It's been an excellent period for Xbox - with the brand seemingly stronger than ever right now thanks to acquisitions and partnerships with companies like Bethesda and EA.
According to Windows Central editor Jez Corden, Xbox's publishing arm won't be slowing down, either. He recently shared a somewhat cryptic tweet, mentioning how there were some "really interesting" partnerships in the works.
What seems to be encouraging speculation on social media is the little whirlpool emoji/symbol at the end of Jez's tweet. One common guess is that it's got something to do with Ubisoft or Sega.
Corden has previously spoken about Xbox being "heavily involved" with big third party studios for exclusives, but suggested at the time that certain plans were "really far out." Still, it all sounds pretty exciting for Xbox fans!
What do you think? Share your own thoughts and theories in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 29
Okay, can’t wait for the reveal! 🙌
I can see the connection with the Ubisoft logo... but how is the whirlpool connected to Sega?
@antonvaltaz In the Dreamcast era, Sega was using a spiral, or swirl logo.
@antonvaltaz the only thing I can think of is that it represents Sonic spinning? But it looks more like the Ubi logo to me
Can't see it being Ubisoft of he's trying to say Xbox will publish a game.
Could be SEGA related though as that symbol reminds me more of Dreamcast.
Maybe a revival of classics like Jet Set Radio or Crazy Taxi.
I see Xbox as partnering with Sega rather than buying out.. I feel they first started this partnership by bringing phantasy star online 2 to Xbox followed by Yakuza series and I’ve heard Judgment is coming soon as well as rumoured Persona. I’m happy as Sega are my fave video game company and I play exclusively on Xbox.
With this article, here's hoping that Xbox and Kojima Productions partnership rumour become reality🙏🏻
@GunValkyrie I mean I'd prefer if nobody bought SEGA out personally just saying
I think Microsoft is probably partnering with SEGA rather than buying them out. They have timed exclusivity on PSO2 New Genesis and it managed to score them not just the Yakuza ports on Xbox but Yakuza 7 launching with Series X. I can see some other stuff coming out of this like Catherine Full Body finally coming to Xbox and maybe Persona, but that one's still really up in the air for me
I think in most cases this should be the way to go. I don't want this gen becoming a competition of who can buy out more studios and lock more things to their platforms unless it's a developer that has a super healthy working relationship with said console manufacturer specifically
Same with what's happening with Kojima Productions if the LUDENS figure on Spencer's shelf was anything to go by
Hmm.. how about it's both Sega and Ubisoft? The swirl could play as a combo of both, and it does mention partnership'S'.
As well, it's talking Microsoft Publishing, so maybe MS will become the publisher of their games, at least for the Xbox, and if true, you know they would come to GamePass day 1.
@SegataSanshiro Honestly if mainline Persona goes to Xbox first before Nintendo I'd be stunned
Especially given the rest of MegaTen have basically been treated like a second party franchise to Nintendo for years and Atlus' games have historically sold extremely poorly on Xbox dating back to the time they actually got a mainline SMT game as an exclusive that never left Japan
@antonvaltaz it's a reach, but maybe associated with sega, because that's what sonic, kind of, resembles, when he is spinning/speeding up(?). Like I said, a reach.
