Update: Ubisoft has clarified that this service will unfortunately not be available with Xbox Game Pass.
Original story: There have been suggestions for a while that Ubisoft might be planning to bring its Ubisoft+ subscription service to Xbox, and that's exactly what's going to happen, as the company has confirmed plans to implement it "in the future".
The service, which is currently available on PC, provides access to over 100 Ubisoft games for a single monthly fee, including recent releases such as Far Cry 6 and Riders Republic. The standard cost is £12.99 / $14.99 per-month, although there's also a multi-access plan with Google Stadia access included for £14.99 / $17.99.
Here's what Ubisoft had to say about the announcement earlier today:
"Originally launched for PC, the service allows access to more than 100 Ubisoft titles at a single monthly cost, with games and DLC available on launch day, and monthly rewards including cosmetics, boosters, in-game items, and more."
"Ultimately, we will offer the Ubisoft+ subscription service to Xbox owners so that they can enjoy the full extent of our Ubisoft+ game library, including new releases, on their consoles.”
As of yet, there's no sign that Ubisoft+ will be implemented as part of Xbox Game Pass, despite rumours in the past suggesting that Microsoft was possibly trying to work out some kind of deal to get Ubisoft+ included in the service. For now though, it's best to assume it won't be available with Game Pass — at least at launch.
There's no date for its arrival either, so "in the future" could really mean anything. We'll just have to wait patiently...
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[source news.ubisoft.com]
Comments 80
I hope it gets folded into gamepass. I have a few Ubi games that I want to beat and not buy (AC:V namely as the AC:O content means I want to play it now). And I am currently stuck as digital only (busted disc drive on my xbone).
Edit: ah well, no dice but it may be bundled later.
Yeah I originally thought this meant that we were getting Ubisoft+ added to Game Pass Ultimate but as of right now, it seems that it's going to be released separately. It could be added in the future though, it's certainly more possible now that the service will be available on Xbox.
I own almost all Ubisoft's games, and still I wouldn't pay for this. They get on sale so frequent and at low prices that I don't see why would I subscribe.
Maybe people that haven't been hoarding games for long could get use of this.
The sooner we end this subscription stuff the better.
Just pay for the new games you want to play when they are released. If a little later on, you get them a bit cheaper or at a second hand shop.
Or maybe share with a friends or do swaps with a friend.
Full of old games these subscription services and tie you down to digital only, everyone getting sucked in.
@Alduin Agreed. They definitely should include this in Gamepass.
@Cherip-the-Ripper It is not really possible bundling 3 sub services in 10 dollars or 15 dollars bundle. If they want to bundle it with Gamepass they must introduce a third package that is more expensive but also has more rewards
For a second I thought this was going to be part of Gamepass and I was pumped but since it is it's own standalone thing, I don't really care. They only Ubisoft games I care to buy are Scott Pilgrim and Uno. If this were part of Gamepass I'd be more tempted try some of them out.
It certainly would be the bee's knees if a lower tier of Ubisoft+ was bundled into Game Pass Ultimate, but I'm skeptical this can be done without a significant price-increase and suspect that would turn away a lot of people.
They don’t release enough content for me to pay 15 on top of game pass which I use my Microsoft reward points for.
Even if this was part of Game Pass, I doubt I would play any of their games tbh. Sadly none of them seem to do it for me. I feel like Ubisoft games are shiny and pretty, but always end up feeling hollow after a couple hours. Maybe it's me, but I haven't really enjoyed my time with their efforts.
Edit: Actually, I did enjoy Mario + Rabbids.
£12.99 is bit much just to play Ubisoft games, they should have included this with gamepass. Doesn't make sense having gamepass at only £10.99 and Ubisoft £12.99
Gamepass Ultimate is all I need. If your games aren't in there I'm not looking at them as i have so much to play that i already paid for. You want to be on my radar you need to be in gamepass. They're all about microtransactions and post sale revenue so I makes sense that they will want as many people playing their games. Might need a new model similar to EA so they don't drop day n date but they are either in GPU or don't exist.
@Dezzy70 having the choice to consume however you want is the better option. I prefer digital over physical and I don't feel like I'm being forced to consume this way. I've done it ever since it was an option. These games still have physical copies so nobody is being forced (yet).
@Chaudy especially with recent Ubi games with all the bloat they put in there. Probably take you more than a month to finish a single game.
