It seems we weren't the only ones amazed by Hellblade 2's latest gameplay trailer! Xbox exec Aaron Greenberg recently spoke with Xbox fans at an event in South America, where he touched on a recent Hellblade 2 trailer.
In short, Greenberg was that impressed he thought it was a cutscene. When he brought that up to developer Ninja Theory, they were quick to shoot him down. "No, look, I'm moving Senua myself".
We can certainly see where Greenberg was coming from. Hellblade 2 looked super cinematic in its Game Awards showing late last year, and we too were surprised that it was all real gameplay.

Rest assured then, Ninja Theory is delivering the goods with Hellblade 2. We're not sure when the game will be ready, but we're hugely excited for it all the same.
Did you think the Hellblade 2 trailer was a cutscene? Let us know your thoughts on it below.
[source twitter.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 26
Whilst I was impressed with the visuals, that game-play trailer looked more 'walking' sim than game-play. The walk through the cave seemed quite 'dull' from a Game-play perspective and seemed to have 'cut-scenes' at set points.
How much 'control' you have during the 'run' out too was unclear - are the times you 'stop' to throw a spear triggered by the player or is it automatically programmed to trigger that sequence at fixed points? When back at the 'barricades', some of that looked more 'cutscene' - lifting debris off a fallen comrade before the giant 'reappears'.
Its difficult to know how much of that 'sequence' was actually player controlled. For all I know, the walk in could be but interrupted by cut-scenes at various points, the run out could be player controlled - as could the spear throwing, but actually 'feeling' in control is a different matter without any indications of the Player involvement (moving like a 'player' controlled character, button prompts etc).
Not to say that whole sequence wasn't completely player controlled or very 'limited' player involvement - but that the sequence and visual quality makes it difficult to actually work out when cut-scenes or game-play switched...
It looked like gameplay but the question yet to be answered is how "interactive' that gameplay is. Amazing as it looked, I'm not sure there was much more interaction that pressing forwards to run and aiming/throwing a spear...
I would absolutely love to be proven wrong. But if it's like the first Hellblade game then the set piece moments like that won't be the bulk of the gameplay anyway I'd presume.
Honestly, camera angle aside (and also quality of visuals aside) the scene in question is not that uncommon from what we seen in games so far.
Sneak in onto an enemy, surprise him and throw some attacks, run while doing some more attacks. Save ally NPCs on the way by interacting with them.
My biggest question is: will it be awkward to play with such a cinematic camera settup? Will such a camera settup even make it to the final game?
Weren't we all Aaron! While I agree it looked like a very on-rails/scripted section I don't have an issue with that. There's room for BOTH player expression and curated experiences if done well.
But the visuals were on another level. I'll be amazed if the final game looks that good on XSX. Not even the Matrix demo looked that good and it struggled to run at a 'cinematic' 24fps.
Why don’t Microsoft just do real gameplay show cases like Nintendo and Sony, no smoke and mirrors proper real gameplay for a good 10 minutes, showing combat, locations, environments and variety.
My faith in Microsoft and their ability to produce top AAA games is diminishing as the months go by.
I now have that feeling that gamepass is gonna be all about volume, old games, indies etc and not quality big new AAA games, sort of be like Halo Infinite AA and a little bit.
This is my most anticipated game. I’ve been looking forward to it since its announcement.
Most certainly looking forward to this. The only thing keeping me from really being more hyped about it is not having a Series X to play it on. If only I could get my hands on one.
I hope it to be a bit more open world than hellblade 1 cause it's clear to me that what we saw was visually impressive.
When I see them in full action and looking AAA which I really hope they are then I smile and say Hell Yeah.
It’s a shame really that with every Xbox game hitting pc day 1 the series x versions will never really get the credit they deserve when it comes to graphics as they’ll always be directly compared to high end pc versions on the likes of digital foundry.
This game looks stunning. And have no doubt it will be the first real graphics showcase for series x.
"My faith in Microsoft and their ability to produce top AAA games is diminishing as the months go by."
Well, that is alright bud. You can always fall back on the pinnacle of your gaming repertoire HFW, a game that has virtually all the tropes and systems of a FarCry game albeit highly polished 😁. Eurogamer has summarised it perfectly in their review subheading:
**Another beautiful technical achievement, Horizon Forbidden West is held back by clunky characters and new features that lack purpose.** 😉
@Dezzy70 Back to the whole Halo Infinite AA nonsense again huh? Give it up already...
That’s cool and fair comment, though having put in 15 hours so far Eurogamer whom I always read are a little harsh, but I understand their comments.
This is not about Sony it is about Microsoft and the manage of their studios.
