The latest batch of Xbox Game Pass titles has arrived! Microsoft has today unveiled another five games coming to the service over the next week, with the highlight undoubtedly being Mass Effect Legendary Edition!
Here's what's coming to Xbox Game Pass over the next week-or-so:
Date | Game | Platform |
January 6 | Embr | Console, PC, Cloud |
January 6 | Mass Effect Legendary Edition (EA Play) | Console, PC |
January 6 | Outer Wilds | Console, PC, Cloud |
January 13 | Spelunky 2 | Console, PC |
January 13 | The Anacrusis (Game Preview) | Console, PC |
Don't forget that three more games were added to Xbox Game Pass earlier today in the form of Gorogoa, Olija and The Pedestrian, and they are all available to download right now on console and PC.
Additionally, seven games will be leaving Game Pass next week, with PUBG: Battlegrounds going free-to-play on January 12th, and the rest of the titles (including Kingdom Hearts 3) being removed on January 15th.
Which of these upcoming Xbox Game Pass titles are you most excited for? Tell us down below.
Comments 27
Mass Effect Legendary Edition, its a happy new year indeed
If you haven't, you absolute owe it to yourself to play Outer Wilds. Such a good game. And they way the story unfolds keep you hunting for more.
Outer Wilds didn't work for me the first time, maybe I need to give it more time. Spelunky 2 seems to be great in coop, and as some friends just bought an Xbox with Game Pass themselves, I'm looking forward to it.
I don't think Anacrusis will be ready or polished this month, but we'll see. I like the setting of this coop shooter.
Thought Outer Wilds was already on there! Regardless, I played it through on PlayStation and it instantly shot into my all time top ten. Try it out!
Amazing news about Mass Effect - literally just saved me 50 quid
I've got to say Spelunky 2 is far and away the highlight over Mass Effect. The gameplay is perfect, and it'll keep you engaged (and enraged) for hundreds and hundreds of hours.
THAT is a seriously impressive month... and here was me thinking I had Jan to get through my backlog before a crazy couple of months of releases lol
I recommend Olija, and hope people will give the game a chance. I purchased it the day it released on Switch early last year and was very impressed.
UGH I just bought legendary edition too (I don't even like ME2 and ME3). Ah well. I can't play it anyway, so good that it is coming to gamepass ultimate. Excited for Outer Wilds.
Ah perfect opportunity for me to try Outer wilds, always been intrigued and heard only good things about it
I didn't buy ME because I knew this was coming (I also hadn't that long ago replayed ME1-3/Dragon Age 1-3) not long before it was announced, so this works out real nice for me.
Ooh. I'm glad Outer Wilds is coming back as that is one of the best games I've ever played, and I hope more people get the chance to play it again. Now I can finally buy the DLC (at 10% off I'd presume) and play that too.
As for Mass Effect I'm glad it's there, but I don't have time to re-play three big RPG games so it'll sit on the, virtual, shelf.
Lol I kept buying mass effect off since it was released knowing the week I buy they'd announce this. I just picked up the physical copy for $20 last wednesday 😅.
Outer Wilds and ME:LE are huge for me. Never played either. Goodbye free time! And though it wasn't previously on my radar, the reviews for Spelunky 2 have earned it a download. What a feast!
@Nerdfather1 it's the game I am most looking forward to. Plan to check it out hopefully this week
I wonder if going forward, we'll have any big day one surprises like 'Outriders' and 'MLB The Show' last year?
I say this simply because we don't have any 'big' games hitting the service until April with Stalker 2.
Great selection there. Mass effect is Mass effect no more need be said. I really wanted to give the outer wilds another go, contemplated buying it again but game pass finally saved me from a purchase for once as oppose to a day after I bought something so that’s neat.
@blinx01 there’ll probably be a good game or two for the reasons you’ve stated.
I imagine tales of arise will be there sometime in first half of 2022 considering the publishers history with game pass. I’m surprised dark souls hasn’t hit it with Elden ring on the horizon, seems a bit late for that now but you never know. Maybe sonic colours to build hype for the new one?
As for brand new AAA games, mlb again maybe (they seem to push sports games a lot). Not sure what else though, grid maybe?
I just got ME for Christmas...typical 🙄
Almost bought Spelunky 2 last week on Switch. Glad I held off.
This is great timing for Mass Effect. Got a week off soon and was wondering what to do. Now I have my answer.
I randomly asked about if Mass Effect Legendary edition was still coming just last week on another articles comment section Saying something like "Is ME still coming to GP? It was heavily rumored just a couple weeks ago, but I haven't heard anything in a while.." . Well I guess that is that haha, STOKED! I almost bought this during the sale in the last week.
@Stoned_Patrol all EA Games end up on gamepass within a year of launch because of EA Play. It's been between 6-9 months from launch that their games have been showing up. So if you aren't jonsing to play it day one just save you cash and play something else in the meantime.
Absolutely none of them spark any interest in me, these games are becoming like movies, remakes or re-released, game developers are becoming lazy but they don’t care about producing great products only great profits.
Mass Effect LE awesome, was expecting it on EA play, but still great news, and also great that games that leave gamepass can still return, like Outerwilds , I think GTA5 was on gamepass 2 times as well...
WOOOW @ Mass Effect. This was one of those games I was super looking forward too last year but held off for a discount. Then I got gamepass.... and the rest was history
@Krzzystuff I appreciate it, but I ain't new to Game Pass n know about the deal with EA. But as a former member of EA Play for years, I would not hold that 6 months to 9 month as any kind of real guide line. They put games into the "EA Vault" whenever they feel the games sales are dead pretty much. Sometimes it is a year, usually with Sports titles it is within a few weeks of the next years game dropping. But for the non sport titles EA can tend to take a bit longer before throwing them in the vault
Ooh outer wilds is back?? Maybe time to buy echoes of the eye dlc
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