As Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda has finally gone through, the companies have confirmed that certain future titles will only be available exclusively to Xbox and PC players.
In an Xbox Wire post welcoming Bethesda to Xbox Game Studios, Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, stated that Xbox, PC and Game Pass "will be the best place to experience new Bethesda games". But not only that, "some new titles in the future that will be exclusive to Xbox and PC players".
"This is the next step in building an industry-leading first party studios team, a commitment we have to our Xbox community. With the addition of the Bethesda creative teams, gamers should know that Xbox consoles, PC, and Game Pass will be the best place to experience new Bethesda games, including some new titles in the future that will be exclusive to Xbox and PC players."
Seems like we have more clarification now. We're not entirely sure which games will and won't be exclusive, but more details have been promised later this year. As for now, let's just take a moment to celebrate this huge step for Xbox.
Happy to see some Bethesda titles being exclusive on Xbox? Let us know in the comments below.
[source news.xbox.com]
Comments 51
Glad this point was clarified after months of speculation. It's a great win for MS fans!!
Elder Scrolls and anything new from DOOM and Wolfenstein are probably staying multiplatform. It'd be stupid now for those particular franchises to have had such a footprint as multiplatform games, to just suddenly start being Xbox/PC-only, especially since TESVI has been in development since well before the acquisition was even announced, and Wolfenstein is still an ongoing series which hasn't even wrapped up yet
@TheFrenchiestFry I agree on the wolfenstein thing. But all early development for games is on pc so the development wouldn't matter for any titles outside of near completed ones.
Again they didn't clear anything up just hint that some titles will be exclusive in the future..
It would be silly to publish them for PS5, they need to push Game Pass on Xbox and PC. It would be like Sony publishing Uncharted and The Last of Us for Xbox.
My guess is major existing multiplatform franchises will continue to be such as Doom, Wolfenstein, Fallout etc with perhaps new IP's being exclusive to Xbox.
One important point to note is that Bethesda will still be run as a separate business
Interesting I guess we’ll see with StarField how they may approach this. Either way it’s money in MS’s pockets.
@BlueOcean You mean like how Microsoft technically allowed Ori to come to Switch? That's an IP they own
All the big guns (including, Doom, Wolf, Fallout, and Elder) will be exclusive. But they will annonce it gradually to avoid any media backlash/backfire. They did not pay 7.5 billion to develop games for their competition. This is their ultimate strategy to push game pass by overcrowding it with permanent and day one popular AAA titles.
P.S Switch is not MS direct competition.
@carlos82 Like every Xbox Game Studio but Phil said that they acquired Bethesda to make Xbox the best place for games so it's obvious that new stuff including future Doom, Wolfenstein and The Elder Scrolls games will be exclusive.
@TheFrenchiestFry Yeah like you can compare that to this 7.5 billion investment 😂.
@BlueOcean I don't see them just suddenly making Elder Scrolls exclusive to Xbox
Maybe after TES VI but definitely not now. Doubly so for stuff like Wolfenstein considering the current series is still not completed and it began as a multiplatform franchise
@BlueOcean I wouldn't say it's obvious, Bethesda are on a very different scale to those other studios and with major third party franchises that have a lot of history across various platforms. It's a lot of money to spend to then ignore much of the audience that created that value in the first place. Minecraft still came to Switch long after the takeover and Minecraft dungeons, though not to PS5 yet so if anything these may simply launch on Xbox first
@TheFrenchiestFry TES VI is so far off it could be exclusive. Idk and idc but it could definitely happen now whereas it couldn’t before.
New IP exclusive
Existing IP case by case basis.
@TheFrenchiestFry @carlos82 When Phil said that they want Xbox (including Game Pass) to be the best place to play games on and that they acquired Bethesda for that very purpose, it's quite clear (except for Sony fans in general) that the big games will be exclusive to Xbox/Game Pass including future Doom, Wolfenstein, Fallout and The Elder Scrolls games. Anyway, like @Fenbops said, exclusivity could be possible from now on because Microsoft owns Bethesda whereas that would be impossible until now. If they want to push Game Pass subscriptions and they really want to, the most logical thing to do after spending 7.5 billion is to make these games exclusive so they will.
This is nothing new from the original announcement back in September with the "case by case" comment. There are many possible outcomes such as:
@BlueOcean Sony fans don’t know how lucky they are, if this was a Sony takeover ALL titles would be PlayStation only without a doubt. Maybe they won’t be lucky and everything a year from now will be exclusive though 😂
I wonder too if anything will be exclusive to GamePass, as in you won't be able to own the game at all, and must have a subscription to play 🤔 probably not, but it could happen
@Grumblevolcano Switch also got Cuphead and Minecraft
@BlueOcean why say best when it would be the only place, then straight after say some would be exclusive? Its nothing to do with whether someone is a Sony or Xbox fan, it's just interpretation of what he has said. There is no definitive answer still and he could have easily come out said they would all be exclusive but he didn't.