@101Force they could just tell Ubisoft that instead of a 30% cut of microtransaction revenue from Ubisoft+ games they only take 20% or less and it's a win for both parties without raising prices. It will make GPU more attractive and should convert more entry level Gamepass members and attract new folks to the service
"most of Ubisoft games are boring cut and paste open world's with no change to the formula."
Yes, but your description can be labeled at most open world games. I personally find that Ubisoft's games are quite well realised and fun to explore in both AC and FC franchises.
I agree now one is forced thankfully, I even had gamepass until recently. But full of old games and 2021 only really gave me one real AAA top end game FH5.
Pysco 2 and Halo were good but not top end AAA.
My concern even looking at 2022 there is only one maybe top end new AAA Starfield and we haven’t seen much of that yet.
@Alpha_Pulse yh true plus with gamepass you are getting day 1 xbox first party games which judging by the last 4 have been amazing so It's far better deal
Although I do wonder if Microsoft Rewards can be used for this? I guess probably as you can opt to put balance of £5, £10 etc when you get enough points.
They should renome it to Ubisoft Hard Pass.
There's no way this would be included in gamepass ultimate without the price going up by around £10 per month extra
Tempting, but the trouble is Unisoft games drop in price so quickly that you can reliably buy the titles you want cheaply enough. Even the most recent releases drop down to the equivalent of a couple of months worth of this service and around 3 months on the market. And they tend to make their games so big and bloated that it would take the average punter a couple of months to get through them anyway. That said, really wouldn't surprise me if this ends up integrated into Gamepass at some point down the line
@Dezzy70 so you never rented anything ever?
PSA: Ubisoft abuses staff and have fully embraced microtransactions and NFTs.
so it will basically be the three same open world games with 50+ paint jobs. cool.
Years ago in the UK there used be blockbusters were I rented a game once for £2 to try it 😆
Gamepass is ok if you want old games and lower AA and indie games. Apart from FH5 in 2021 which was a real big AAA game with top quality in all areas.
I like new big AAA exclusives and adventures, top quality in all areas a game can be.
Gamepass might get one of those new big real AAA games this year Starfield, but time will tell.
Not worth the monthly fee to me.
I see you keep harping on about top end AAA games whilst constantly mentioning HFW, a sequel to albeit good game, never spectacularly innovative or memorable and I say this as someone who completed HZD. Meanwhile GP offers a multitude of AA, and great Indies which most people would have not discovered or tried.
"Gamepass is ok if you want old games and lower AA and indie games. Apart from FH5 in 2021 which was a real big AAA game with top quality in all areas.
I like new big AAA exclusives and adventures, top quality in all areas a game can be."
Fantastic, happy we cleared that up. Perhaps you will now stop going on about how GamePass is not for you, blah, blah, blah. Cool beans 😎.
Ahh sucks it won't be included in any way with GP but I understand. Still will be great to sub to every few months to play an AC or whatever live service game.
Well it has Starfield this year, the one real big exclusive AAA if they pull it off and it releases this year.
It’s not good enough.
GP is turning into a stocking filler of small presents and one maybe big one at the end of the year.
@Dezzy70 to you and a ton of others yes it's not attractive. For me and a ton of others it's fantastic. It's gotten me back into gaming and allowed me to discover many games i wouldn't have ever even looked at. So yes you don't like gamepass, yes i love it, and yes it's here to stay as are your physical games.
Everyone good now?
Like I've said, I very much prefer to explore a multitude of different games and genres. Starting with little Indie gems, AA, plus whatever Xbox Game Studios are releasing or working on. So there.
Recently bought Riders Republic in the Countdown sale.
No regrets , great game.
Played a trial of The Crew 2 , hated it.
Not too sure if there's the variety of games within ubisoft+ for me.
£12.99 is a no no, but £4.99 could tempt me to try perhaps? May be a trial 90 day period at £2.99 per month?
Being honest it is each to their own preferences and I’m glad you are enjoying the games and the gaming.
For me it’s not my thing, maybe in 2023 and 2024 when they have some top end new real AAA games I might come back, if they ever recreated the 360 days, my Xbox glory days then I will definitely will be back.
I'm calling it now.
£4.99 add-on for Game Pass Ultimate subscribers for Ubisoft+ or £12.99 for it as standalone.
Wait, so they are releasing Ubisoft+ for Xbox (not Game Pass) but then R6 Extraction is coming to Game Pass? What on earth is Ubisoft doing?
