It's Spring Sale time, and Microsoft has cut the prices of a big old load of games across both Xbox One and Xbox 360. The sale was due to start on the 20th, but it looks like Sunday's Halo World Championship got in the way and held things up. Still, offers are offers, and you'll find the full list of Xbox One deals below. The 360 list will be in a separate article coming up shortly.
In addition to this starting batch, new offers will be available every day for the duration of the sale (or so we're told), and we'll bring you all the information on those.
Xbox One Spring Sale Deals
- Battlefield 4: Premium Edition - 67% off
- Battlefield Hardline - 60% off
- Battlefield Hardline: Deluxe Edition - 60% off
- Battlefield Hardline: Standard Edition - 60% off
- Battlefield Hardline: Ultimate Edition - 60% off
- Bedlam: The Game - 60% off
- Borderlands: The Handsome Collection - 60% off
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition - 60% off
- Call of Duty Black Ops III - 33% off
- Call of Duty Black Ops III: Digital Deluxe Edition - 20% off
- Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - 40% off
- Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Ultimate Edition - 67% off
- Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition - 50% off
- Don't Starve: Giant Edition - 50% off
- Dragon Age Inquisition: Game of the Year Edition - 50% off
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse - 50% off
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse + Season Pass - 50% off
- Elite Dangerous - 33% off
- Fallout 4 - 35% off
- Fallout 4 Deluxe Edition - 40% off
- Far Cry Primal - 17% off
- Far Cry Primal: Apex Edition - 17% off
- FIFA 16 - 60% off
- FIFA 16 Deluxe Edition - 50% off
- FIFA 16 Super Deluxe Edition - 33% off
- Forza Motorsport 6 Deluxe Edition - 40% off
- Forza Motorsport 6 Standard Edition - 40% off
- Forza Motorsport 6 Ultimate Edition - 40% off
- Forza Motorsport 6 and Forza Horizon 2 Bundle - 40% off
- Gears of War: Ultimate Edition - Day One Version - 35% off
- Gears of War: Ultimate Edition - Deluxe Version - 40% off
- Grand Theft Auto V - 35% off
- Grand Theft Auto V and Megalodon Shark Cash Card Bundle - 50% off
- Grand Theft Auto V and Whale Shark Cash Card Bundle - 45% off
- Grand Theft Auto V and White Shark Cash Card Bundle - 40% off
- Halo 5: Guardians - 35% off
- Halo 5: Guardians - Arena Req Bundle - 20% off
- Halo 5: Guardians - Warzone Req Bundle - 20% off
- Halo 5: Guardians: Digital Deluxe Edition - 60% off
- Just Cause 3 - 33% off
- Just Cause 3: XL Edition - 33% off
- Just Dance 2016: Gold Edition - 50% off
- Just Dance Disney Party 2 - 50% off
- LEGO Jurassic World - 40% off
- LEGO Marvel's Avengers - 20% off
- LEGO Marvel's Avengers: Deluxe Edition - 20% off
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - 50% off
- LEGO The Hobbit - 50% off
- LEGO The Movie: The Video Game - 50% off
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Complete Season - 33% off
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Episodes 2 - 5 33% off
- Murdered: Soul Suspect - 75% off
- NBA 2k16 - 33% off
- NBA 2k16 Michael Jordan Special Edition - 40% off
- NBA 2k16 Starter Pack Bundle - 40% off
- NBA 2k16 75, 200k, 450k VC packs - 10% to 40% off
- Need for Speed - 60% off
- Need for Speed: Deluxe Edition - 40% off
- Plague Inc: Evolved - 40% off
- Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 - 17% off
- Powerstar Golf - 50% off
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2016: Digital Exclusive Bundle - 50% off
- Rare Replay - 35% off
- Resident Evil - 20% off
- Resident Evil 0: Complete Costume Pack - 20% off
- Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins Bundle - 30% off
- Resident Evil Revelations 2: Deluxe Edition - 40% off
- Resident Evil Revelations 2: Season Pass - 50% off
- Resident Evil Revelations 2 Extra Episode - Little Miss - 50% off
- Resident Evil Revelations 2 Extra Episode - The Struggle - 50% off
- Rise of the Tomb Raider - 35% off
- Rise of the Tomb Raider: Deluxe Edition - 20% off
- Rock Band 4 - 30% off
- Skylanders Superchargers Portal Owner's Pack - 50% off
- Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition - 75%
- Smite - 400, 800, 1500, 2500, 3500, 8000 Gems Packs - All 33% off
- Smite - Ultimate God Pack Bundle - 50% off
- Sniper Elite 3: Ultimate Edition - 60% off
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - 40% off
- The Crew: Wild Run Edition - 50% off
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Imperial Edition - 60% off
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Premium Edition - 60% off
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited 1500, 3000, 5500 Crowns Packs - 25% to 40% off
- The Escapists & The Escapists Walking Dead - 50% off
- The Telltale Games Collection - 67% off
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 50% off
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt + Expansion Pass - 35% off
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - 40% off
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege: Gold Edition - 45% off
- Transformers Devastation - 50% off
- Unravel - 17% off
- Watch_Dogs Complete Edition - 60% off
- Warframe: 170, 370, 1000, 2100, 3210 Platinum Bundles - 15% to 50% off
- World of Tanks: T-15 New Recruit Kit - 50% off
- World of Tanks: Premium Starter Pack - 25% off
- World of Tanks: Ram II Golden Bundle - 25% off
- WWE 2k16 - 33% off
- WWE 2k16 Digital Deluxe Edition - 45% off
- Zombie Army Trilogy - 50% off
Deals listed above will be available until March 28th inclusive.