Also these games being available elsewhere, if anything potentially adds to the value of Gamepass. Do you want to spend £70 each for Doom, Wolfenstein, Fallout etc or one small subscription for all of those plus Starfield and all the other Gamepass games on Xbox/PC/Mobile? Plus they still make money from those diehards who refuse to buy any other hardware to play games
@everynowandben You can buy to own every single game on GamePass, I don't see that changing.
@BlueOcean When they say "best place to play" it could also likewise mean, "best optimized", but especially when taking into consideration that there are still series Bethesda have that are currently active like MachineGames' Wolfenstein series or the current DOOM series of which two or three of the games are on pretty much everything, it would make next to no sense to have games like New Colossus or DOOM Eternal be on PS4, Xbox, Switch, PC and even Stadia, to then suddenly the next game just being on Xbox and PC. That's cutting out like more than half of your playerbase. For original IPs they can totally be positioned as exclusives but for series that are currently ongoing I don't see that happening for a good few years until they get rebooted again
@sanderev I don't think it will either, but it could. I've heard a lot of people suggesting this possibility, and I think it's worth considering.
Sooooo... we still know nothing...
Hasn't cleared up anything only ADDED to the speculation...
People are translating it to mean different things...
Well played Microsoft keep the free marketing and discussion going
@Fenbops Yeah I guess they would have preferred that Sony acquired Bethesda instead and would happily assume that all games would be exclusive to Sony and yet they test their mental gymnastics to justify that the big Bethesda games will be published for PS5 because why not.
Like @Carck said above, grabbing some Sony market share is MUCH more rewarding in the long run. According to Series X vs. PS5 sales they are already doing this without even considering the PC market where Microsoft's performance is stronger than before. Let's not forget that many people bought PS4 because Xbox One launch was a disaster (myself included) and that the 360 vs. PS3 generation was much more balanced. All that Xbox needed was more studios and more games and voilà.
@sanderev Cuphead also came to PS4 and Minecraft comes to everything. I specifically mentioned Ori because it's not exclusive (came to Switch) but it's also not on PS.
Temporary exclusives, one year minimum.
You want Elder Scrolls now ? It's on the gamepass. You want in on Playstation ? Wait for next year, then.
Win / Win situation, in my opinion.
If they're smart, "some" includes Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Don't make those multiplat if you want people to buy into your ecosystem, MS.
If those some arent elder scrolls and fallout then thats great for me as I won't have to buy a series S as the rest of their games are irrelevant (to me)
@Axlroselm This 100% this in what people are not understanding, You don't spend 7.5 billion dollars to put games on playstation..
@TheFrenchiestFry You are in for a rude awakening pal if you think Xbox spent 7.5 billion dollars to put there games on playstation..
I think it's funny that some people say:
"MS didn't spend 7.5b just to put those games on PS!"
while other people say:
"MS didn't spend 7.5b just to keep those games off PS!"
Personally, being platform agnostic, I don't care either way. I just think it's funny that the dollar amount is being used by both sides of the debate as "evidence" of MS's intentions.
People on here saying about you don't spend $7.5 billion to put their games on playstation, so basically they spent $7.5 billion to put 2-3 really good games on gamepass?
So the many millions of people on nintendo and Sony who buy Bethesda games, most of those people who will still not get an xbox or get gamepass will not be contributing any money at all towards Bethesda?
I'm sure as a business Microsoft know that keeping the big "3" Bethesda games exclusive will make them miss out on around over $1 billion of sales lol why do you think they never made Minecraft exclusive....
No, make them all exclusive to Xbox and/or Windows.
Every single console generation we have to deal with Sony fanboys blasting us for having "no games".
It's time the tables turn.
@Bmartin001 well, they have just said "some" will be XBox exclusive, so it seems they already HAVE spent 7.5 billion to publish on PS. Like they spent 2.5 billion to publish Minecraft on other consoles. Microsoft are out to make money, not validate fanboys' purchase decision, and this has always been about driving people to Gamepass rather than selling XBoxes.
Frankly, an awful lot of stock seems to be placed on the word "some". It seemed obviously from the beginning that Bethesda would start making some exclusive games, specifically new IP, but this still doesn't answer questions about how much will be exclusive. Frankly, seeing as it was always possible everything would be exclusive, it's looking more like the majority won't be.
Incidentally, a have a XSX sat right beside my PS5. I'm not being a fanboy, I literally have no horse in this race (I have GPU but don't even particularly care for Bethesda's games). I just think quite a bit is being made of this rather prematurely
@yungGanon I think the likes of Ninja Theory, Double Fine and Obsidian are going to be the more significant acquisitions for MS if you're concerned about quality exclusives
Just buy a series x and game pass ultimate
Simples. We have you covered now.
You know what would be insane for ES6
1 month exclusive in gamepass. You can't buy it at all but can play it through game pass
1 year exclusive on Xbox and PC (I mean wasn't oblivion exclusive for a while?)
