We're now just a couple of weeks away from the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition on May 14, and when you get it on day one, it looks like you'll need to download an extra 10GB+ for its initial patch.
Patch 01.01 has already been discovered for the game on PlayStation, where it's a size of 11.8GB, and features performance improvements, stability and crash fixes, lighting enhancements and much more.
The size of patches can vary between Xbox and PlayStation, of course, so we'll have to wait and see how big it turns out to be on the various Xbox consoles. Just keep in mind that you'll need to do some downloading early on!
Are you picking up Mass Effect Legendary Edition this month? Let us know down in the comments below.
[source orbispatches.com]
Comments 26
No, I'm good. I can wait until the game is finished to buy it. 😎
Fun fact: this patch is 5.37GB larger than the first Mass Effect game in its entirety, and only 1.32GB smaller than Mass Effect 2.
Not a knock since I'm a Series X owner, but it's almost a guarantee that the patch will be larger on Xbox because file sizes are generally larger on their systems. That is one thing I will give Sony credit for, especially over the last year.
As glad as I am that this is coming, I will likely be waiting buy it as I have plenty of other things to play right now, and obviously this will be a huge time commitment.
@gingataisen - I'm of the same opinion.
Given how bad the Kingdoms of Amalur "re-re reckoning" was, I'm not pre-ordering or buying any 'remasters', until there is solid evidence from user reviews that a) it works properly, and b), it is substantially better than the original.
Hey, I'm FINALLY learning, and proud of myself for it!
A lazy Remaster and that too with a 12GB Day 1 patch?
I'll take a game that needs a patch if the patch is ready to go day one. At least the approach here isn't "release the game and chip away at making it good over the next year or so". (cough) Cyberpunk(cough)
No, that is exactly what this is. Unless you think this day one patch will be the last.
Sick to death of this practice. Makes owning the physical disc almost pointless in terms of preservation. Probably a happy side effect in their eyes. Seeing as they earn more money from digital sales and want physical to die.
@gingataisen maybe it will be the only patch, maybe it won't. But I refuse to believe that EA and BioWare haven't been watching the Cyberpunk saga (where there seems to be another 40-50GB patch every other week and the game is still utter bunk) and thought "yeah, we can't do that", especially after Andromeda and Anthem.
I, on the other hand, am unable to believe in EA and BioWare, especially after Andromeda and Anthem.
I am looking forward to playing this game. Reading everyone's comments I can see why people may be hesitant to buy it. I too have been a victim of pre-release hype. But I am going to take the chance on this one and hope for the best.
Figures, I am actually playing the original 360 versions of this game right now. They have actually aged surprisingly well.
@Tangerine Yeah the last time I bought physical media for the PS or Xbox was early in the PS4/One generation when the consoles first launched. I was used to the way owning a disc for PS3 and 360 games really meant something, how you could play the whole games off the discs and didn't need to download anything. Then I popped in PS4/One discs and realized how I needed to install everything, and had to download a bunch of massive patches, some about the size of the whole games. Ever since I've been digital only, last console I still buy physical for is the Switch and even then I need to be pretty choosy about it. You can actually play the entire games off a lot of physical Switch carts but a lot of them only have part of the game, and most seem to require some patching. Seems like the only way to preserve games anymore is to have them installed on an activated console.
I already preordered this I tried playing through the first one again and the loading times were terrible especially in those elevators I really hope they fixed that. I am looking forward to playing the whole series. I am not to worried about andromeda which I enjoyed the combat was spectacular and I had no interest in anthem. To me I want them to say Bioware is a single player studio with great stories I hope I am not burned.
Will you get a review copy for this Fraser? If so, would you be able to confirm that the 60fps option is available on Series S? I'm assuming it is, but they haven't said it explicitly.
With how long this was rumoured, it should have had a very long time in dev and shouldn't need stuff like this.
Clearly EA never took this seriously and the team has probably been given unrealistic circumstances to complete the work.
another example never buy a game at launch wait and you get a cheaper finished game
@gingataisen So you'll buy it day 2 then
@Tangerine Physical preservation died the moment internet was required to play a game.
If they're done with it by then, then yeah, sure. 🙃
Have been all digital since XB1 & rebought loads of 360 games on digital after starting on XB1
Last month Microsoft out of the blue disabled access to my email account for a "serious violation" & as a result I have lost >2500 games as well as DLC that is probably in the region of £50K and tens of thousands of hours worth of game saves
Utterly devastated and distraught - gaming for over 40 years & XBox nearly 20 - and I have no right to find out what has happened or appeal their decision - it is final; probably the worst month of my life...
I don't know if my email was hacked or if I have done something (I did buy from different regions but this is pretty commonplace)
here are reasons for bans. most common has always been bulling and threatening behavior online, but others listed. never heard of anyone banned for buying from different regions, if they did they would have to ban a good percentage of users. mind if you bought nearly all your games from different regions that could be a reason 50,000 is a lot of money
you might of said something you said as a joke online and you could be banned the rules of online conducted are quite strict
Thanks for the info but I very rarely go online & if I do it is with friends I know outside of gaming - I had sought clarification on the refund policy for digital games as I had a request knocked back and as I rarely request a refund, as good or bad I do usually keep the games, it seemed strange
But to call that a serious violation of their terms and disable my account seems excessively heavy handed
got kids or anyone else who has used console, happens a lot people getting banned for others using abusive behavior from console
also was console new or used, used it could from previous owner and violation has just come too light.
it's just me that uses the consoles - my girlfriend has no interest in gaming and consoles are new - main console is a Series X
It is hopeless trying to speak or have an online chat with support, as they have limited information & cannot contact the compliance team themselves
It beggars belief they can accuse you of something, not tell you what it is, pass judgement and then not enter into any further communication as the decision is final
I really have lost any enthusiasm for gaming at the moment
@gingataisen Nowadays that unfortunately takes 5 years minimum. If ever.
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