Reaction: Sony Just Boosted The Value Of Xbox Game Pass Even Further

PlayStation fans have been hit with a barrage of information today following the latest PS5 Showcase event, including the news that some of Sony's first-party titles are getting a price increase.

The company says that select games, such as Demon's Souls, Destruction AllStars, and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition will be increased to £69.99 / $69.99 for the next generation.

Microsoft hasn't given the word yet on what its pricing plans are for next-gen first-party exclusives (and we wouldn't be surprised if it makes adjustments as well), but we do know that it's committed to offering all of its first-party games via Xbox Game Pass moving forward, as detailed on Xbox Wire multiple times over the past few months:

"All Xbox Game Studios titles launch into Xbox Game Pass the same day as their global release, so you decide whether to purchase each game separately or play them all with your Xbox Game Pass membership."

We don't want to rag on the PlayStation 5 (we're fans of the blue brand as well) but there's little doubt that Xbox Game Pass is coming out of Sony's first-party price increase looking a more attractive proposition than ever.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think first-party Xbox titles will get a price increase? Tell us below.
