Crysis Remastered Reportedly Has Major Issues On Xbox One X

The long-awaited release of Crysis Remastered is now officially available on Xbox, but unfortunately it appears to be having some major visual issues at launch on Xbox One X specifically.

As detailed by various early adopters and a review over at Forbes, running the game with Ray-Tracing and HDR settings seemingly causes huge visual glitches, which you can see an example of in the tweet below:

Digital Foundry's John Linneman also says the issues have "been a nightmare" in his experience with the game so far, but he's been talking to developer Crytek and "it sounds like most of them have already been fixed."

The studio reportedly plans to release a day-one patch to iron out some problems, and has told Forbes that it has identified a graphics settings issue in the Xbox One build, with a patch set to arrive early next week.

Have you faced these issues with Crysis Remastered on Xbox One X? Let us know in the comments below.

[source, via]