Then it launches on PS, and "other stuff"
@PapaGlitch They can't say all future games will be exclusive because of some games like Deathloop will come to the PS5. But you can bet your life savings that all the big dogs like Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Doom, Wolfenstein will be Xbox exclusive..
A Starfield exclusive drop to launch this fall on Xbox would be a big boost for them.
@Bmartin001 I think I'll keep my life savings where they are to be honest. As I said, some exclusives doesn't scream "Everything apart from the 2 games already announced for the other platform to me". More than happy to be proven wrong, but I'll honestly be surprised if at least some of the next Scrolls, Fallout, Doom and Wolfenstein aren't on PS and Switch. I think the bigger thing is they'll be in Gamepass with probably exclusive extras, which I think is really the point of it all
@Carck MS is a third party publisher. I’m pretty sure the only reason that they don’t publish on PS is Sony not MS. MS wants people to log on with an Xbox Live account and Sony didn’t want to before. Either way not publishing on PS doesn’t not make you a third party publisher.
@UltimateOtaku91 They could always ignore people who refuse to swap systems. Potential sales aren’t actual sales and a good chunk of Bethesda games sale better on PC anyway. Really they don’t need to put their games anywhere but their own platform. Games drive platform sales. If we can’t all agree on this; I don’t know what to tell you. But the games could get someone to swapped; maybe not you but there are plenty that could for more Doom or TES6. People buy systems for its games so... and the S is cheap..
@PapaGlitch @Bmartin001 It’s not Minecraft. The fact that MS didn’t bother buying Sony out of the exclusivity for Ghostwire, a game that at the moment has no release date on site nor Deathloop which now has to wait how long before it’s on Xbox tells me they don’t care as much about “exclusivity” as some might think or keep trying to convince themselves
@BrilliantBill Netflix is a bad comparison because in the cloud format Sony doesn’t compete with Xbox. Amazon does. I can watch all my Disney movies that I buy off Amazon Prime with linked account so... again bad comparison.
@TheFrenchiestFry Bottom line while the press release didn’t clear up much; it did clear up for the foreseeable future some games will be published on PlayStation for whatever reason exists (There could be a few other existing contracts) the rest is still “up in the air”. I wouldn’t place stock either way on anything.
@Bmartin001 @PapaGlitch actually if you read their comment they didn't say "some" games would be coming to playstation, they said "some" games would be exclusive to xbox, and let's just say the word "some" isn't a whole lot. So playstation will get quite a few new Bethesda games
@BrilliantBill but Netflix does allow you to purchase stranger things on blu ray so that’s why I’m saying the comparison isn’t 1:1. Like Ms could allow physical games and only streaming Gamepass.
@BrilliantBill I can buy Netflix Originals on the Google Play store bud. And of course, I can buy them on DVD or Blu-ray, but I'm better off just getting a Netflix sub... Which, again, is the whole point
@mousieone I'm in complete agreement. A lot is being made of this comment among fanboys but doesn't really clear anything up. If anything, all it suggests is not ALL games will be exclusive. It was a given that Bethesda would develop some games exclusively for XBox, and so far that seems to be all that has been confirmed.
If it was just Ghostwire and Death Loop, they would say all exclusive beyond those with pre-existing agreements, but the fact that they haven't suggests that it's all very much anybody's guess right now. The only sure thing is that at least some Bethesda games will release on other platforms
@PapaGlitch I’m of the opinion of MS wanted total exclusivity they would have bought Sony out of those contracts I the first place. What’s 100 mil more on a 7.5 billion dollar price tag? 7.6? Gee wiz that’s a lot .. it’s the equivalent of 1 more dollar. And deals like this take time so they knew well before September happened, and June is literally only three months earlier. Plus they timed the announcement with the pre orders so. Literally they knew it was most likely going to happen when Sony announced those games as exclusive.
Now yeah some games will be exclusive, but some won’t. For no other reason than MS doesn’t feel like it needs to with what it’s going for.
There ya go
All right
I guess I dont have a reason to ivest on the xbox ecosystem after all
Now that they have demostrate that they dont care about exclusives or people playing in their platforms I will look at another company that actually treat their costumers well when is about games
7.5b invested just on gamepass, something that they could have easily saved by just doing a deal
I will not even be surprised if most of the games ends running better on ps5 knowing how jason and their group are terrible at making games run well on xbox, that should be their new slogan:
"Games play better on xbox after patches"
But anyways if ms, xbox, phil and every single ***** piece of ***** making those decision really thinks that games are not the first reason why people buy a console, I dont see xbox continue being alive for to much
Over on Push Square they're having a meltdown. Hilarious!
Its funny that no one said that Outer Worlds2, Psychonaut 3 , Wasteland 4, Hellblade 2, etc. have to be multiplat, but on the other side Fallout5, TES6, Doom have to be multiplat.
I mean all of those are sequels to existing multiplat games.
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