Comments 15
Yea I can't for the 360 games details, as well. They are sure to bs insanely cheap. I am hoping for some XBLA titles like Bastion.
@Utena-mobile "35% off of what?"
The price the product usually is...
@Utena-mobile Rise of the Tomb Raider was one of my favourite games of 2015. Its story was probably not as strong or emotional as the reboot was but the game-play and the map - allowing for a deeper but not exceptionally deep RPG elements and the Survival mode gives this more replayability and certainly worth picking up. If you liked the reboot - this is similar but offers more.
Rare Replay is OK but for me it showcases games that really belong in the past.. Its great value (I picked it up for under £10 on disc so maybe worth shopping around) but a lot of the games really haven't stood the test of time so well in my opinion. Maybe its my memory playing tricks as these seemed so much better at the time to how they appear now. There is still enough 'value' for me at the price I paid.
@Utena-mobile I definitely recommend Rare Replay as you can't really argue getting 30 games for that price. I have over 3k achievements from the game and I am still hooked, though I did grow up with these games so they likely hold more appeal for me then most other people. For me it is an essential part of my collection.
Not too much for me on the first day but I will be keeping an eye on them as the week goes on.
A sale for WWE 2K16, but WWE games haven't been the same. I still probably won't get it. :/
Disappointing to be honest, I expected more. The only sale that really made my CC sweat was more than a year ago already, where some Lego titles were down to $8 and we had some real steals on the Kinect front. I really expected this sale to be huge because this is the time of year where we need a gaming injection, but it's mostly prices we already were offered once or more.
I'd highly recommend Rise of the Tomb Raider. That's my favorite current-gen game.
Maybe now is a good excuse to get The Witcher 3, heard nothing but good things about the game and with over 800 awards won it must be that good, seems like a steal at £17.50.
Lots of discounts and this has just begun.
@Utena-mobile Rare Replay is awesome value. I don't play the Spectrum games but most of the N64 and Xbox 360 games that are included are awesome, it doesn't really matter if they are dated. Better looking does not necessarily mean better - talking about games. You get a lot of the magical Rare touch for few euros/dollars.
Regarding Rise of The Tomb Raider, I am tempted too, but will wait to see the PS4 version first.
@Dpishere I bought an Xbox One just recently because of Rare Replay. I've already beaten Perfect Dark, Perfect Dark Zero and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Some chunks every now and then of Killer Instinct Gold, for nostalgia basically, as I believe the reboot is the best entry. Oh, that means I'm not blind because of nostalgia, everyone.
Can't wait to play Kameo and the Banjo trilogy (Kameo and Nuts 'n' Bolts for the first time). Right now I just started Halo (Master Chief Collection) for the first time in my life (chapter 3 of Halo 1 now).
@VanillaLake I definitely agree about the new Killer Instinct. I am pretty good at that one but when I tried to play Gold I was getting my butt kicked all over the floor, and I was playing on easy! I just got an Xbox One last Christmas and believe it or not when I thought of what game I most wanted for the system to play first I didn't think about the hits like Fallout 4 or Witcher 3, though those are excellent games, no the game I was looking forward to playing the most was Rare Replay! I am currently addicted to Lords of the Fallen but I really should get back to getting the achievements for Perfect Dark, and I need to finish up the Zr Spectrum games. Why you wouldn't own this collection is beyond me!
@Dpishere It looks like our stories are very similar indeed. I was waiting for the Xbox One Elite and I didn't find it right away, so we started with it around the same time. Xbox One is better than I expected! And the user interface is great, the best I've ever seen on a console and definitely better than PS4's. Also, I am able to play lots of 360 games, that's great.
@VanillaLake Yeah I am loving the interface myself. So much easier than the other consoles browsing the shop and what not. By the way I added you on Xbox but the dude on there was acting kind of surprised that I added him. Did you receive a request from me because if not I think I may have messed up and punched in the wrong name?
@Dpishere If he asked you Hi! Dpishere?? then it's me!
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