This next generation of consoles has been defined by stock issues thus far, but even so, Microsoft has reportedly sold more Xbox Series X and S systems in the UK than Nintendo managed with the GameCube throughout its entire lifespan.
This is according to GamesIndustry's Chris Dring, who pointed out that the milestone occured a few months ago, while the PlayStation 5 is also now reportedly "bigger than the N64 in the UK".
Dring pointed this out while also stating that the Xbox Series X and S outsold both the PlayStation 5 and the Nintendo Switch in the UK in March, citing an increase in Series X stock as the reason for coming out on top.
Sure, it's not that impressive to see the Series X and S overtaking GameCube on paper, but it's a great milestone after 18 months considering the circumstances, and it'll be interesting to see how high those sales figures go in the future.
Impressed by this, or not so much? Give us your thoughts down in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 25
According to Wikipedia Xbox Series are at 12m Vs 17m for PS5.
That's respectable recovery for Xbox for now... but once PS sort out their inventory availability, I expect them to stride into the distance.
I do think Xbox need to go MUCH heavier on marketing... whilst I always see TV and web adverts for Sony games, I never really seem to see any marketing for Xbox.
A heavy marketing campaign for the Series machines and gamepass would definitely help Xbox for both now and the future.
But they really need to do it now... while Xbox's are available and PS are not
Considering what happened since Xbox One launch, in my opinion, is an huge comeback for MS and Xbox team.
And I'm very glad about it.
I'm Italian and unfortunately here Playstation is synonymous of videogame.
So most people neither know Xbox reality.
I do hope it will change in future.
A great Marketing campaign could help very much.
Let's see what will happen at the end of this generation.
I'm responsible for 2 of those sales. Had a series S originally to compliment my PS5 and Switch and recently upgraded to a Series X
Agree with you there Xbox is like non existing on tv adverts, bill boards etc. I don’t think Xbox have been that big on advertising ever, near Christmas they do a bit, but most general public don’t have a clue in the UK about game pass.
Yes if PS5 had more stock in the UK the series consoles would be flattened, I just being honest I own a series x but I know not to get carried away about Xbox vs PlayStation vs Nintendo.
Series s is always available and series x are available in shops and do sit around for while now before selling. The chip shortage has helped xbox for sure and it is giving them time to allow them to get some killer must have games out, but the xbox studios seem not to be taking much advantage of that situation.
I still think all said and done at the end of the day whenever that is 6 or 7 years the battle ground will look very similar to last generation, Switch 1/2 and PS5 sailing off into the sales sunset and xbox about the same amount behind roughly.
Mainly due to games and very poor marking and advertising leading to not much general public awareness.
Let's not turn this into a playstation has still sold more than xbox debacle, let's just congratulate xbox on this milestone, evey milestone conquered is a step towards the next. (what's next? 64?)
On the topic of the N64 though I don't understand how it flopped as it has some of the best games on that system and got the support it needed for games unlike the Wiiu, was simply because of its cartridge media at the time and people wanted the disk console to seem popular
It’s amazing to see how little the GameCube and N64 actual sold in the UK. I Had both and really enjoyed them, had some great Nintendo games on them.
On a positive note, I think a disc less Series x for £370 same as PS5 would go done well in the UK and enable that area to be covered by Xbox.
Think we might get one this Christmas, just a feeling that’s all.
5 million behind Playstation is fine. Microsoft has accumulated massive power in the acquisition of all it's studios. We have not seen even the first stirrings of the impact that will have. Soon, Xbox will be in a position to release a major AAA exclusive every 2-3 months. At that point, Xbox will overtake Sony very quickly and leave them in the dust. Starfield will be the launchpad in November. After that, it's game on! ...unless Sony does something crazy like buying Square Enix, Capcom and Namco Bandai. Then all bets are off.
I’m all digital as well, don’t do discs, got just one media game for Switch Mario 3d world plus Bowers Fury as game in the bundle with my Switch OLED.
I think Xbox will gain good ground in the USA 🇺🇸
Not sure about the UK though I think the UK is sort of Xbox second biggest territory outside of USA, so it could do.
I think I just need a bit more faith in Xbox big blockbuster games for series consoles and see some good UK advertising and promoting of game pass, that should help loads.
Definitely not trying to fan the flames of Xbox Vs PS 🙂
I just find the lack of Xbox marketing mystifying given they are playing catch-up to Sony in terms of sales.
Given the positive feedback the console and gamepass are getting (plus Xbox being better stocked than the PS5), it just feels like they're missing an opportunity.
Anyhow, I was lucky enough to get an X at launch and am loving it (and gamepass).
I had a PS4 last gen, so I'm kinda agnostic... will go wherever the value and entertainment is 👍
Never been a hater of any games machine... not my thing 🙂
Though Sony have burned me a couple of times with audio equipment... will never forget that! 😆
Sony are good at burning 🔥 with home entertainment stuff and even 2021 and still 2022 to a lesser extent lag behind the likes of LG and Samsung sockets wise and features wise.
How can you self a premium top money new 2022 OLED with just two hdmi full 2:1 ports and the other two 2:0. Just ridiculous.
