It's Game Pass day! We weren't expecting any additions to the service today, but we've received three new GP titles in the form of Gorogoa, Olija and The Pedestrian. You can find out more about them below.
Here are the new games you can download with Game Pass today:
Gorogoa: Console, PC, Cloud
Gorogoa is an elegant evolution of the puzzle genre, told through a beautifully hand-drawn story designed and illustrated by Jason Roberts. The gameplay of Gorogoa is wholly original, comprised of lavishly illustrated panels that players arrange and combine in imaginative ways to solve puzzles. Impeccably simple, yet satisfyingly complex.
Olija: Console, PC, Cloud
Olija is a game about Faraday's quest, a man shipwrecked then trapped in the mysterious country of Terraphage. Armed with a legendary harpoon, he and other castaways try to leave this hostile country to return to their homelands.
Through adventurous exploration, narration and razor sharp combat, the player will discover a strange world and its inhabitants, including Olija, an enigmatic lady that Faraday finds himself bound to over time. Inspired by swashbuckling tales and cinematic adventure games, Olija is a story about facing the unknown in adversity.
The Pedestrian: Console, PC, Cloud
The Pedestrian is a 2.5D side scrolling puzzle platformer. You are The Pedestrian! Enter into a dynamic 3D world with stunning graphics and challenging puzzles. You play by rearranging and reconnecting public signs in order to explore and advance through each engaging environment.
Interested in any of these new Xbox Game Pass titles? Let us know in the comments.
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Comments 35
A nice surprise to wake up to. Been interested in The Pedestrian for a while now, but Gorogoa looks like it's right up my street!
There should be an option in your poll for;
[x] I'm going to play none of this crap
All three look interesting but I already own Gorogoa so I voted for The Pedestrian.
For those with a more open mind all are around 80 on Metacritic and may be worth a moment of your time
I think Xbox included these games purely to help me with me wife.
You see, Gorogoa and The Pedestrian are a part of the few styles of games my wife actually plays. So when she mentions the cost of Christmas (where I kitted myself out with a Series X and my kids with Series S’s) I will be able to justify the expense by showing her these two games.
That will work in convincing her it was worth it, right? Right?!
Gorogoa and The Pedestrian for me I think.... wondering if we'll get any more for the first two weeks, or will these be shadow drops and it'll be midmonth before we hear more
All three of these are really fun. I’ve played them all before, but I may give The Pedestrian another playthrough on my Series S. It’s such a clever little puzzle platformer.
I've had The Pedestrian on my PS wishlist for ages - happy to see it here! Having bought an S a couple of months ago, as a "third system", upgraded to the X during the restock before Christmas and all the wonders of Game Pass, the Xbox might actually be becoming my favourite system.
So happy with the addition of The Pedestrian
I see three good games there.
I played Gorogoa in Switch. Very interesting puzzle with notable 'eureka' moments.
I played through Gorogoa on Switch and really enjoyed. A very original puzzler with some great artwork, I’d highly recommend it (so long as you’re not obsessed with everything being AAA)
I always wanted to try The Pedestrian but now that I see the trailers, the other two games have me equally excited. Damn, I love Gamepass
Gorogoa is brilliant and the other two have been on my radar for some time. Looking forward to jumping in!
Everyone has a taste in something, but for me there hasn't been that much that appeals to me on game pass. Debated cancelling a few times. Again, more trash I see :/
@AJM59 don't call me out like this, mate...
@Gahl1k sorry, wasn’t calling anyone out - everyone’s got different preferences and likes. Gorogoa is very much an indie game that might not appeal to some tastes. I happened to enjoy it 😁
Free games better then no games.
I was playing The Pedestrian last night (US ET) after 100% all the collectibles in Halo Infinite. Great game. It feels like I’m playing a Pixar short.
It was actually a surprise it got released yesterday I was looking around Pure Xbox to see if I missed its announcement on here I guess not.
Have to admit Pedestrian does sound intriguing.
@GuyinPA75 yea, it’s a decent premise. Introduces its concepts at a decent pace. I played it on Cloud on my XSX which I do for most indie titles these days and had a good time. I got through maybe 20 odd puzzles before switching it off to watch some TV for the night.
As I said above it feels like you’re playing a Pixar short.
Will try all three, expect to like Gorogoa most, The Pedestrian maybe, and Olija least of all three.
It's always fun to try something new. Why ditch it on forehand?
Nice! wanted to try gorogoa but I didn't want to buy it. Thanks gamepass!
Not many people mentioning Olija. That would be a mistake. Great Metroidvania.
Figures I just purchased Pedestrian not that long ago.
I hate how negative everyone is. If a game isnt a AAA 10 out 10 or Call of Duty it's not good enough.
@Beagle Hear, hear! Death's Door, The Ascent, Unsighted, Artful Escape... all these award-winning indie games at my fingertips. I only hope it remains lucrative for the studios involved, because on the flip side, I generally have fewer qualms about purchasing well-reviewed indie titles at full price.
I'd rather play in a tub filled with poop.
Love these types of games, nice surprise for the first week, with Mass Effect on the way... love gamepass.
@mcdreamer lol been there but I've learnt when a decent game pass game drops then Series X is my favourite, then I pick up an awesome PS exclusive and that becomes my favourite system. I foresee a flip flopping effect during the releases of BOTW2, HFW, GoW, Starfield!
@StonyKL You're probably right! Since I've been lucky enough to have all three systems what I've realised is they're all great and each bring something unique to the table.
@Alduin i thought the same thing but decided to stream Pedestrian and after about 2 hours i installed it...that game is fun but the early levels are way to easy....
Played both puzzle games up to 300 gamer points - they both give 100 points per achievement.
The Pedestrian becomes increasingly difficult and I had some chuckles because of its puzzle ideas; Gorogoa is a clever work of art.
@Qphlat27 Plenty of people on here have been really positive about these three surprise Gamepass additions though so don’t sweat it and try not to let the few naysayers get under your skin! 😀
Really looking forward to giving Gorogoa a try especially, beautiful to look at and could be plenty of fun! Having already played Pedestrian through Steam can wholeheartedly recommend it to those who like their puzzlers and it’s a great addition to the service!
Certainly a promising start to the year for the service which keeps on dishing out the variety!
Gorogoa is worth a try, I played on android and if its on xcloud with touch controls, I would suggest playing on a phone. Beautiful art style and interesting puzzles.
So, once again no real games huh?
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