Where is Xbox first quarter big AAA game from the richest in town worth trillions. Xbox is not getting one until probably NOVEMBER 2022 with Starfield hopefully, fingers crossed it is released then and AAA. So game pass one big AAA game this year maybe yes maybe no. If only one the company is a joke.
It’s gunplay is AAA.
As a whole campaign package it’s AA.
Seems like a lot of y'all making comments concerning gameplay versus cinematics haven't actually played the first one. That was one of the most special and immersive parts of the original. Everything felt very fluid and kinetic. It a unique style of play for sure but they did an incredible job of blending cinematics with gameplay, and this new game seems like no exception.
@Dezzy70 averaged out 2.5 rounds up to 3 so it's AAA noob
We each have our opinions.
Like I said gunplay AAA for me, grappling hook great introduction.
Open world design, environmental effects, weather system, environmental variety, graphics overall AA.
Even the original Halo which I played day one and for the time it released walks all over Infinite in that respect.
Thank you, that is all I ever say on here.
Companies can say what they like, show me your goods properly then I decide.
They can PR and mouth as much as they like but bring the real gameplay and in depth showcase then I might take notice.
The issue with Xbox at the minute it’s all blow and now real show and the also they seem to think Christmas is the only time us Xbox and game pass gamers need the big exclusive AAA games.
Firstly thank you and like wise with you 😁
Yes I hope Microsoft do see this and 2023 onward have a few big AAA releases throughout the year.
A good few like me unsubscribe from game pass then come back when a big new AAA game gets released. Microsoft analysis will show this so they know this for sure.
As for Halo it has amazing FPS handling and the grappling hook is a perfect addition, game play wise my favourite FPS.
Campaign wise it could have been so much more for the budding adventurous chap like me and had variety and effects graphically in all areas.
It was like this is what we have done, this is what your getting and after six years and did not cut the adventure environment worlds we get now a days and are used to. Environmental look at HFW, Dying Light 2, Elden Ring. World wise so far more advanced.
Should I, we, us gamers not have deserved this for our most beloved Halo. I think we most certainly did and where under sold.
People on here now this but they don’t wanna hear it.
Yeah I get my butt kicked on the sites, especially if you upset the Nintendo Life gang, some are so loved up by Nintendo they can do no wrong.
All of them need improvement and none of them are perfect and where I wish them to be overall.
Maybe Covid has effected all a bit, but it’s now time for them all to take responsibility and stand up and dish out the games and give the quality we deserve.
Yes they have to run a business of course they do and the only way we can get them to take notice is really with our wallets.
But when it comes down to a game you really want to play you spend the money, was I unhappy spending £70 on HFW yes, but I so wanted to play it and are playing right now, just got to some camp area.
But I would have gladly paid £70 for Halo Infinite had the campaign blah blah been as perfect as the gameplay and similar to quality environmentally, variety and graphics wise etc to HFW.
Anyway we shall keep gaming and getting out butts kicked, it’s such fun really.
I thought the GameCube was great.
Got mine day one at Midnight on release.
Games Luigi mansion and stars wars rebellion, I think.
Mario sunshine, wind waker, Metroid prime, resident evil 4, what enjoyment I had with that console.
The little discs where fab at the time.
Was not into PS2 in them days.
Thing with the switch I loves the first 2 years then you know me the big AAA game dried up a bit.
I think they suck sometimes big time.
But then they release say BOTW2 or Mario Odyssey 2. And I go running back 😂
Us gamers suckers 😂😂
@Trmn8r got him there 😂
@Dezzy70 "Should I, we, us gamers not have deserved this for our most beloved Halo. I think we most certainly did and where under sold.
People on here now this but they don’t wanna hear it."
I wanna agree but you've probably not taken into account that there's also people playing Halo for the first time ya know, I know it's unlikely but it's an actual thing. I've played the smallest bit of halo 2 that was possible for me (because I disliked it that much) so when I played Infinite I didn't have anything to compare it to. The way I felt after I had completed it was as a good game, sure it was short and mp is all ***** up. But when I see people complain about; forge (didn't even initially know what it was, and even after looking it up I don't 'understand' its significance) and the co-op I don't really get what I'm supposed to miss lol. I did get an overall barebones feeling from the game, and I've seen you say it's AA instead of AAA plenty of times to which I agree, but at the end of it all I just want you to know that there's actually people around who might not know better.
I thought hellblade was amazing. Usually not my type of game and I put it down for a year. I played this and plagues tele simultaneously and they paired really well.
I will take a guess here that the cinematic sequences in this game are simply interactive, unlike most games. You may have a bit of simplistic control of the character and scene, but certain things will play out automatically, such as camera work and events important to the sequence. I think this will be separate from normal gameplay, which will visually be the same, but with less cinematic camera work, events and animation.
So yeah, this was probably running in real time with a controllable character, but in a limited fashion compared to normal gameplay.
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