Xbox's current Wi-Fi setup is a bit, odd in some ways. While most users who stick on the same home network won't notice, those who frequently travel may have run into the issue that, basically, the system only remembers one Wi-Fi setup. But don't worry, Xbox is aware of the requests for this to change.
Xbox Tavern tweeted at Engineering Lead Eden Marie, asking why Xbox consoles can't store more than one Wi-Fi setting. Marie responded saying that while there's a reason the systems do this, the team is aware of requests for it to change.
Marie doesn't commit to this changing anytime soon, but the fact that Team Xbox is aware is surely a good thing. Hopefully, a fix comes soon for those who do move their Serie X or S console around frequently, such as xScreen users!
Have you run into this Wi-Fi issue on Xbox? Let us know if you'd like to see it sorted down below.
Comments 8
Pretty please! It'll just make the experience that much easier.
How does one request features? One I would like to see is the ability to convert my PlayStation trophies into their equivalent Xbox achievements for my completed games onto my account (minus the platinum ofc). I have 109 Platinums and wouldn't like to go through that again.
If for that I'd give Sony the boot and but a Series X. They're in stock right now at my favourite online retailer and given the insanity of their greedy service launch I'm so tempted to do it. I skipped Xbox last gen, Sony might push me back.
@GADG3Tx87 Sony would never allow it and therefore MS could never implement it.
Just makes me wonder if there was a way to do it without their approval. Just simply access the person's PSN ID and let the Xbox server determine what you've completed. Some websites like Ubisoft allowed you to 'link' platform ID's to their services for points and stuff.
Wishful thinking that it could happen because I put a lot of effort into my trophies. Wouldn't want to start again if I could help it. I'd definitely switch if Phil could figure it out somehow.
I have this issue all the time as I frequently transport my Xbox between two locations and networks. Its a little annoying but nothing major, but I would also love to have it fixed.
@GADG3Tx87 Why limit yourself? Get whatever console you can now, and buy the other down the line in few years. I went Xbox at launch this time, but I fully expect to end up with PS5 in few years when slim &/ better looking model is out (entirely subjective ofcourse).
Regarding Trophies and Achievements, I never thought CrossPlay will happen in my lifetime but here we are. Get the conversation started and who knows.
@GADG3Tx87 Honestly if you skipped Xbox last gen then there are some benefits to getting a Series X you get to play all the games you missed out on last gen. Plus Xbox has done a better job at making older games play better. And lastly there's Game Pass.
But I do understand being attached to a platform and profile for various reasons, whether that be trophies/gamerscore, game library or friends.
There are no right or wrong decisions here, I have both and they're both great systems, each having different pros and cons. But I think you'd be very happy with an Xbox.
I'm curious to know what the reason is.
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