Weren't able to catch Xbox's Tokyo Game Show stream earlier today? No worries! You can always go back and watch the on-demand version for yourself, and we've also detailed all the important reveals in this article.
The following list is everything that was announced during the stream:
Did you watch Xbox's Tokyo Game Show 2021 stream today? What was your favourite part? Let us know below.
Comments 17
@Royalblues I agree it was good, I did expect however Persona to be announced for Xbox.
It was a great show, Scarlet Nexus is a good addition to XGP. They showed commitment to Japenese market by localising Starfield and Redfall.
I was expecting nothing and ended up getting three very cool games on gamepass. Not to mention having my screen blessed with the holy graces of Phil and Todd.
@FriendlyOctopus Believe me, I was expecting nothing too! Wasn't prepared for anything aside from local updates.
They said no announcements but I was hoping for FFVIIR for Xbox at least. Ah well!
*Not for it to be released today as i’m aware of the 6 month exclusivity extension but it’s almost time for it to be up 🤞
@Royalblues AI somnium Files though I did love.
@JohannVanDerSmut well they said “no new global debuts” so I hoped that FFVIIR would bypass that by not being a global debut. It’s all good though I didn’t get my hopes up.
That was dam good Microsoft
Now can we focus totally on a little game called Halo Infinite and some campaign previews, information and new gameplay.
Not long until December 8th.
Shame I already completed Scarlet Nexus, but really pleased how they handled the Expo as a whole. Respectfully, local and showing future technology.
I think they scored some big points. Will it be enough to scare a Japanese company, in Japan? I doubt it. I AM however glad that they realised that not all Xbox owners only play Halo, CoD or Forza.
I ranked it a B. For what it was and the expectations set beforehand, the stream was solid. You had a few big announcements like xCloud coming to more regions tomorrow, Scarlet Nexus on Game Pass, etc. alongside a bunch of other stuff.
That said even though we knew in advance, the silence on the Halo Infinite campaign front is concerning with launch fast approaching.
XCloud could really take off for MS over there. Mobile gaming is huge and they have the internet structure to take advantage of it. Hope it helps them get the foothold they're looking for in Japan.
I ranked it a D as it didn't really show anything new or provide anything worthwhile for western gamers to watch in my opinion but that's mainly because I've already played scarlet so this news didn't do anything for me
AI somnium Files was a pleasant surprised. I really like the overall pacing. I feel like I’ve been sleeping on Craftopia. Then indie games show were pretty good to.
AI: The Somnium Files is a great get.
Oh we may not have gotten Ai: The Somnium Files physically but we are getting the second one with a fancy collectors edition-
Don't feel like there was anything of interest announced - although I'm new to the Xbox side of things and sounds like it was expected from this show - although getting Mighty Goose is a nice surprise as wouldn't mind giving that a try. Certainly better than a kick in the teeth anyway!
nothing they announced was unexpected im confused as to why people are like they hit it out of the park....the only thing they announced that wasnt really announced before was the stupid goose game....What games are these studios making besides bethesda 343 and playground games seem to be the only studios doing anything...thats seems to be the big difference between ninty sony and MS the first two seem to make sure all their studios are doing something and make sure in the first year a system is out theres must have games that you can only get there.....ms has missed this mark this year, and is why family and friends keep telling me i bought a system to allow my old games to play better, while the ps5 alllows you to play new games that you cant play elsewhere.....its why the ps5 has huge hype still and the series x doesnt have nearly as much.
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