@Dezzy70 Go back to PushSquare. You'll soon be singing PlayStation's version of Game Pass praises. If Halo isn't AAA then neither is Call of Duty, BF2042 or any other shooter. The value of Game Pass is absurdly high, especially for people who do the $1 Xbox live conversion promo and wait for 3 month deals that come every Black Friday. I paid like $120 for 3 years of Game Pass. Enjoy not even being able to buy 2 Playstation games at $70 a pop.
@Trmn8r probably the data shows that Games as a Service like Outriders and Destiny 2 are doing well on Game Pass. It most likely gives a big boost to day one population.
I am not paying Ubisoft 120 quid a year to access microtransaction and nft riddled titles. They can jog on.
Wow! The fact it's on Xbox is huge! And I bet more Ubisoft games will be day and date in Game Pass.
I wonder if Xbox will make a tiered Game Pass and integrate this Ubisoft service in the flagship option?
@blinx01 49.99 for the install and then 167.99 per day more like. Its Ubisoft. And you have to pay extra for single player
Halo is definitely not AAA experience in all areas.
It world is dead, dull and boring and AA at best and mainly last generation.
If it didn’t have the Halo name and Microsoft behind it, it would have got slated.
@Richnj Why PSA against Ubisofts work environment and business practices when your video game console was manufactured by Foxconn? The people making them work under far worse conditions than anyone at Ubisoft. I'm comfortable with it all, but you can't virtue signal against one and ignore the other.
@blinx01 I would buy that
But it won’t it will be a real AAA as Sony and the studio know what they are doing.
Unlike the management of 343i and Microsoft.
Even the collation want to know how they produce the snake 🐍 and get it interact with the environment etc, something to do with sphere programming.
HFW is and will be leagues above Halo Infinite.
@Dezzy70 Halo was such a terrible game it was nominated in almost every game of the year awards and even won some of them? Your narratives are getting pretty pathetic. Waiting for HFW to have multiplayer. They aren't even in the same genre smh...
@Dezzy70 Halo and HFW are completely different games with completely different Gameplay mechanics. Granted HFW looks incredible but the Halo Gameplay was incredibly fun. It may not have been a technical showpiece but it shined where it really mattered and that was the Gameplay.
Most Sony Exclusives are great games and always excel in the animation department but they aren't for everyone same way Halo isn't for you. GamePass gives the option to play many great games from a variety of different genres at a very low cost. This makes gaming very accessible. Not everyone can afford to keep paying $70 every week for a new game. It's great if you can but for some that's a lot of money. Just 4 new games would cost $280 a month which is a lot considering the tough time everyone has been going through thanks to the pandemic. Even buying the second hand games or discounted games would all add up to a lot if you want something new to play week on week. Also to say that Gamepass doesn't have quality games is really just plain lies at this point. You can see on Metacritic a lot of the high rated games are there on GamePass to play. You literally always have something to play which what makes this so good.
@Shigurui Because this article is concerning Ubisoft?
And honestly, I'd pick selectively virtue signalling over being comfortable with an entire workforce threatening suicide because of working conditions.
£12.99 a month and NFTs…… Ubisoft are spoiling us Xbox owners hahahhahaha.
Sony users dodge a bullet with this IMHO.
Ubi games drop in price hard and gold versions often for under £20 12 months later…. Much better to just wait for their games when complete versions are cheap. Physical and digital versions get heavy discount.
@Dezzy70 ‘HFW is and will be leagues above Halo Infinite’
If you care about that kind of game more then yes. You’re under the impression that AAA is always the best when…I think that’s a load of BS with how many boring AAA I’ve played. Many of them from Sony too.
You know what could make Ubisoft+ work on Game Pass Ultimate? If Microsoft dropped Xbox Live Gold. They'll remove the monthly Games with Gold titles since people tend to not like them anyway, make online multiplayer free as it was rumoured last year, add Ubisoft+ instead and only make the subscription cost a couple of more euros, e.g. €16-17. It could potentially work if they offset the high cost of Ubisoft+ with the cost of Gold and just increase the price of GPU with a slight amount.
Because let's be honest, very few people are going to want to subscribe to Ubisoft+ on top of Game Pass Ultimate and especially when EA Access already comes with GPU. There has to be a reason for why Ubisoft+ is coming to Xbox first and I really hope it's because Microsoft wants to integrate it with GPU.
@Stocksy not sure how this hurts Xbox in any way. Ubisoft+ might be a crappy value unlike EA Play with Game Pass, but not sure how having less options is dodging a bullet...
@LtSarge If they do, all the mainstream gaming media will dunk all over Microsoft and sing Sony's praises for keeping their monthly free games. Microsoft can't really ditch it until Sony does. Sony might ditch theirs tho when their "Game Pass" competitor releases and they'll probably be praised for doing it lol!
