As we've already highlighted, Head of Xbox Game Studios Matt Booty appeared on the Kinda Funny Gamescast earlier today, and one of the topics centred around an update on progress for Rare's new IP, Everwild.
As you may remember, the game was recently said to have been "rebooted" (with Banjo Kazooie lead designer Gregg Mayles now helming the project), but Booty was quick to state that he felt calling it a "reset" was too extreme:
"When you look at it from the outside, when you hear a word like 'reset' and maybe 'restructure', I'll just say that those are probably a little more definite, a little more extreme than what really happens as a game comes to life.
Mark Turmell (NBA Jam creator) used to say that a game gets made a thousand small decisions at a time. That every day, you're making hundreds of small decisions and at the end of however long you work on the game, they all add up. And I think that's where the Everwild team is right now."
Booty went on to explain that, as with any game in which he can get behind-the-scenes access for a lengthy period of time, he's seen rough days and "magic" days during development, and it's a typical thing that studios go through:
"[The team] is trying to make sure that they've got something special. We've shown a glimpse of a world, you've seen the art style that the team has got, but we want to get it right... it's just natural that a team's going to kind of go through some of that process."
The Xbox exec did confirm that more details will be shared on Everwild "when the team has got cool stuff to show" and the intent isn't to "keep things hidden for too long", but ultimately the focus is creating the best game possible right now.
How are you feeling about Everwild at the moment? Let us know down in the comments below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 9
Probably my most anticipated game. If they can make something like Sea of Thieves but for the land and like a shared community I'd be addicted.
I loved what they showed last year. Hopefully they can make this into something awesome.
If i'm being cynical and harsh i'd say it would have to have been started to be rebooted. It seemed like this was never a game just a beautiful aesthetic and style but with no idea of how to make it a game.
Hopefully they can work this out! I like what I see even if we have no idea what it is to play.
@Zag_Man I’m with ya. Maybe at least they have an interesting world as a template and it won’t take so long to reimagine the game and finish it.
@Residentsteven Same old statement and coming from Resident Evil guy. What a truly lackluster series. I want a game I can play with my friends and family and play at our own progression. 25 million sea of thieve users beg to differ on your criticism.
@Residentsteven I appreciate the reply. I never saw them as a Naughty Dog type developer. I can see the early platformer inspiration. I have fond memories of playing Perfect Dark coop with my brother and showing each other our farms in Viva Piñata. I just always see Rares games as having cooperative gameplay in their vision. I did love TLOU multiplayer and was disappointed when 2 didn’t have it. I see that we are two different gamers and that’s great. Sorry for the negativity but I love my time with Sea of Thieves. It’s honestly in my top 5 games and most of my top 50 is in their for nostalgia.
I just don't want a walking simulator or politics in the game. I'd like to see action and adventure, exploration, with online co op if you and your friends choose to, or solo if you choose to, great art and animation, lots of interactivity with surroundings and characters, and addictive game mechanics. That's the formula I enjoy in gaming.
I like Sea of Thieves but I don't think Rare can or should develop 2 MMOs. MMOs take a lot of effort to cultivate both the game and its community, and I don't think any developer can afford to divide itself between 2 at the same time. I was concerned when Rare said the game didn't have any gameplay yet, it's clear they announced it too early. It doesn't mean the game is Half Life 2 Episode 3 but it will be years before it is ready.
@Royalblues That’s a good point! I’d love more non-violent games, or at least where combat isn’t the loudest ‘verb’, but there’s not much off the shelf to work with as a main loop beside survival-crafting or puzzles (a la Witness, Sable).
I wish cartography and orienteering came into fashion but it seems hard to make it fun as the main course.
Basically, whatever they try they’re making a version of Breath of the Wild, but can they make it unique or better at something?
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