Some interesting news coming out of the Sony camp today, as it's been announced that the upcoming release of Shadow Warrior 3 on Tuesday, March 1st will be launching day one with the PlayStation Now service.
It's not the very first game to launch into PlayStation Now, but it's arguably the most notable so far, and it follows a year of Microsoft doing the same thing with a whole heap of games in 2021 for Xbox Game Pass.
If you're not familiar with PlayStation Now, it's basically Sony's answer to Game Pass with a focus on streaming games via the cloud, although you can also download hundreds of them to your console as well.
It's been reported that Sony is creating a new Xbox Game Pass competitor set to launch in Spring 2022, so adding something like Shadow Warrior 3 to PS Now might just be an interim thing ahead of the game eventually transitioning to the new service. That's assuming the details in the original report were correct, of course.
What are your thoughts on this move by the PlayStation team? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 52
Seems like a good get for Playstation.
Guess no devs going to be getting paid soon if Sony is down with destroying the gaming industry as well!!!
Lol. I love dumb fanboy logic. Great get for the normal people who enjoy gaming though.
Probably chose this game since it doesn’t have a PS5 version. Otherwise they’d have the whole storm of “why isn’t it the PS5 version?” To me, that’s still the biggest issue for PS Now is that they need to add PS5 games to it. Good get though!
This the one where the white guy voices the Asian protagonist?
I played and enjoyed a good portion of SW2, then looked up the voice actor and had to drop out. It was like hanging out with your racist middle school classmate who thinks Asian accents are funny. It immediately made the game unplayable for me.
I looked this up a few months ago re: SW3 and it seemed nothing had changed. Same cast returning. I looked it up just now and discovered that it's been entirely re-cast with Asian actors, and the dev team said it's to specifically redress the "mistake" of not casting Asian actors originally. Good on them! I feel certain this is the reason it was delayed. It was going to be released in 2021, the year we all became more aware of anti-Asian racism.
I am once again excited to try this day one on PS Now.
@nofriendo I wouldn't know. I only hear the voice of the characters when playing the game and don't judge them no matter who is voicing them.
I just want to see what the hell Spartacus is for back compatibility or how far that actually goes
I mean it's not a bad get for it but I'm not too bothered.
It's cool to see 👌👍
I wish dying light 2 and or Elden Ring had been day one on gamepass, would have helped the lack of new AAA from Xbox studios and given something really good.
This is not fanboy bait, just being honest as a gamepass and series x owner.
@Clankylad Because some people dont just live inside their little pink fairy bubble and actually care what happens in the world around them.
Ohhhh a sequel to the best fps ever made on psnow day one. Gamepass gotta step up their game now.
Don't like this at all. Hopefully it's good unlike most day 1 AAA third party games that have their share of problems.
I'm going to say this because I don't want people jumping on me thinking I only hate services because xbox does it. I don't like the idea of Sony doing it either.
People think day 1 AAA third party games on services have worked.
Outriders had data wipe outs
DnD was horrible
Extraction was boring to most people and I love siege
The Medium was average
Crossfire X
Back4Blood is worse than a 2008 game (L4D) even with 2 gens of knowledge and more power.
I'm still cautious. Forza Horizon 5 makes not jump to conclusions, but Halo's content (lets be honest, when a game is free it gets better scores) and Gears 5 mtx has me worry.
We'll see. We got Redfall and Starfield to prove me wrong. Or at least it's the devs fault more than the service itself.
@Dezzy70 You know well those games will sell millions on their own and aren't going to be there day 1.
I know, but would have been nice for gamepass that was all, we can but dream 💭
Dunno if I'm in the minority here, but when a really good game drops on GP, be it AAA or an indie, I usually end up buying them outright after playing them a while. I did so with Halo and FH5 which theoretically will never leave GP, did so with Nobody Saves the World, and did so with the Yakuza Franchise (admittedly right before they were booted since I owned them on PS4).
Not totally sure what is happening in gaming world with big AAA releases but they don’t seem to be what they used be even ones you pay for.
Dying light 2 has it issues
New Pokémon has its issues
Elden ring, we shall see.
