Following on from the free Xbox Series X|S upgrade in June, The Elder Scrolls Online team has announced its popular and ever-growing MMO will be receiving additional graphical improvements at the end of the month on 31st August.
For consoles, this will include dynamic resolution scaling - allowing both the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S to now scale to higher resolutions, instead of being fixed. XSX can now scale to 4K and the XSS will be able to go to 1440p.
"For the launch of ESO: Console Enhanced, our most important goal on the graphics side was to get as close as possible to a solid 60fps for our performance modes on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. For us, that meant sticking with a resolution that we believed would hold up in all situations on each respective platform: 1440p on the X and PS5, and 1080p on the S."
"Some of you have called out that the new generation consoles should be capable of delivering higher resolutions at 60fps, and you are correct. With Update 31, we are enabling dynamic resolution scaling for performance mode on Xbox Series X|S and PS5, which steps resolutions up and down based on performance metrics.
For Series X and PS5, the dynamic resolution will scale between 1080p and 2160p (4k), while Series S will scale between 1080p and 1440p. For example, we expect our players on Series X to be running at or very close to 4K at 60fps in performance mode in most situations. On the flip side, the headroom for dropping to as low as 1080p should further prevent dropped frames in high-intensity situations, such as large Cyrodiil battles and certain trial and dungeon boss fights. We’re still experimenting with dynamic resolution scaling, so please let us know how it works for you!"
HDR is also getting a new hue-preserving mode that will be closer to the look of ESO in SDR:
"Many of you have expressed frustration with our current HDR implementation on consoles. We are happy to report that we have a new hue-preserving HDR mode coming with Update 31 that very closely matches the look of ESO in SDR while taking advantage of the increased range. If you prefer the way ESO looks in HDR right now, this will remain an option. To do so, you will simply toggle our new HDR Mode setting from Default to Vibrant."
PC users will also be able to access the console render multithreading via a new opt-in beta setting. Note: Update 31 will arrive on PC on 23rd August.
"The launch of ESO on the new generation consoles brought with it many improvements to our render threading to achieve 60fps in our performance modes. In Update 31, we are bringing our console render multithreading to PC via a new opt-in beta setting. For those of you who are CPU limited while playing ESO (most of you), this setting should improve your frame rate."
Will you be returning to ESO to try out these graphical improvements? Leave a comment down below.
[source elderscrollsonline.com]
Comments 11
why hasn't the ESO Blackwood Collectors Edition recived the free series x upgrade
I’ll let me little brother know. He’s still not a fan of ESO. Something about it not being the same.
@Cherip-the-Ripper lol
Oh thank the maker they're finally fixing HDR. I'm not worried too much about the dynamic scaling as I prefer to play in the enhanced mode anyway.
I've been running the enhanced version on my series S?
@SplooshDmg I'd say opposite. It played about exactly how I would expect multi-player Skyrim to.
However, it completely screws up the lore, ret conning a ton of things and and completely changing others.
@SplooshDmg The very comment of "There's not a thing you can say that will change my mind on that. Sorry, just don't bother." is very closed minded stance to take on a subject matter.
I'm curious as to what exactly makes it feel like a MMO? Especially when the game is deliberately simplified to be be played on a controller.
Could it be the standard leveling up affair as found in previous Elder Scrolls games? Or could it be combo based, real time, combat, that is also atypical of a MMO. Or maybe the fact you can play just about the entire game without ever having once joining a party? We all know that is a key staple of a MMO.
But complicatedness? It is simpler than than Elder Scrolls 1-3 by a mile. Hell, in 1 and 2 you couldn't even read languages or even talk to some races until you learned them.
@InterceptorAlpha @SplooshDmg fwiw, I agree with interceptor on this one. I've always felt that ESO plays like a really huge single player tes game more than an MMO minus the other people running around the screen. That's what's great about it. Imo it's more tes than Skyrim and less mmo than fo76.
I have never played The Elder Scrolls before, can I still jump straight into The Elder Scrolls Online or should I try Skyrim instead?
Not sure what I am looking for tbh, guess I just want to try out The Elder Scrolls for the first time.
@Roqka No universe knowledge necessary. Skyrim is a bit more narrative, and of course solo and therefore a bit not immersive, but also only covers the Skyrim region. Online, with all the expansions covers the whole tes universe. Gameplay is similar with some necessary differences to spell cool downs and such, and dungeons are if course more mmo with linear paths and continuous respawning monsters to facilitate continuous new players entering, so they don't feel as exploration oriented and are a little more "conveyor belt" BUT otherwise it plays remarkably similar which you wouldn't expect from an MMO, minus the focus on (optional) crafting (if you're a crafting fan you want the monthly subscription. If you're not, you can safely ignore it all.) And obviously the hundreds of other people all running around and past you, where Skyrim is all strategically placed npcs.
Personally oblivion is my favorite. Skyrim never quite hooked me the same way. But anything pre Skyrim is also old, and feels old. Online scratches that oblivion itch nicely.
It's all on game pass so if you subscribe, might as well try both. Skyrim has a legendary opening sequence though, I'll give it that!
@NEStalgia Righty! Thanks a lot. By the sound of it I am leaning toward ESO. But as you mentioned they're both on Game Pass, so I might as well give them both a shot.
This next-gen upgrade to ESO also seem very intriguing.
they should take care of those ugly character models and not Dynamic Resolution i HDR...
Is anyone having trouble accessing the Morrowind DLC with the GamePass Ultimate version? It's listed in my installed addons, but the game just directs me to the store when I try to access it 🙄
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