The Ascent launched with Xbox Game Pass last week and fans seem to be loving the cyberpunk RPG. One of its main draws is the inclusion of online and offline co-op, made even more enticing with its inclusion into Game Pass, but many fans have run into issues with the game's multiplayer.
Reddit is home to many threads of players reporting said issues which include not being able to host games, join games, and being kicked from matches. It's frustrating for those affected, who have taken to the site to share their experiences.
Following this, Kotaku also published their own report on the matter and reached out to developer Neon Giant about the problems. In response, the team acknowledged the issues and claimed they are "working on fixes", but cannot deliver a timeline at this point.
"The items you’ve mentioned are on our list of known issues and we’re actively working on fixes. We’re not able to provide a timeline at this stage but we are fully committed to fixing and improving all these items and we will aim to let you know once we have more details."
Another issue players have ran into relates to the Xbox Game Pass for PC version. Unlike the Steam release, this iteration is a different build and is currently lacking DLSS and ray tracing support. It's another issue the team at Neon Giant are said to be working on, but there's no ETA on when that may be.
Hopefully these problems are solved within the coming weeks, as we have enjoyed what we've played of The Ascent so far. But when one of its main features is suffering, it's not a good start for the latest Xbox Game Pass release.
Have you ran into any issues with The Ascent? Let us know in the comments below.
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 7
Someone splain to me why there is no legit offline mode. My internet sucks as is. Why would I need a full-time connection for a twin stick?
Just had an issue on the mission trading places, wouldn't let us up the elevator....had to reload it in single player and do it ...and then my missus had to rejoin after..only way around it
Partnership or buying, I really think this small team has done something special, although I read somewhere they had some help in the end , but again Microsoft should definitely invest in them in one way or another, definitely talent that they should keep for the book of X
The game is unplayable on GP for PC on the lowest settings for me - with the rough equivalent to a PS4 Pro level kit. Fix that!
Digging this game. Playing local coop with my wife, no issues fortunately.
Finished the game and loved it. Played single player and only had a few issues. A couple of quests didn't update after completing an objective but a quit to dashboard and reload fixed that.
A rather funny bug I encountered was 2 boss fights (mecharacnid and havoc) both spawned in 4 bosses on the first encounter as if I was playing 4 player co op. Needless to say they were near instant deaths and on the next attempt just a single boss spawned. Was a proper lol and wtf moment 😂😂😂
The game looks absolutely incredible on XSX even without all the bells and whistles. Some of the panaramic views are real wow moments. Only fix I am waiting for is the bugged codex achievements so I can 100% this.
EDIT: I would like to add that I just wished they had made the fast travel system better. Having to fast travel to an arcology, to then walk for a minute to the elevator, to then fast travel to your destination did start to grind on me towards the end of my playthrough. I would make the taxi system take you to anywhere you have unlocked and use the train to get to areas not yet visited. My only gripe with the game
Can't find any patch notes as yet but I just got a 5gb update for the Xbox version of the game.
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