@Trmn8r I don't think that will happen because the mainstream gaming media barely cares about Games with Gold to begin with. In fact, if Microsoft made online multiplayer free on Xbox Live, the media would sing praises for them! And on top of that, Ubisoft+, which has 100+ titles including games like AC: Valhalla and Far Cry 6, would be replacing it and that's going to attract a lot of positivity for MS as well. I genuinely believe this would be an absolutely huge power move by them. Like how can any gaming service reach the same value proposition as Game Pass Ultimate if it included Game Pass, EA Access and Ubisoft+? That's just insane.
@Dezzy70 well the truth is I wouldn’t even be into gaming as much as I am if I hadn’t rented Shining Wisdom.
@Trmn8r as in they aren’t missing out. Paying 12.99 for Ubisoft games a month isn’t a deal and shouldn’t be an option anyone considers.
You can have some of my used snotty tissues for £50…. @dezzy70 cannot…
He has dodged a bullet in my mind
I wouldn’t even bothered with this Ubisoft+ unless it was included into Game Pass Ultimate, it’s not even that value for money compared to GPU. Most of Ubisoft’s games are open-world, not enough variety in genre. I’ll be sticking with GPU, plus we still get the new R6 game day one.
@Dezzy70 Are you serious when you say Halo is a AA game? Regardless of what you thought of Infinite, it doesn’t suddenly make it a AA game. The Halo series have always been AAA since Combat Evolved on the OG Xbox. If you really believe Infinite is a AA game then your knowledge of games is questionable to me.
@Stocksy Saying they aren't missing out is a much better way of saying it. Can't say I disagree there. Wouldn't be surprised to see them making the smart move and merging with Game Pass like EA Play did after their service floundered.
I like how they include all of the DLC with their games on Ubisoft+. I was actually confused about 6 months ago when I heard about and looked up the service to find out it wasnt even available on any console yet, just PC. I wonder how long until Playstation gets it too.
@Dezzy70 calling Halo Infinite AA has got to be one of the most ignorant, factually incorrect things I have read on the Internet in a long time
@Richnj You're clearly comfortable with the Foxconn suicide episode as it's safe to assume you didn't boycott your console purchase. Selective virtue signalling is hypocrisy at it's worst.
@Dezzy70 I thought this was an interesting take and was going to throw my ten cents in, then i read all your other comments where you’re just tihs talking xbox and realised you were clearly trolling.
@Cherip-the-Ripper "I wonder if microsoft will get bad rep for keeping the price the same whilst essentially getting locked out of all ubi games".
That doesn't make any sense. Firstly, Xbox is not getting locked out of Ubisoft games. You can still play them like always. Secondly, who would expect Microsoft to include Ubisoft's subscription at no extra cost? It's like expecting Netflix to give you Disney for free.
EA Play is three times cheaper than Ubisoft Plus and don't include games day one like Ubisoft so Microsoft was able to afford it. If Game Pass includes Ubisoft Plus in the future it will be optional and the consumer will pay the price.
@Shigurui That would assume I was aware of Foxconn before I purchased my console. I still play on my 5 year old Xbox One S. I haven't bought a next gen console.
This is the problem with trying to dismiss my criticism as a virtue signal is you are signalling your virtues at the same time. Only now, without the perceived or wished hypocrisy on my part, we are left with just your virtues being that of indifference to the suffering of others.
Even if I was a massive hypocrite, is being comfortable with suffering, really a good position to take?
They will join Gamepass eventually..
@Halucigens my thoughts exactly. $15/mo is steep and I'd honestly only be interested in a couple games. I'm better off buying a game or 2 of theirs after they've been out a while instead.
@Defalt @Banjo- Oh whoops I realize now I worded my comment wrongly, I edited it. Meant to say what if their games don't hit gp instead. But that's the thing I'm referring to yes, the group of fans who were expecting them to include it in gamepass probably without even being aware of ubisoft+'s pricing. If my hypothetical situation turns out to be true will there really be an uproar or not is my question. Sorry about the confusion fam, I'll try and heed my words more carefully next time.
