamers, so restricting its platforms after that level of market penetration and after two decades of multiplatform releases IS reducing the markets choices and is anti competitive. Microsoft know this of course, even if their corp warriors cant see it, which is why they were prepared to pay over 70 billion and are doing their best to pretend they are not buying the market, and not be ckear on their commitments.
I play everywhere, so im not concerned too much, but Id rather Microsoft learnt how to make their own top notch ips, rather than stifle the market buying others to keep them from the competition. For those trying to make false equivilence, Sony buys developers to make its games and usually ones with a strong association and history with their company, not entire publishing houses like MS are doing. The differences are clear to anyone with any industry knowledge.
Regardless of which way this goes, its always a talking point to see corps have a food fight! I suggest they both pick a champion to settle this in combat like any good video game should.
Master Chief vs Kratos - winner takes COD! 😂
minecraft still on playstation, deathloop still can be put to PS+. Why should they be afraid of losing CoD? Xbox is a good guy and want to share their games; unlike PS who literally keep Final Fantasy 7 remake & rebirth, 14, 16, forspoken, star wars kotor remake from xbox. wake up jim ryan. you literally licking your own *****
@themcnoisy imo this is why Sony acquired Bungie, to make a new online fps Playstation shooter.
You say, "yet this proposed deal says otherwise", @UltimateOtaku91, whereas in fact your statement is more misleading than Phil's. Indeed, you could argue that you are 'lying' just as you accuse Phil of doing.
I grant you that the deal says 3 years, and not forever or indefinitely, but nowhere does it say that the game will cease to exist on the PlayStation after the 3 years has elapsed. So it does not say "otherwise", as you state, it simply leaves the future of the game unsaid.
@Fiendish-Beaver i’m pretty sure @UltimateOtaku91 is actually Jim Ryan. They both have weird expectations for how long these deals should last, they both suggest terrible business decisions, and they both hate Xbox and Phil Spencer.
@Titntin "It now transpires he does wish to make cod single platform in three years"
It doesn't mean that at all - it just means that the CURRENT deal that Sony has with Activision will only be extended an additional 3 years beyond it's current close date. After that Sony can negotiate a new deal with MS, as they would have to if ABK was still its own entity. But the idea that a deal ending means no more deals at all is a non-starter.
Phil is on record about wanting to get CoD on Nintendo so it seems odd that they'll take it off PS if they're planning a Switch version.
Warzone is f2p will likely remain platform agnostic, as f2p games need as big a player base as possible to survive. What might happen is that the other games' MP go f2p as well and then the campaigns go into Game Pass for Xbox and cost money on other platforms.
But your point that a deal ending means no more deals at all is a non-starter.
Ryan’s assumption that Playstation was untouchable and he had a free hand to milk their consumers harder is under threat and he doesn’t like it
@K1LLEGAL Phil Spencer I despise but I've never once said I hate xbox, why would I spend money on something I hate.
@UltimateOtaku91 why would you despise someone you never met? There is enough hate in the world already.
@K1LLEGAL OK maybe despise was too strong, but I just find him to be very hypocritical in what he says compared to what actually happens, and that was before this Activision deal.
@UltimateOtaku91 you must find Jim Ryan hypocritical too right? Since he is crying about exclusives…? Just checking. I just don’t see how Sony can be defended in these circumstances or have any sympathy towards them.
@K1LLEGAL i don't like Jim either and you will never see me say otherwise, both Jim and Phil have been hypocrites so far, but then again I suppose some decisions are just beyond them, hence why I didn't go around blaming jim for raising the ps5 price, that decision is above his pay grade.
Jim, if you don't like the offer, don't accept the offer.
@Royalblues isn't it weird that Ubisoft makes the same AC and Far Cry games over and over and everyone complains, but Sony releases Ratchet and Clank and Horizon games (and remasters a game for the SECOND time in 10 years) that are good, but are basically almost identical to previous games in their series, but no one says anything?
@armondo36 "remasters a game for the SECOND time in 10 years"
.. your arguing that no one said anything about this? I dunno what rock you are living under but thats been one of the most talked about things in gaming for several weeks and the subject of many articles on just about every media outlet.
Suggesting otherwise paints you as someone who has absolutely no idea whats happening.. such as suggesting sequals are the same game? Just to remind you that the only first party games released on series x at all, are Halo 6, Forza Horizon 5 and the upteenth release of flight simulator.
IF you have a problem with sequals then you are attacking Microsoft, who are the very worst for it as they cannot make fresh IPs of any worth at all.
Theres plenty of reasons you can attack Sony justifiably, releasing sequals is not one of them.
What a whiner. They should be thankful that Phil is not making CoD a console exclusive for XBOX.
@Titntin any other game would have gotten KILLED for doing that. A few reviewers said, "yea that's kinda weird" lol
@Titntin My point, which you seem to have somehow missed entirely, is that Sony seems to get away with not innovating much IN their sequels. The games are still good, absolutely, but the same way reviewers and fans KILL Ubisoft for not changing much game to game, they also point out that games like Horizon and R&C are just another in the series. I LOVE Ratchet and Clank, but come on, that last 4or 5 of them have essentially been the same game. It's just weird that they never get called out on it.
@Titntin "but cod is one of the top 5 brands on the planet along with apple etc"
Can't take anything you say seriously after that ridiculous little nugget.
