Redfall, the next game from the team behind Dishonored and Deathloop, was revealed at last year's Xbox & Bethesda showcase. At the time, the team was aiming for a Summer 2022 release window, although that could be in doubt.
The developer has taken to its social channels to advertise a bunch of Redfall jobs. These vacancies include everything from senior artists and animators, to online and graphics engineers. Basically, there's a lot of development to be done, it seems.
Things have been eerily quiet on Redfall since its announcement, and we wouldn't be surprised at all to see it slip into late 2022. Of course, these development posts could relate to post-launch work as well, but if it's coming this summer, we'll need to see more on Redfall soon.
That next Redfall showing may not be until E3 season. On a recent podcast, VentureBeat's Jeff Grubb spoke about Xbox's 2022 plans, saying that Redfall, Starfield and Forza Motorsport will be the big focus for this year.

When do you think we'll next see Redfall? Let us know your thoughts below.
Comments 18
I'm really starving for more info/videos on this one. The trailer, while it didn't say much, still got me hyped
This sounds like it's not for redfall as mentioned new AAA open world game.
As if they need a lead online engineer and a lead AI designer. Redfall isn't hitting this year
No way this is out this year. The recruitment process will take at least 3 months, and its quite clear that game is very early in development as they need so many lead positions. Lead roles will be those who develop and test the asset pipeline so there no way on earth they are even ready to start creating the needed assets at this point. Under normal development a title will take a good 24 months to develop after getting the leads in place - and that's only with a decent engine and bunch of good tools in place... I may not have developed a game for a decade now, but dev times have gone up, not down!
I can’t see this releasing this summer if they’re still advertising jobs! Maybe next summer? 🤔
Hmm needing new leads and senior developers doesn't scream "Summer release" to me. Unless those already in those jobs left the company, and this is a "clean up crew" which also doesn't fill me with confidence about the game. Time will tell at least.
hmm, the advertisement doesn't say it's FOR Redfall, though. it says "help us build immersive action-adventure GAMES" they could simply be using Redfall to show what they're working on currently, to be fair. if development is this far behind, i feel like they would have announced the delay already (he said, probably hours before they announce a delay).
Recruiting for a game expected in 3 to 6months - after all, Summer is just 3 months away and ends late September - just over 6months from now.
Unless its 'recruiting' to expand on and build up Redfall as more of a Live Service game and recruiting for the ongoing development of this title, I would think that 'maybe', just maybe they are recruiting for their 'next' project and using their 'Current' project to indicate which Arkane team are recruiting.
You'd think, based on 'current' understandings, that Redfall should be in the 'final' stages now, that 'play-test' and 'Polish' stage as they are getting close to their launch window, which would mean that 'most' of the Art/Animation team in particular would be 'finished' - other than fixing some bugs that may crop up in play testing.
Therefore, I'd be more 'inclined' at the moment that this 'recruitment' drive is for their 'next' project and their 'first' fully developed for MS. Arkane has two studio's - Redfall being developed in Arkane Austin, Deathloop being developed by Arkane Lyon. To me this seems more like they are recruiting more for their 'next' project as they finish up Redfall and are using their 'Redfall' artwork to indicate that its Arcane Austin, not Arkane Lyon that 'need' those positions...
Disappointing. Nothing really except Starfield in 2022 if this gets delayed. They will need some real bangers on GamePass to make up for the lack of in house games.
Release it in the summer or wait till 2023. Holiday season this year will be packed.
As others have said very unlikely to be releasing this year if they are still advertising for senior and lead positions. Not expecting it this year based on this. Though as @BAMozzy said perhaps this is for next game and Redfall is just used to convince potential applicants.
Totally agree gamepass this year so far and maybe until the end of the year 2022
Is looking like OLDPASS, desperately needs some new AAA titles.
I’m an big fan of Xbox been with them since day one.
But when you see this and the other two bringing the games it does make you wonder why I am.
It has started to effect even series x sales, we had some drops yesterday and the stock still there with only some sold but not many.
PS5 drops gone in minutes still.
Games sell consoles, consoles sell game pass
Games sell game pass.
No matter how any super fan boy puts it, be it game pass or consoles games will sell both.
So new AAA exclusives games will sell game pass subscriptions, if that is Microsoft’s new focus.
Games sell game pass.
The trouble with Microsoft when they do wake up,
They think the whole year revolves around June E3 and release a game or two at Christmas.
The other ten months of the year the console and hype is dead.
Sony and Nintendo try to steady stream throughout the year which creates hype and sales all year round.
The buzz on Sony at the minute and also Nintendo a little less is massive, with gamers and general public.
Also the trouble with releasing your big hitters at Christmas they get dragged into the fifa and cod world and some other games.
It’s like Microsoft don’t seem to learn each year.
I wouldn't read too much into this representing the state of redfall. It implies future games.
It says “games” in the ad. I don’t think this means much for Redfall.
Well, Redfall looked pretty bad last time we saw it, so I don’t think it’s a bad idea if it needs more cooking… though, holy cow, Xbox… is it just ok to have a blank canvas for a release schedule? My Series S is getting dusty.
I'd put my life's savings on this game getting a major delay
Unfortunately I have to agree with most here, doesn't seem like this will be a 2022 release. The debut trailer got me really interested but it's been too quiet since.
My god, do they have ANYTHING ready for this year?
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