Tales Of Arise Collector's Edition

We're a sucker for a good old collector's edition here at Pure Xbox, and this Tales of Arise one just takes the mickey with how great it looks. Bandai Namco is really showing off with this one, and we'll be pre-ordering about 15 copies, thank you.

Like most collector's edition games, you can expect to get a steelbook, art book, and soundtrack - but the crown jewel of this particular set is the magnificent statue that comes included with it. Featuring the two main characters, it's a genuinely stunning piece of work, which will knock you back $189.99 when it launches on September 10.

It's available to pre-order now through the Bandai Namco store and is only available exclusively through there. There's also a cute Hootle edition, which comes with a cute little plushy.

It's going to be a hard choice for Tales of Arise fans... us included.

Will you be picking up Tales of Arise Collector's Edition? Let us know in the comments below.

[source store.bandainamcoent.eu]