Edit: I don't know what I was on, just deleted my comment instead.
sorry but £12.99 a month nope
@Dezzy70 mate it appears you're a PSnake. Calling gamepass mostly AA when it has AAA titles like dirt, Rainbow 6 etc. Just because Microsoft didn't make exclusive games like your friends at Sony doesn't mean everything released is a AA title. You keep talking trash this entire comments tread. Maybe jog on, no one needs to know about your 360 glory days or how you believe GP is pointless because it's got Indy games. For $170 for 36 months it's allowed me to play multiple triple A titles over a span of two and a half years. I would have paid $170 in 1 and half game purchases at 99aud per title. All I see constantly is your Sony suckhole comments and repeated blabber about irrelevant things. Also Halo is a AAA title get the facts right before trying to sound smart.
@Cherip-the-Ripper No problem! 😊 The reason why there aren't Ubisoft games on Game Pass is because Ubisoft has Ubisoft Plus that costs as much as Game Pass Ultimate and only includes Ubisoft games. It's on PC only and now it's coming to Xbox but since its price is three times as expensive as EA Play and as expensive as Game Pass Ultimate it will be a separate subscription or an optional tier.
I'm subscribed to Game Pass since it started and although I haven't been able to play as much as I wanted in the last years I think that it's been worthy all the time. It started with Sea of Thieves that I was already playing as a beta "tester" but the value of Game Pass improved significantly when, months later, first-party games were included day one and AAA third-party games were signed for 6-12 months. Now it can only get better with the current-gen games that the new Xbox Game Studios are developing. It's funny how people still think that this is not good enough or that there aren't AAA games on Game Pass. Last time I checked PlayStation Now, I wanted to play first-party games and I was offered the PS3 version which was even worse because I had to play them online with input lag as you can't install PS3 games on PS4. Some of the first-party PS4 games I wanted to check were already gone from Sony's service. Nintendo has NES and SNES games included with their lacking online subscription and playing N64 roms costs a fortune so I don't know what are people comparing Game Pass with.
I play so few Ubisoft games to make this worthwhile, especially at that high price.
Interesting, but I don't want to pay that much for them. Particularly as Ubisoft have done little to rectify the culture of harassment among its senior management so I'm reluctant to give them any of my money.
They all need you to download an additional Ubisoft app and account to play right?
If the price drop calendar of their releases is any indication, this will be $7.99 by April.
I only buy their games at $25 or less and they take forever to complete so not for me. If you have the time and can burn through a game or two in a month, I can see this being a value jumping in and then back off like some folks do with HBO after a new season of a show is completely released.
I don't even know who would pay into Ubisoft+ as others have mentioned the games go on sale fast. The thing I'm scared of is them pushing the service more and removing the sale prices.
I don't see this being particularly successful for Ubisoft in it's current form because...
(1) 12.99/m is a lot just for new Ubisoft games - in 2019 (pre pandemic) they published 7 games on XBONE, 3 of which were new AAA games - that annual sub would have purchased 2 of those 3 games outright.
(2) Historically, their AAA games go on deep sale very quickly after launch month so most people with an interest in their back catalogue probably have most of the games of note through sales.
(3) They currently make a lot of their revenue in the launch month and some of that will be lost if people dip in and out of the monthly subs when the big launches happen without committing to an annual sub. This applies to GPU as well but MS benefits from GPU building the XBOX user base as a result - Ubisoft encouraging Xbox ownership has little to no benefit for them.
A more realistic approach would be the EA model (with possible financial deal from MS for inclusion into GPU)... a much cheaper service (no more than £30-40 per year) with their back catalogue with new AAA games being added 6-12 months after launch.
@Richnj I'm not sure my indifference can be construed as a virtue signal of any sort. I honestly don't care, I don't care how product X gets to Y and the suffering in-between.
Not because I'm heartless but because if I did care, and I mean genuinely care, not just make a disgruntled post on a forum, I'd never get out of bed in the morning with the weight of it all.
@Shigurui Well I personally can recognise that a thing is bad, while also recognising I am not exclusively responsible for the situation.
For example: I recycle, but the fate of the planet isn't dependent on whether or not all my recycle goes in the recycle bin. And I can tell others that they should recycle, and complain to governments about improving their policies on the issue.
So I can care, without being crippled by it. Empathy isn't about feeling it all or feeling none of it. It's about recognising how you feel about something but knowing your limits to change it. Managing emotions is a big deal in adult life. And if my limits come down to just reminding a social space, that is by design, fast to move on to the next big thing, that the subject in question used questionable practices to deliver the products being discussed, then OK, I'll use that.
"I don't care how product X gets to Y and the suffering in-between.
Not because I'm heartless"
Heartlessness is literally the absence of concern for the wellbeing of others. I think the problem here is you are projecting your own lack of caring on to others to justify not caring.
@iplaygamesnstuff Should be $5 a month
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