Grand Theft Auto V is out on Xbox Series X|S next week, and pre-loading has just gone live! If you've pre-ordered either the full game, or GTA Online, you can download them to your Series X or Series S right now.
The game is about 100gb in size for either version, so you'll need some juicy SSD space to cram this thing onto. If you're not sure whether to triple dip on GTAV, Rockstar is offering up some pretty good launch discounts on Xbox, even if they're not as steep as the PlayStation offerings. Okay, we'll try and explain:
- Grand Theft Auto V Full Game is normally $40/£35 on Xbox Series X|S. However, a launch discount grants you 50% off, making it $20/£17.50.
- GTA Online is normally $20/£18 on Xbox Series X|S. However, a launch discount also grants 50% off, bringing it down to $10/£9.
- Both of these discounts run for roughly three months from launch, through June 14th.
If physical is your preferred way to play, that version launches in April. We've no idea if there's a launch discount for the physical version of GTAV on next-gen, as Rockstar still hasn't said much of anything about the disc launch.

If you do pick up online first and then want to upgrade, it looks like that'll be possible via the game's 'Story Mode' add-on. Pricing for this hasn't been revealed just yet, as players need to own GTA Online to be able to purchase Story Mode. Ah, that clears things up.
Will you be picking up GTAV on next-gen, given these discounts? Let us know below.
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[source rockstargames.com]
Comments 25
I must be the only person never to have bought GTAv and I can't see this changing with a 'newer' generation version. I have absolutely zero interest in GTA Online and even £15 is more than I'd spend to 'try' the Single Player Story mode...
@BAMozzy Same here! Got it on 360, it was great! Got it on XB1 when it launched, same game, but man did it play and look better. Now? I played GTAV on the Series X, its super smooth, but worth the update again for $20? I will pass.
@BAMozzy You’re not alone, I have also never played GTA V before. However, I am interested in buying the next gen version of the story mode. I think it would be epic to play the game for the first time on the Series X version. I don’t want to play GTA Online though, it doesn’t really seem like my thing.
Thank you for mentioning that there will be a physical release for this coming up. I may wait to get that version.
@Scummbuddy No problem! Hopefully we hear more about it soon
Started playing this when part of GamePass but it was taken off before I could complete it. Think I was about 75% through. Enjoyable game but felt a bit empty compared to some modern open world games. Hoping this latest version will improve that.
PS5 version it is then, for 50% less than on X|S.
Bit of a kicker compared to PS prices. Was going to purchase the SP for £9 but not for £20. Not played it since the 360 version.
@Medic_Alert It’s because the GTA Online portion is going to be free with PlayStation Plus or something.
I'll wait for the reviews to see if it's another bodge job or not.
Will i even be able to see any difference ....probably not unless I acquire bionic eyes
Why is the PS5 version £8.75?
Are Sony soaking up some of the cost hoping to make it back on GTA Online MTX?
Might just grab it on PS5 in all honesty.
And this is how backlogs worsen. Xcom 2 under $5, gta v $20, CoD sale.
@KezelPaso Do the discounts run for roughly three months from launch though? Because if you look on the Xbox Store it says the discount ends in 6 days, which is just before the game launches.
I’m curious as to how the Online works for those on Xbox One and Series X/S. Will the player base be split if playing on either console? There’s going to be new faster cars that are only available on Series X/S as well as 60fps so surely it wouldn’t be running while Xbox One players are on the same server?
@Medic_Alert @blinx01 The reason Story Mode is £8.75 on PS5 is because they are getting GTA Online for free, it wouldn’t make sense charging £17.49 otherwise they wouldn’t actually be getting GTA Online for free. The £17.49 price on Xbox includes GTA Online as well as Story Mode.
I understand that.
But the GTA Online for free offer is only included with PS+ for 3 months, whereas if they pay £8.75 now, they get the full package.
Wow, it really is double the price of Playstation then. Gross. I don't even like the game, but for ten bucks I might as well buy it on PS5.
Plus I originally played it on PS4, physical copy, before I had the X1, so if it does accept save files, that's where my cloud saves are anyway, though I think most of my cloud saves got lost somehow, so I started clean when I got my Pro.
@StylesT My guess with the new improvements and usual penchant for GTA games to involve ladies of the night. The only real noticeable improvement shall be better resolution to said ladies area that resembles the toe of particular desert animal.
Probably about it. I'd not pay for the upgrade.
I picked this up on PS5, as both the campaign and Online came in at a combined £8.75. More than half of what it’d cost on Xbox. Weird, right?
@blinx01 It’s my understanding that those on PS5 have up to 3 months to redeem their free GTA Online which they then keep forever after the 3 months is up, not that GTA Online is free to play for 3 months then they have to buy it afterwards. This is why Rockstar is offering them Story Mode for just £8.75 within that 3 months.
@The_Pixel_King Not weird at all. It wouldn’t make sense charging PS5 players the same price as Xbox seeing as they are getting GTA Online for free. The £17.49 offer is for both Story Mode and Online.
I've never played GTA V. I think it's time to try it now on Series X. Although with Cyberpunk, XCOM, and now GTA the day should have at least 30 hours.
@MaccaMUFC That sale countdown should just roll over. Xbox is weird sometimes and only puts week-long discounts on before it then says 7 days again the following week.
That pricing isn't too bad including the sale. the full price is a bit steep though. If you've never played it then I can see it being worthwhile as it's a fun game, and as long as you're moderately interested in the genre you'd have a good time.
Though for anyone who's already played it on the previous gen (and maybe even the one before that) I don't see this being a worthwhile upgrade unless you're a massive fan. With how much money GTA V has made and keeps on making it should be a free upgrade, or the sale price as a base price.
I might get this cheaper with MS points. I already have enough for a $10 gift card.
Not bad for £17.50 I'll play this again.ive completed it on Xbox 360 and PS4 but the graphics and frame rate really bugged me. Will be nice to have better graphics and resolution and go through the story again, especially after I killed Trevor at the end on my PS4 playthrough! DOH!
Originally though $20 wasn't bad. Then saw the Playstation prices.
LOL no thanks.
If there ever was a way to ruin your sales on one platform, this is it.
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