@SegataSanshiro I thought Yakuza was good to test the waters considering I think despite it being billed as a JRPG it definitely has a lot of elements that have mass appeal regardless
Persona occupies the same boat but Atlus have never played well with Xbox as a platform even before they were acquired by SEGA so that obviously puts everything up in the air for me. My assumption is that if Persona 5 or practically any of the numbered entries come to Xbox, I feel like they also have to come to Nintendo either day of or shortly after because that series is just in a weird predicament where it's a franchise that has mass appeal but considering how much larger Japan's audience for Persona is I don't know if SEGA or Atlus want to take the risk of only putting out on Xbox if it does go multiplatform given Atlus' history with the console
I think it's a publisher-by-publisher thing considering obviously if Square Enix puts out something like Final Fantasy or a new Kingdom Hearts game on Xbox it's going to do at worst, decently given those IPs just have such broad recognition and iconography. FFXIII going to Xbox after the series was firmly PlayStation-exclusive in terms of main installments for years was a big thing back then, same thing with what happened with DQXI recently, but I think SMT/Persona is a riskier sell especially given Atlus' core audience and their ambivalence towards Xbox in general
@SegataSanshiro I don't doubt it's happening, I always thought given Microsoft seems to be in close partnership with SEGA they'd bring Persona into the conversation
I just think that there's something about it launching on Xbox before a Nintendo system that just sounds weird. For Atlus to basically go almost 8 years without anything on Xbox barring an SMT game that bombed, two Persona fighting games and an original IP that sold way better on PS3 anyway and didn't even get its enhanced port released on Xbox One, there's just something weird about SEGA suddenly deciding to go straight to mainline Persona, specifically Persona 5. I personally think if a numbered entry goes to other consoles first, P4G is way more likely imo
@SegataSanshiro See the thing with Strikers is that firstly this was way back when Atlus was way less platform agnostic and their big releases were usually restricted to just one or two platforms, like SMT being only on 3DS/Switch and Persona only being on PS4, so I just wrote Strikers off as at the time, an Arena situation where they obviously wanted it on PS4 given how successful P5 was, but also the Switch is basically the Xbox 360 in this situation where it has a rapidly growing install base and they wanted to tap into some of that, especially coming off of Joker being announced for Smash at the Game Awards
The thing that kind of recontextualizes everything for me now is the fact P4G did so well on PC, because Nocturne and Strikers' Steam ports I will put money on being decided at the last minute. Had neither of those games gotten PC ports I think they would've come out way sooner than they did. Should Persona go multiplatform. I wouldn't hold my breath for an announcement until way closer to Persona's 25th anniversary in the fall, especially if they want to do a concert again like they did in 2019 and especially given SMTIII HD and SMT V are both still not out worldwide. I'd say that probably has the best chance of an announcement that Persona 5 is going to other platforms
I think a bigger prediction I almost think is safe is given that Sony has been super aggressive on exclusivity deals, and given one of the SIE reps at a P5 Royal event in Japan acknowledges Persona has this unique relationship with the PlayStation brand, I can see them moneyhatting P6 for exclusivity. I think it'll definitely come out on PS5 for sure but I can almost see it being a console exclusive or a timed one even while also being on PC due to the success of the series on that platform so far.
@SegataSanshiro I wouldn't say SMT has reached the level of Persona yet
I think SMT V has the potential to be probably the most popular mainline entry given both the platform of choice and the decision to make it a worldwide simultaneous release but Persona has become so gigantic of a name in the JRPG space as of late no matter how popular SMT gets, I honestly can't see it reaching Persona numbers, especially given Persona was actually introduced first before the other subseries or mainline in the West
I think the Bethesda acquisition will probably result in something big from Sony. I feel like they know the kind of ripple effect this causes for the industry and they probably have to respond, so I think someone's getting acquired on their end as well or potentially some major third party collaborates with Sony's internal teams on some massive exclusive like what's been rumored as of late regarding Konami which I personally hope happens for sure
I think just based on Sony and how they've talked about Persona, they make it sound like it's so important to them and their brand image it honestly astounds me there isn't some sort of exclusivity thing behind the series. I feel like by communicating to everyone it's this thing that is really important to them, especially using terms like "platform holder", they're planning something, I just think they're planning something big. I ain't saying moneyhatting exclusivity over Persona 6 is Bethesda joining Xbox-levels of big but given how big Persona is now, it would turn a lot of heads, and it could definitely help and repair the perception that they don't care about the Japanese market
@SegataSanshiro That is true
I wouldn't say Sony is back in the PS3-era predicament they were in but despite the strong first impression in terms of software Xbox has definitely become hyper-aggressive this gen amidst fears they might not even have a place in gaming anymore which is why Bethesda was a big deal
I personally think Microsoft's long term ambition of having Game Pass just be this giant ecosystem that encapsulates a lot of content is them basically saying they aren't focusing on just the consoles anymore due to the fact Sony and Nintendo are quite formidable in that space even still, but I also think Sony can't exactly ignore the kind of proposition that has. I wouldn't say the solution is for them to do everything Microsoft is doing since they obviously can't, but they have to have some form of long term goal specifically to get more people into the ecosystem. Even if whatever they do doesn't match the Bethesda acquisition, there are a lot of things they could do that definitely wouldn't go unnoticed. The Show going to Xbox is a bad look for them, but I also hope Sony also felt their mortality there and that they probably need to start embracing their own services and making them better, especially where PS Now is concerned.