Even the mighty HFW, Sony big AAA are normally perfection, has its shimmering, HDR, pop in and slight climbing issues as reported on push square and some from my own experiences.
I think quality in general has slipped since the back end of last year and now into this year.
@Dezzy70 Well to be fair, non service games AAA are dropping in quality too, but I think if those companies were greedy already, services will make it worse.
EA besides Respawn is worthless.
Ubisoft is the king of jack all of trades master of none.
Activision was going to be COD from now on (Pre MS purchase).
I still think WB and T2 have some redeeming story base games, but I hope they don't follow the others.
Hell, even Square Enix, Babylon Fall, FF Origins and Forspoken don't look good. FF16 looks good and GoTG was a step up from Avengers. We'll see.
Bandai and Sega are fine and Capcom is establishing itself as the best of the bunch imo.
@PanFriedSoup I'm the same too. Bought Control, Plague Tale, Arkham Knight, NiOh even tho I got them for free on ps plus because I really wanted to at least give them something because I enjoyed (haven't played Control) them.
@PanFriedSoup for me it differs how much I like a game. I did buy all yakuza games after playing them on gamepass. Same with middle earth shadow of war and a few more. If I really love the game I'll buy it. For me gamepass is like a try before you buy service basically. Games I think which are bad or meh I won't buy
@Lavalera I have some PS eco-system friends that like to argue that GP is destructive for the gaming industry, but honestly I think the whole try before you buy mantra is actually good for the industry. There are games that get low meta-scores that someone like me would pass on if I saw it, but getting the chance to try some titles out free of charge like you do helps with assessing my interest in a game. So to those friends I like to argue that GP is actually helpful to the games industry and consumer facing.
@PanFriedSoup you aren't trying those games for free though because your paying for the subscription a demo would be trying a game for free but we rarely get those with most games these days
I may be wrong saying this but I thought PS Now was first so technically GP is MS's answer to PS Now. Also I'm sure I've had day 1 games from Sony on PS Plus before, even before GP was a thing? And with PS Plus the game is yours forever (so long as you subscribe of course). Didn't seem worthy of writing an article about but here I am, reading about something I'm sure has happened many times before?
@PanFriedSoup Forza Horizon 5 will leave Game Pass in less than 3 years. Just like Horizon 3 and Forza Motorsport 7 before it. All racing games leave the services once they are delisted from digital purchase. I will buy a physical copy extremely cheap of Horizon 5 on eBay in about 2½ years.
@nofriendo But do you play in English? If you play in English (your profile says USA) and the actors are from USA, there is no discrepancy. Unless you play in Japanese or Chinese (what Asian language do you mean?). Your comment doesn't explain what's your native language and what language do you choose for playing so it's impossible to figure out. I think that people didn't understand that comment because of this.
@Krzzystuff Oh my God, the developers aren't paid, this is not sustainable, the industry is dead! This is what PushSquare should be saying.
@PanFriedSoup I do that as well, Game Pass is useful for playing short games and trying them but if you like the game and it's massive, it makes more sense to buy it, at least if it's third-party, e.g., Dragon Quest XI. Game Pass is great for playing indie games with 10/10 reviews that aren't that great like Death's ahem Door.
@Dezzy70 Is Forbidden West the best game in ages that Xbox Game Studios can't reach in terms of scope, gameplay and visuals, as you expected? 😜 It looks quite average to me but so did the prequel so I might not be the best judge.
Sony fanboys: GamePass sucks! Terrible business model! It's all fodder!
Also Sony fanboys: Wow! For one low monthly subscription fee, I can play a slew of new and classic titles together?! Awesome! Sony rocks!
Yes it is overall.
The only game that Xbox has this generation release of the same scale is FH5 in its own rights, but very different games.
HFW is what I wanted Halo Infinite to be in scope and visuals, ok maybe not as big an open world but definitely environmental variation, effects, weather and visuals etc wise.
It’s is like comparing in regards to that area two generations apart.
As for gameplay for what the game is it is very good and tight for most of the play set and moves.
So 5 years gets me HFW I’m very happy with the end result.
6 years Halo Infinite campaign wise, put them next to next each other and it is laughable.
Even third party games like dying light 2 and probably Elden ring show 343 how to make a far more interesting, visual, effects, environmental world to play in etc.
