Founded by former Lionhead Studios developers from the Fable series, Rogue Sun has announced its previously released (and later removed) VR game Tin Hearts is coming to Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One later this year - following a publishing agreement with Wired Productions.
The puzzle adventure basically operates as Lemmings with a toy box spin, as multiple levels have you creating paths for a line of tin soldiers. Backing this all up appears to be a fairly emotional story that may just bring a tear to your eye. It's evident this was once a VR title from the trailer, but we'll see how well it transitions over to Xbox when it launches.
"Tin Hearts is a Lemmings-style puzzle game that will challenge players to explore beautiful environments, interact with objects, and look at things in new and different ways as they embark on a journey of discovery set in a magical toy-filled universe."
This isn't the first instance of a VR title making the jump, as last year saw The Persistence join the Xbox family. It seems to have had that much of a success that it's also warranted a next-gen patch in the future, so maybe we'll see the same sort of success with Tin Hearts when it drops.
Going to give Tin Hearts a go when it launches? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 2
Love puzzle games, I'll be sure to give this a look.
I have to assume the trailer was just rebranded as the gameplay section looked pretty VR.
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