Far Cry 6 Dlc

Far Cry 6 has had quite a quick turnaround when it comes to its DLC roadmap. The game only launched last October, and we've seen multiple paid and free DLC packs since then. The final paid pack, 'Joseph: Collapse', now has a launch date: February 8th.

This DLC is all about Far Cry 5's mental main villain, Joseph Seed. The cult leader was quite a presence in the previous mainline Far Cry, although he didn't get enough screen time for our liking. Well, you can now play as him instead.

As it's all centred around Seed, we're going back to Hope County, Montana. Okay not the full thing, but a slice of Far Cry 5's map will be available in the DLC. Here's what Ubisoft had to say about the upcoming add-on:

[Joseph: Collapse will] provide a unique opportunity for players to tap into Joseph's tortured mind, face off against his former cult followers after his faith has collapsed, and ultimately confront his family members as he struggles to conquer his inner demons.

Sounds pretty interesting to be honest, especially as the Seed family was the most interesting aspect of Far Cry 5's story. Like the last two paid add-ons though, Joseph: Collapse does resemble a roguelite, so it won't be as freeform as the main game.

Have you played any of Far Cry 6's DLC packs? Let us know below.

[source eurogamer.net]