I just really do hope future Xbox studio AAA games wanting to create big game worlds create far more interesting environments and worlds with more scope and far better visuals.
Starfield needs to be of this quality, especially as it is new generation only and an exclusive.
Xbox need a show stopper something for general public to say OMG have you seen that new Xbox game it’s amazing and reviews outstanding.
I must buy an Xbox and look gamepass as well.
Else Xbox will just sit in third place like last generation and make no real gains.
It is already happening, series s in their thousands sitting on shelves in the UK and even Series x is becoming a slow seller when stock drops, selling out in days and sometimes weeks now.
Games sell consoles, consoles sell gamepass.
@EVIL-C this is how it goes game pass comes out ......
This is a bad idea because
A: it's not substainable
B: it will destroy the gaming world as no one will buy games anymore
C the quality of games will be rubbish
D they just interested in a monopoly
E they will jack up the prices that no one can afford once ppl use the service
F how will the devs feed Thier kids?? Will someone think of the children !!!!!
Sony do it,it's a brillant idea, a gaming industry saviour !!!! We want more day one games
In all seriousness gd it's about time they started doing what the industry will eventually move to and hopefully it saves the consumer money like game pass does
Game pass is sustainable because Microsoft have unlimited money to do as they please.
None of us really know if it is right now sustainable or not, only Microsoft know that and the overall balance sheets and they not sharing that detailed information.
The true test of sustainment is what Microsoft do in the future, keep it exactly as it is now the same model maybe with a little inflation price increase.
Since series x release there are only 2 games I would have purchased from Xbox that are in gamepass
FH5 and Halo infinite(only just) the rest is stocking filler games and old games to me that I have no interest in.
Hence my stopped subscription as 2022 in big new AAA game world where I choose to play is looking extremely thin and maybe even only Starfield I might be interested in this year with what has sort of been confirmed so far. So game pass not good value for me last year or this year doing the money maths.
So that is a lost subscription for Xbox this year.
Xbox needs momentum through the whole year and drum some excitement for new games.
Sony are drum beating and releasing and so are Nintendo in 2022.
Xbox is boring as hell this year from an exclusive big game AAA point of few, there seems to silence and nothing maybe Starfield being the best bet, but then I doubt the scope and quality and visuals of the game.
Time will tell.
I don’t care about how the games come out game pass or you buy them out right.
Xbox issue is not game pass it is where are your big AAA hitting games for 2022, maybe Starfield in November and let’s see the quality of that after Halo Infinite half arsed campaign world creation.
Games sell consoles and consoles sell gamepass.
Put some big top end AAA games on game pass and I will renew my subscription but until then no gamepass for me.
That is what it is about for me, game pass is worth it if it has the games I want to play on it and enough of them so the money maths makes sense.
This year nothing but maybe Starfield so not worth the money for me I might as well buy Starfield and save some money if it releases and if it is any good.
I spent £70 on HFW that is how I paid for that game and that’s the game I wanted to play and did the same for Ratchet and Clank and will do the same for God of war.
It’s simple it’s about the games you decided you want to play and do the money maths on the best way to pay for that.
@Dezzy70 not worth the money ? I paif approx £75 for 3 years how can that not be great value ? For me It dont have to be aaas all the time even for the small Devs and some great games it's worth it and keeps me entertained for a long time ,game pass is amazing
It’s only great value if the games are on game pass you want to play.
So if there is nothing I or someone does not want to play on gamepass then it is a waste of money.
I don’t like eating Carrots so why would I buy any
Even if they were going cheap and good value.
I like eating chocolate so I will buy that.
It is as simple as that.
I choose to play new big AAA games and until game pass has those and about 2 a year I want to play. Gamepass has no value to me.
@PanFriedSoup I love the sentiment and have thought about doing this myself, but unfortunately I’m unable to justify that kind of spend.
However, there some games I absolutely love having physically sitting on my shelf so some I have bought retrospectively when they are super cheap. There are also games that have never released physically that I would put in that category also.
Unfortunately, money is the issue for me, but I agree. It’s nice to support the creators and also nice to have a physical copy of games we love.