I have a series X and a ps5 and despite not owning a PlayStation since a PS2...meaning I have all the PS3 and PS4 catalogue to play....my ps5 pretty much gathers dust....the so called brilliant exclusives are not as amazing as made out to be...most of them if they where multiplatform wouldn't get as much praise as they do ...I mean it's a fine machine to get if you only have one console...but I would say it's a no brainer to get the series X if you was only to get 1 console because of gamepass ...it blows now and plus out the water....and I don't think that looks like changing with the rebrand ps are doing
I fully expect the ps5 to comfortably outsell the series over the course of next few years though because of the sheep mentality even when the Xbox is currently so much better value ...same story with most products though...Xbox is slowly turning the tides though
I'm getting very off topic (apologies all), but the thing with Sony's home entertainment stuff is that the quality is WILDLY inconsistent...
My BEST hifi was a Sony.
My WORST hifi was a Sony.
They were both around the same price point
Also, their inclination towards proprietary technology is SO frustrating...
Had an MP3 player that converted everything to a weird Sony format that could not be converted back to mp3... lost all my digital music when the player died.
Also had a hifi that would only play mp3s from a Sony branded usb.
... although, conversely, I think Xbox got it right with the proprietary external storage for the Series (versus the minefield of choosing the wrong SSD for the unwary PS user).
Hear lots of great stuff about Sony's HTA9 home theatre system though... very tempting!
It’s sheep mentality to a degree, then it’s Microsoft jobs to heard those sheep in a different direction.
Game pass will not do that alone, which is great value to a degree. The series x console the best console, will not do it alone, or the series s.
Great and best features GUI will not do it alone.
You need great games and great word and mouth
And general public awareness of your products and games. If a multi trillion dollar company and the studios Microsoft have cannot heard those sheep to them, in a reasonable time period then there is something wrong with Microsoft or the direction they have taken to achieve this.
I keep saying big AAA amazing games that spread through word and mouth and great advertising.
They need make Xbox trendy again like in the Xbox360 days. The UK likes Xbox, ok not as big as USA, so it stands a chance over here.
I know off topic.
I just found them hard work hand shaking with other devices. My Samsung, LG stuff etc talks to each other perfect. Introduce Sony something then Dolby Atmos doesn’t kick in or something doesn’t switch over.
Don’t by Sony entertainment stuff anymore given up with them.
These articles always turn into console wars lol unless your a shareholder of Microsoft , Sony or Nintendo why's it matter how many units they sold
Congratulations Xbox on all the success! Selling more than the GameCube in 18 months is impressive. I still own a GameCube. Loved that system and love my Xbox series X.
Kinda low bars, really. Not sure why we're comparing PS and Xb sales against some of the lower selling Nintendo consoles, in the UK of all places.
@UltimateOtaku91 N64 wasn't a flop but it wasn't a success either. The price, the price of games were probably the two biggest factors. Obviously publishers tepidly supporting it hurt. Sony marketing money hurt big. And Nintendo was starting to develop their image problem thanks mostly to Sega marketing the previous generation, which Sony built upon to be the edgy one angsty teens, the largest spend group for games at the time, wanted.
On top of that it didn't have a large library by design. And the games were honestly ugly. As a Nintendo loyalist I was never impressed by N64 outside sm64. 2d games still looked better to be!
It was a marvel, but it had a lot stacked against it. In hindsight though, 25 years later, Miyamoto was proven right about cartridges. After grinding load screens for decades, ssd and instant load are the future. Which is exactly what the N64 was all about!
This is great to see Xbox Series S/X selling well, because regardless of which side you are on having healthy competition improves things for all of us.
@StylesT @Dezzy70 I wouldn’t say it’s sheep mentality as much as it is brand familiarity. For the majority of FIFA only players in the UK, they will see “PlayStation 5” plastered all over football matches and that helps sell the console to them as the place for FIFA. COD also has been PlayStation favoured for a long time. Although I guess you could argue both those categories are “sheep like”.
Then you have those who aren’t swayed by simple things like that. I for one favoured my PS4 because of the exclusives, mainly the third party exclusives such as… Final Fantasy 7: Remake, Ni No Kuni 1 & 2 and a lot of other Japanese games that were only released on PlayStation. Not to mention Sony’s own first party offerings.
Having said that, this generation I’m spending more of my time on my Xbox. And I bought my kids Xboxes to compliment their Switches because Game Pass is insanely good value for families.
Much like Nintendo after the Wii U disaster, I'm not looking at the competition, all I care about is MS doing much better with the Series consoles after the debacle that was the Xbox One. Seems like things are off to a good start, now if it could just get the big exclusives out quicker, the situation would be even better.
You could have not said it better.
I have said on here before ages ago.
FIFA and COD, when Xbox lost those deals
During the PS4 era they lost a lot of the
fifa and cod crowd. Xbox handed PlayStation Europe when they let the fifa and cod deals go.
And look what Xbox are doing now, sponsoring England and France football.
It’s is ironic that ages ago I mentioned on here about Xbox losing the FIFA and COD deals lost a lot in Europe.
Now Xbox sponsor England and France football.
Now Xbox own COD.
I dam well called that from about a year ago
And all the Xbox fans on here that gave me criticism
About my FIFA and COD comments about a year ago.
Well those that did can suck on that, right now 😂😂😂
I hear what you are saying... and at least Microsoft realise that is an issue and they are taking steps to remedy it through acquiring studios to get quality content out on a regular basis.
The marketing though... seems like they're hardly trying, which is weird.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Hey Syfix
I see you're new to this site... But, that's not really the way we communicate around here.
We're mostly a friendly bunch and not into trolling either.
Keep it light, fun and friendly and you'll fit in just fine.
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