Since Perfect Dark's reboot was announced at TGA 2020, we've not really heard much positivity on its development. In fact, reports have since said that developer The Initiative was struggling to get development going, especially before Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics joined the fray. As it turns out, that move might of been just what the game needed.
On a recent 'The Xbox Two' podcast episode, host Jez Corden was discussing Perfect Dark development, when he dropped this interesting tidbit about how things are coming along:
"Funnily enough, when I made this [tier] list, someone actually reached out to me and said that Perfect Dark is actually coming along really well."
So, could the game's fortunes have changed since those older reports? Well, maybe. For now this is just conjecture, rumour if you will, and when Corden was pressed about giving up more details on development, he straight up refused. Here's a timestamp of the podcast discussion on Perfect Dark:
We'll just have to wait and see on this one! Either way, given that Crystal Dynamics was only brought on board around a year a go to help with development, we're probably a ways off seeing more on the Perfect Dark reboot.
What do you make of this? Hopeful that the Crystal Dynamics move was a good one? Let us know!
Comments 10
I feel like this is the first time since Phil Spencer became head of Xbox that the rumour is a game is progressing well…and that’s only after a couple of years of hearing the games in trouble… feels kinda …unnatural…
Thanks Crystal dynamics! Shame to see you go.
Bringing Crystal on board was probably a sensible decision.
Would be interesting to know how many from Crystal though. I mean it could only 10 personnel for all we know. It’s all PR this and that.
Its good to hear that things are progressing nicely and hopefully its pretty smooth sailing right through to the end from here on out. I don't really care 'when' it releases, just that its 'ready to release' when it does come. Its not like there isn't games releasing every week and with so many games to play from over 20yrs of gaming on Xbox, even though I have been playing since the day MS entered the console market, there is a LOT of games in my backlog too. Its not like I struggle to find 'great' games to play on my Series X - but then I didn't buy my Series X to ONLY play brand new 1st Party 'next gen only (at least 'visually')' AAA games as some seem to have done as that's all they keep going on about...
I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the Perfect Dark IP, as well as numerous other titles that we know are in development. I hope they all continue to progress well!
Oh boy, 2029 can't come soon enough!
My expectations for this game where once very high...now I expect it will probably end up just being average unfortunately
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Hopefully turns out great since we haven't had a Perfect Dark game since 2005
I liked Perfect Dark Zero as well. Not as much as the first but it was still fun to play and a solid launch title for the 360. Crazy that was almost 20 years ago.
Halo Infinite is a good game but the campaign coop and Forge are taking forever. I'm glad to see Crystal brought in to speed Perfect Dark's development up. Avengers looked like it could have been a good game if its combat wasn't so basic. Focusing on a single player FPS could boost their morale. Though I hope it has split screen too.
I mean...what would you EXPECT them to say?
"Hey how's the game coming along?"
"Complete tire fire, thanks for asking!"
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