The only thing Jim Ryan finds 'inadequate' over this deal, is that Microsoft aren't guaranteeing that COD won't ever be on Game Pass and that Sony won't be allowed to be the only company to have exclusive content and deals and marketing with COD. He's so salty he really is, whilst he buys a giant share of the makers of Elden Ring to ensure future PlayStation exclusivity for their games.
I don't even care about COD but the hypocrisy of this is really starting to annoy me.
Like many of you said, Spiderman among many other things have been exclusive for sony. If Sony is as great as they are made to be, just revive killzone or resistance or create a new COD like game.
@Titntin And Jim Ryan isn't a hypocritical liar? You do seem like a Sony troll with that comment I have to say.
Sony are well known for their obsessiveness over exclusivity deals locking games and features from other platforms. It's about time they have a piece of their own medicine.
@CunningPig Fair enough, and it was a mis remembered quote rather than a made up one:
"According to a 2019 study, ‘The importance of Call of Duty to entertainment, in general, is indescribable,’” the company said. “The brand was the only video game IP to break into the top 10 of all entertainment brands among fans, joining powerhouses such as Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings."
Whilst my memory was poor, the quote was meant to illustrate how important the brand is to non core gamers. Lets face it, most of us core gamers dont really care about it.
The series is the best selling ip to ever originate from the United States with sales well over 400 million. You and I may not like it, but it represents such a huge chunk of available gaming revenue that its attracted this interest. Lets face it, most of us prefer doom surely, but no ones talking about id being single platform, because compared with cod, its small fry.
Appologies for the mis-remembered info, I assure you it was not intended to deceive.
@S1ayeR74 I dont have any time for Jim either, I think most of these suits are as bad as each other.
However, if phil is lying stating he offered a deal for several years when in fact it was 3, he can and should be called out on it in public.
The fact that Jim Ryan is also a lying git you cant trust, doesnt excuse Phil.
No intent to troll, but its phil that took these comments public, so I felt it only fair hes called out on it in public too. Im sure if Jim is lying, then Phil will stand up and say so!
I dont think its trolling not to immediately take microsofts side in any discussion? Surely these sections are intended to encourage healthy debate? Theres no debate at all if we all just accept an article at face value and never challange opinions?
I have a lot of time for Microsoft, they have done gaming a lot of good and they will continue to do so for many more years.
But I dont give them a free pass on anything, and both Phil and Jim would take profits over a healthy competitive games sector every time. Ive worked for both corps and know for fact they are not the consumers friend...
It's not lying for Phil to say the offer was for several years.
thought there wasn't going to be a new COD next year so.....
Geoff is a heel. Can't stand that dude
The Sony fanboys on this website are so pathetic, why are you even on here arguing, go and play on your PS5 and enjoy the present.
Can you imagine if Microsoft put the first fully controlled MS cod on Switch 2 and not on PS? Lmao
wow this man is beyond comprehension and i dont like him why in the world sony always try to anticonsumer antimultiplatforms, they don't have a word to complain about and they should be grateful microsoft try to put deal in place to advantage them because we know if it was them owning activision-blizzard they would not give a damn about other and all ip would be exclusive to playstation.
@S1ayeR74 well said my friend i would not agree more.
@Titntin 3 is also called ‘several’, it is more then 2 which is a couple. It is your opinion that doesn’t think it means several not the English language. Phil did not lie in the slightest, they offered a deal, which Sony have signed and agreed to let’s not forget, that offered exactly what they said it would. You are also ‘assuming’ no new deal will be negotiated when that current one expires. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but Microsoft didn’t make Minecraft exclusive which is a game children play far more then COD.
Also I do believe the first time this was all said was in documents sent to the Brazilian competitions commission, not the public, they were made public not by Microsoft so you and Jim Ryan are both wrong on that assumption. Apart from that Phil has stated COD will remain on PlayStation since the beginning of this buy out process.
@S1ayeR74 Hey, I have to put my hand up here, the technical definition of several means it can and is used to mean 3 sometimes. Im afraid my understanding of the word was incorrect as I assumed it was commonly used to mean 4 or 5. I was wrong, and therefore my statement that Phil lied was also inncorrect.
Thank you, and others, for enlightening me.
I might also be inncorrect, but I had understood that the offer to extend for a further 3 years in addition to the existing contracts had not been signed and agreed by sony? It is a document provided to Sony and signed by Microsoft, so a commitment rather than an agreement. From Microsofts public statement:
"In January, we provided a signed agreement to Sony"
The statement was not revealed in the almost amusing brazil documents, but was made by Microsoft directly to 'the verge' so it is considered a public statement when you brief a news outlet. The story that started all this is here: https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/2/23334619/microsoft-sony-call-of-duty-playstation-letter-commitment-activision-blizzard
Certainly if Sony signed such an agreement, then they have no right to moan about the terms now, that would be rediculous.
Sorry i was wrong on my interpretation of several, my misunderstanding was genuine.
@Would_you_kindly they simply cant afford Activision....i mean sony as a hole company worth around 160b with a huge dept bigger than 1 trillion dollar (search it up) ...and thats why sony is furious they can buy 3rd party games or timed exclusive and DLCs or a shop in a game (hogwards) but they cant buy a huge publisher and if the can they will ....bungie is always being bought by someone i think this is the 3rd aquesition for th company but its always (support us with money and you have profit working us)....its like xbox@ID where they support indie devs with money to have profit on their success (and they arent exclusives
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