Sony dropped the bombshell on us today that it's buying Destiny developer Bungie for $3.6 billion, but the great news from an Xbox perspective is that Bungie isn't planning on making any PlayStation exclusives anytime soon.
In a message posted on the official Bungie website, the studio made it clear that it wants to keep Destiny 2 on Xbox and other platforms moving forward, and the same goes for future games in the Bungie portfolio:
Q. As a Destiny 2 player, does Bungie becoming part of PlayStation have any immediate impact on how I play and experience Destiny 2?
No. Our commitment to Destiny 2 as a multi-platform game with full Cross Play remains unchanged. We want you to play The Witch Queen on February 22, 2022, on the platform of YOUR choice.
Q. Bungie has future games in development, will they now become PlayStation exclusives?
No. We want the worlds we are creating to extend to anywhere people play games. We will continue to be self-published, creatively independent, and we will continue to drive one, unified Bungie community.
In addition, the studio also confirmed its plans for cross-platform features to remain totally intact, stating that the overall goal is for "every player [to] have an amazing Destiny experience, no matter where you choose to play."
"Bungie’s bright future is only possible with you - our amazing community of Guardians. If you share our vision for Destiny - a single global community, that you can play anywhere, on any device, join us! We are just getting started."
Happy about this? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments below.
[source bungie.net]
Comments 28
Crazy. Glad to hear it's still multiplatform. Seems more like a defensive acquisition from Sony to prevent, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Apple, etc. from scooping up all the competition to their platform.
That was quick.
IF this is true this could explain why Microsoft didn’t reacquire it. Multiplat could have been a hardline for Bungie. No way Microsoft is dropping $Bs to not do exclusivity.
I'd be careful saying it's guaranteed they will stay multiplatform. Things change. Heck Bungie originally left Activision to strike out on their own just a few years ago. For the short term it's safe to assume multiplatform, in the long term...maybe not.
Hmm noted this question relates to future games currently in development… I’m sure if Sony gave them an ip to work with such as killzone that may be a different story… otherwise what’s the point of the purchase?
If i was Sony it be a new exclusive fps for PS5 only.
Remember Sony live and breath and sell consoles on AAA exclusives.
Q. Bungie has future games in development, will they now become PlayStation exclusives?
No. We want the worlds we are creating to extend to anywhere people play games. We will continue to be self-published, creatively independent, and we will continue to drive one, unified Bungie community.
Interesting, i see this statnent in a few ways:
1. This is part of a shift that Playstation and Xbox is part of where they will share more games between platforms and they are going beyond the console puplishing games on more devices to broaden their reach with the games they produce.
2. This is just to calm everyone down until the deal is finalized and after it is done, the games will become exlusive to the Playstation platform.
3. Same as the discord with the activision acquisition, that existing games on the Xbox platform will be there (Destiny 2) and free to play games (maybe Destiny 3?) But any new IPs will become exlusive.
Either way it is interesting witnessing this trend/shift in the gaming industry.
Could care less about Destiny at this point. It was fun for a bit when the first one came out. Then it got old really fast.
@Trmn8r Totaly agree, i remember playing the first game for maybe a week befor dropping it for other more interesting games.
I see this as both playing nice for regulators at the moment (as others have said) and releasing those that are either too far along on multi play development, are in contractual agreements or are free to play (for a bigger audience - although might only be for existing ones).
Other than that, until proven wrong I expect both acquisitions to produce exclusives and I'm fine with it
I have a feeling when video history books are written a whole chapter will be dedicated to 2022.
So what was the point then?
Bungee is being acquired…Bungie has no more say in whether or not it makes exclusives then right?. I’m gonna take this all with a grain of salt I think
@Quaali thinking the exact same thing.
I really think it’s a Destiny for COD thing.
However since the streaming war is really the new battlefield and they will be exclusive there. That’s the future play.
Wow. The big first party publishers swinging their big arms around... suddenly don't look so big with all this talk of staying on other platforms because they are scare of anti-trust laws.
@uptownsoul I agree with your logic. MS will keep Warzone on PS and Sony will keep Destiny on Xbox. Two F2P games.
Anything else will go exclusive. CoD campaign stuff (post Sony agreements) and anything Bungie make that isn't Destiny will get platform locked.
They inevitably make exclusive games at some point. It makes zero sense to waste 3.5 billion to make the ganes multiplatform. Sony, unlike MS is highly depndent on selling exclusive first party titles. So, Bungie will eventually become a totally first party exclusive studio.
Ofcourse it stays multiplatform. Gamers can buy games for 70 on platform of choice. This ‘war’ is about which company can includevit as fullservice inside their “pass” program. This isn’t sony vs ms anymore but servive vs service. Gamepass, Steam, PSPass, AppleArcade, NetflixGames, etc. As an owner you can release it on all hardware platforms but have the exclusivity on the your own service.
Good. Perhaps some of the multi-platform stuff was in negotiation with Xbox and COD.
Sony wants to have their games more focused on live services. I’m thinking the bigger attraction for the Bungie acquisition is how Bungie can benefit their other studios with their network code and live service experience…meanwhile making them money on each platform with all the microtransactions that are in destiny.
Microsoft was definitely trying to buy them and sony mustve offered multiplatform to make Sony the more appealing choice
@Secryt yet they have and are.... remeber bethesda game came to ps5 not xbox yet and they said cod will remain multiplat for the foreseable future. this all is about streaming in my thought....they are all gearing up for streaming where youll need studios to make games as you wont have a system to sell to get licensing fees.
@Rmg0731 or more likely sony over paid... bungie is only valued at around 2 billion yet sony paid nearly twice that.... and lets be honest outside of destiny right now what games do they have that are worth a damn.....point is sony over paid for a small developer with one notable series.
Plans do change. I have seen it happen!
YET!!! Plans always change.
@Blessed_Koz Except there’s a huge difference between Microsoft saying something vs allowing an acquisition to retain publishing and developing independence, which, if the press release is to be believed—Sony is allowing Bungie to do. Those terms were probably unacceptable to Green Team and I get why.
I started playing Destiny and Destiny 2 on PS4 and just crossed my account over to the Xbox series X and does it ever rock now! I sincerely hope Destiny remains on Xbox because I don't own a PS5 and going back to PS4 would be totally Blah!
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