I still have old games I don’t play anymore than I can stay at the box for a few mins and fee the nostalgia and “experience the game again” in feeling. But hey, that might just be me.
@Dezzy70 that’s the thing. For my family, Game Pass is amazing. The kids have so many games to play they never get bored, and they can play all the games their friends have access to. It is great value for money.
For me personally, most of my gaming is on physical games I have bought which aren’t on Game Pass.
I don’t have as much time to game or to try out lots of things. So I pick and choose what I want to play and focus on that. If it’s on Game Pass, great. If not, I won’t try find an alternative on there I’ll just buy and play the games I want to play.
@Martsmall Yep, same with them and cross-play.
"It's stupid".
"No one uses it/no one will use it".
"I don't wanna play with other platforms.“
"It's unnecessary".
"This will ruin gaming".
This psychology is so bizarre.
@EVIL-C Um. I still don't want to play vs PC players. I'm fine playing vs Xbox guys. That makes sense and it's fair game.
@RevGaming By that logic, PS and Switch are also consoles, and would be of comparable similarity. Better to have the option than not.
@EVIL-C Yeah, but nintendo's online and controls give them an disadvantage. Crossplay is only worth it ps vs xbox. The other either have an advantage or a disadvantage so crossplay imo isn't that great.
I want to bring something up.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne and Witcher 3 dlcs are one of the best add-on content and I believe they were because you paid a premium price for them. Now some games have given content for free post launch and somebody somewhere needs to pay $100 to make up for those that didn't pay the usual $15. Looking at siege operators, I can keep up to date right now because they're releasing one operator per update but that's if I play a whole bunch before the other is released. My point being, games progression are affected and changed because something was given for "free" instead of being paid. Destiny 2 is a good example. Everyone paying $40 is better than the game suffering and beinch change to make somebody spend $300. That's my opinion on most multiplayer games today.
@Royalblues if it's so easy as throwing money? Why weren't tales of arise, resident evil 8, doom eternal, dying light 2 in there day1? Will street fighter 6, suicide squad, howarts legacy, gotham knights be in there?
Halo Multiplayer is not on gamepass, but it's free and look at how it doesn't have as much content as the previous games, considering this is a next gen game and the standards and even higher now. I've seen multipla videos of gears 5 monetization being horrible too.
So nobody here can prove (yet) that services are sustainable to produce rockstar level single.player games or titanfall 2 multiplayer level games. Let people be cautious of this future. I don't like how some people here are making fun of us people when clearly GaaS multiplayer games have ruin the quality/amount of content and progression of post launch content.
Begun, the content wars have.
@Krzzystuff your saying the exact same ***** that was said like 15 years ago when netflix stated their streaming service...its just not true...one i repeat 1 dev has come out saying gamepass was bad and thats cause their publisher made the deal and cut them out of it...there have been many who have attributed their addon sales to gamepass. one example is MLB the Show in its earnings they had much higher then expected addon sales on xbox...Point is gamepass wont ruin the gameing industry, just like netflix didnt kill the movie industry. the industry may have to adjust to this new reality....
@RevGaming i agree pc gamers should be walled off from console gamers... if not for the fact that more pc gamers run more cheats then console gamers and if you try and tell me thats not true then you are straight up lying to yourself...
@Blessed_Koz you should probably go back and reread my post in full.
@Blessed_Koz Yeah. That's another good reason. Cheaters on PC.
@Royalblues Halo Infinite, but that could be 343 and not xbox.
My concern is when you look at free to play, there are nowhere near as the $60 games and how those are monetize. $15 really doesn't make a difference, especially when that money goes to every game in there. There aren't sp free to play either. That's a legit concern.
🤔 Use the traditional pro controller then? It's virtually identical to a PS/XB 🎮.
@Rural-Bandit this guy is telling me to use the nintendo pro controller.
What a strange, somewhat hyperbolic response. To each his own.
@EVIL-C Hey man. Sorry to corner you like this, but I need to ask a pro of the pros on controllers to give me an analysis of the situation.
I know there's a pro controller, but how good is it? I find the gamecube controller being the best controller.
The worst, well have you seen those bread sticks from Dominoes? Yeah. Those are the switch controllers.
I'm messing with you btw.
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