@SegataSanshiro Even as someone who didn't go Xbox this generation I have to commend Phil for the work he's done in turning the brand around. This time 7 years ago people were genuinely starting to doubt that Microsoft would even be in the business of making consoles past that generation but even if there are definitely steps they could take to make Xbox a more prominent brand in the space, they've done an excellent job making the right moves that cause more than just footnote in the industry with stuff like Game Pass & xCloud as well as the Bethesda buyout. He's definitely a more respectable face in person as well and communicates the kind of image a brand like that was sorely missing after people like Peter Moore left the company. He definitely stands toe to toe with people like Andrew House, Shawn Layden, Reggie and Iwata in terms of presenting and just having a pretty outgoing passion for what he talks about
As someone who's supported Sony for years I genuinely hope they can pull their act together because I love the PS5 so far of what I've played but I know that in terms of consumer transparency they could be doing a lot better in being more forward thinking about what consumers really want outside of the games
There was a rumour about KOTOR 3 a while ago, and that it would not involve BioWare. Obsidian comes to mind next, though I appreciate they already have their own projects.
Disney has also released Marvel exclusives for PlayStation (Spider-Man) and Nintendo (Ultimate Alliance 3). It would be interesting if Xbox also had its own Marvel game.
Realistically it is probably just a partnership with Sega of some kind. Perhaps Persona finally ends up on Xbox via Game Pass like they did with Yakuza.
@SegataSanshiro I think Sony will still ultimately outdo Xbox worldwide simply due to the fact there's larger worldwide appeal and recognition for the PlayStation brand even to more casual consumers especially after last gen, but it's going to be extremely close. I think Sony's IPs at this point have more mass market appeal as a result of Xbox struggling to really branch out last generation with franchises that weren't Halo, Forza or Gears, and the IPs that were introduced last gen like Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man garnered widespread attention in general, but the thing is Xbox's strategy this gen also doesn't seem to be purely about the dedicated hardware so I don't know if that really matters to them
There will be pockets of time where Microsoft does end up pushing out more Xbox units especially if stuff like Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI end up being completely exclusive to Xbox/PC, and I also expect xCloud to be somewhat popular in particular regions like Japan where mobile and handheld gaming is more preferred over home consoles, but overall especially if Sony keeps up the software momentum they had going during the PS4 era where pretty much the large majority of their exclusives were super high quality and got very good word of mouth, at least in the hardware space I can see Sony barely edging Microsoft out. The sales differences between them right now is way closer than it was last gen so clearly announcing the Bethesda acquisition right before Series X/S preorders went live definitely turned things towards their favor
Ubisoft usually seems willing to work with platform holders early on, presumably to build a working relationship for future projects. Some of these projects have not payed off so well(ZombiU, Stadia support) but you can usually count on some kind of support from Ubi. So that makes sense to me.
Getting into wishful thinking territory, I could see Beyond Good and Evil 2 getting some extra funding/marketing from MS. It's one of those long-shot projects that's far from a guaranteed success, but one that would get people excited and generate some good will. Sony got a lot of cred for helping launch games like Shenmue 3 and FF7 Remake, and MS could use a similar approach.
It looks like it's going to be a few years before Microsoft's studio investments really pay off in exclusive titles, so it makes sense for them to lean on 2nd party projects to fill in some gaps until then.
If it is Ubisoft, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a new Splinter Cell. Conviction was tied to Xbox after all, and I think Microsoft not only like having Sam Fisher appear on their consoles - almost as their version of Snake - but would also like to be the ones who help bring him back.
