Poll: Would You Trade Xbox Games With Gold For Free Multiplayer?

There's been a lot of discussion over the past couple of weeks about whether or not Xbox Live Gold might eventually be phased out, following the news that 12 month subscriptions have been removed from the Microsoft Store.

So, let's say it does happen, and the rumours and speculation are correct - what then happens to Xbox Games with Gold? The service has been providing games at no extra charge to Xbox Live Gold subscribers for almost a decade now, and if multiplayer went free, it would likely have to either be phased out or transitioned to Xbox Game Pass.

There are other issues that could crop up with this as well. If Microsoft does away with Xbox Games with Gold, what happens to the vast collections of games that players have built up over the years? Do they remain?

It's a curious scenario, so we want to know how you feel about this. If Microsoft was to do the unthinkable and make Xbox Live multiplayer free, would you be happy to trade Xbox Games with Gold in return? Let us know below.

Would You Trade Xbox Games With Gold For Free Multiplayer?