@TimG13 If they were positioning Splinter Cell as basically the Xbox Metal Gear equivalent it's kind of hilarious in retrospect given how quickly a Metal Gear game ended up coming to Xbox to begin with
I'm pretty sure MGS2 Substance was launch window
@SegataSanshiro I personally care way too much at this point about PlayStation's exclusives to ever trade them in exchange for Bethesda's, but again going back to Microsoft deemphasizing their focus on just selling Xbox as a console platform, I don't have to at all because since I have a PC, I'll just get the exclusives I'm interested in and I don't have to own multiple consoles past the ones I already do own which is how Xbox approaches that kind of value proposition. Now I just have a PS5 for my Sony-exclusives, a Switch for the Nintendo ones and a PC for my multiplats and whatever Xbox puts out from first party
I'd honestly argue if the Series X just came out without being prefaced by stuff like them buying Bethesda, or the absence of first-party at all at launch barring the Gears 5 port, they'd be in an almost completely different place than they are now, especially given how poorly received their initial "gameplay" showcase for Series X was back in the summer in comparison to Sony's
Announcing stuff like acquiring Zenimax and all its associated companies ensuring that stuff like Elder Scrolls would be day one on Xbox and specifically Game Pass was really something at the very last minute that shifted everyone's perception towards how serious they actually are about staying in gaming. I hope it doesn't become a recurring thing simply because I hope they don't luck out at any attempt to maximize their existing IPs as opposed to absorbing new ones since they have a dense back catalogue of franchises, but it definitely made a statement and its made this back and forth between Sony and Microsoft a lot more interesting compared to last gen where Sony was clearly wiping the floor with them almost the entire way through
@SegataSanshiro If anything I hope this gets Sony to realize they're potentially sitting on a gold mine of opportunities when it comes to their services
PS Now right now is underpromised as hell and it predates Game Pass by a few years. It has so much potential to be this amazing way to stream games from across PlayStation consoles in the same way xCloud is but they just aren't using it. I also hope their current initiative for PS Plus where one of the games in each monthly pool is a PS5 game expands to include more noteworthy titles. It baffles me that considering what's happening with MLB, they didn't offer that up to Plus subscribers as the free game as opposed to Oddworld, which would've been more than enough imo to counteract something that big, and I don't even care about that game. Right now the biggest reason to get a PS5 is purely its games, and they're great games, but they could be doing so much more to just bring people to their side. In fact I think that's kind of what they're going for with their PC releases but it's not enough given the statement Microsoft has made about how upfront they are about their content
@SegataSanshiro I think the same can be said about backwards compatibility as well
I still have a gut feeling them taking down the PS Stores on pre-PS4 consoles this soon, which is especially concerning given Vita was actually still getting some content from smaller developers, is signalling them having some sort of plan for that they're not telling us about. I feel like they know how well received Xbox's program is and despite the fact I actually think how the PS5 plays PS4 games is actually pretty amazing especially in the case of Sony's first party content, they have to do more. They released some PS2 Classics here and there but not nearly to breadth they used to, so either them scrapping the PS Store on those other consoles really proves they genuinely don't care about their legacy, or best case scenario they're either revamping PS Now to be taken more seriously or even supplying a BC program of their own for their own past systems like Microsoft's initiative
Either way I think we won't hear about their responses to stuff like Game Pass or BC until at the earliest, maybe 2022 considering I think they at least want to get the launch window first party titles out the door first, but I suspect they know that how upfront Microsoft is with the consumer by comparison is something they can't ignore
@SegataSanshiro PS Now needs a massive revamp
I've only ever used it on PC but it feels like such a half hearted way to technically get PS3 games on the system and especially given what they had to do to even get it off the ground in the first place it's still a super uncompelling proposition as opposed to just buying the games outright, especially given a lot of PS3 remasters are already on PS4
I honestly hope that PS Plus Collection thing they have going on expands to more than just PS4 games. That's probably the best possible answer to Game Pass they could have that would be subscription based and still necessitate the pushing of hardware sales since it's only for PS5 users. The lineup on the Collection as is curates a solid selection of the key PS4 first and third party titles but it could totally use past consoles as well if they really want something that isn't as cobbled together as the limiting selection on PS Now where even the first party games rotate
Buying SEGA department of games , and then having Ubisoft - publishing them? Maybe?
I wouldn't be surprised if this was Ubisoft + was included with gamepass like EA play.
I would also be happy if we had more Saturn ports added to the xbox library.
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Burning Rangers
Dark Saviour
Fighting Vipers / Fighters Megamix
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